Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Good Practices

Good practices are beneficial to our health so practice it as much as possible. As i have told you, a walk in the reflexology walkway stimulates the nerves and eventually our mental well-being. Sports and hobbies have the same effect. Perspiration is good for the body so if you are not sports-minded, you can go to the sauna. Wearing of the hijab and burkini are designed to protect women from predators.

There was an attorney who was a scion of a business empire who was a shark - the wolf of wall street. He acquires properties through manipulation and influence. Know what, he finely learned that is better to help an individual re-structure his life rather than attempt to destroy him. In doing so, you feel better though you do not know what it does to him. At best, you gained a loyal friend.

I know. Life is not a fairy tale. We mess up, we keep on going cause we are not dumb. So we conceive visions on where are we going.

What do we do on zero gravity? I would grow plants, transfer it to earth and see how it grows.


Okay so we should deal with facts. We teleport sights and sounds via satellite and wifi. Tesla had a vision of teleporting wireless electricity. How to teleport other materials is another mystery we are missing.

We can send people to mars, there are habitable planets aside from planet earth and there are proofs of evolution. Its possible that an exoplanet has civilization similar to earth and that they send a spaceship to earth on a one-way trip. Why? Cause their tech is only capable of a one-way trip. 

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