Sunday, August 30, 2015

Detective Conan

Noir/Hard-boiled crime is what they call the detective fiction from 1940s onwards. From what I remember is there is a man in The Big Sleep who was thought dead but then he is not. Then he survives few times more before eventually going to the big sleep. When we are at peace, we are ready for the big sleep.

The Big Sleep is a hard-boiled crime novel. Its kind of like Double Jeopardy in a way. If you know what I mean. A hard-boiled egg that the shell can easily be peeled. You boil raw egg for ten minutes. Hard-boiled egg spins while a raw egg cannot.

"Double jeopardy is a procedural defence that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same charges following a legitimate acquittal or conviction". Wiki

"Libby Parsons is happily married to Nick and has a wonderful son, Matty. One day while spending the night on their boat, Libby wakes up and finds Nick gone and blood all over the boat and a bloody knife. When an investigation begins, it's discovered that Nick was in financial trouble and had a two million dollar insurance policy. Though Libby claims that she knew nothing about it, she would be convicted and sent to prison. She entrusts Matty to her friend, Angela and it's during one of her calls to Matty that she learns that Nick is alive. And she also learns that since she's already been convicted of killing Nick already, she can kill him and not be charged".

I love detective stories. What's happened to CSI as I remember their woman leader transferred to FBI? I also follow CSI:Miami and CSI:New York. The Cold Case also interests me. Have to catch up on these shows. Needless to say I am follower of Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot and all the fictional detective heroes. Sometimes they are non-fiction.

There is separation of Church and State which prohibits the government to look into the financial status of religions thus religions are free of any government audit. But when it comes to other crimes like murder and the like, the police can investigate Churches. So what is it about money that it is exempted from being investigated?
Luke 20
25 And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's.
The physical things you subject to the government, while the spiritual things belong to God.

The catch is that the government people should be under God's law so there is synchronization.

Like in a husband and wife, their finances and spending should be transparent to each other or else it is a messed up marriage.
2 Corinthians 9
7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
You can give nothing to the collections of the Church. Especially if you are poor. If a religion forces you to give, it smells of corruption.

The husband is protective of his wife. As it should be. Because they are joined into one. This is transparency because it is a joint account. I know a couple who shares just one facebook account. Its because they want transparency on who they are communicating with. Show me who your friends are and I will show you mine.

When a country subjects itself to the United Nations, they must be transparent on their nuclear capabilities, military weapons and projectiles, obey its rules and have compromises.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


James 4
11 Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. 12 There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another? 13 Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: 14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. 15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. 16 But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil. 17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
What is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away? Is your presence in social media worthwhile? Are your activities worthwhile? 

The law is in place so you just have to obey the law. The doctrines are straightforward. Why do you keep on criticizing the law? Why are you judging? BE DOERS. Let the dead bury the dead. If you keep on judging and not doing the law, you will be ran over. The doctrines of Jesus wants you to study and become educated people. To develop you talents to better your lives. It is more fruitful to study and practice than to participate in worthless activities and discussions.

In this case, rather than stay stagnant, Jesus advises to take chances, go to another city to be a businessman. If its the best option you got for your family. If you become prosperous, you are in the position of authority. We need more good people in positions of authority okay? So you can help in peacemaking and peacekeeping to influence more people. Its a pinball effect. Snowball effect. Because doing the right thing brings together people while evil promotes hostility and bad blood.
2 Corinthians 9
7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
Have fun and enjoyments but evaluate your lives first. There is a time for everything. 

Some rhymes I throw:

cody's slick as silk, so fine like sandy silt
like im filled with wit, dominating like wilt the stilt
yar not a connor but i will be yar terminator
bodyslam yo to tha floor, and throw ya ass out tha door.

I just visited my old handles in the forums cause it has been my playground about ten years ago. I call myself Cody in It was fun because you also virtually bet on the boxing matches. You can learn culture from different countries in the lounges. I go to to interact with my fellows. Forums are where you talk about nonsense to serious topics like philosophy, religion, metaphysics and the occult.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Customs and Traditions

2 Corinthians 9
7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
People likes cheerful people because they are bubbly, fun and exciting. Who wouldn't want to be with these kind of people? 
Mark 11
22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. 23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. 24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
Think positive okay? Because it is the golden rule.

So when we think of customs and traditions, we retain the cheerful ones. I think the street dancing and chanting are amusing and entertaining. Like here we kiss the hand of our elders as sign of respect. My cousins refer to us as Big Brothers and Big Sisters because our father is older than their father. Imagine a grown man saying Big Brother to a child. It is odd but nonetheless amusing and harmless.

Nowadays aside from tourism, the internet and media gives you a view of the customs and traditions of people from all over the globe. 

Hey do you know that the Caste system in India was already abolished upon their independence in 1950? Yes just watched a documentary about this in ArirangTV. I was not informed earlier. They have this Dalit people who lived in the slums because they are still being looked down upon. Probably this is the inspiration of Slumdog Millionaire. Its about a boy from the hood of Indian slums who participated in the contest Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and wins it from his accumulated knowledge. 

So when you do not develop your people, you will not develop yourself. Because progress is co-dependence. We need peacemakers in India. Isn't it much sweeter if Indians become peacemakers themselves because it is their own land and people? 

Bruce Lee and his master Ip Man

Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen became great players and led the team into championships because they challenged each other in the gym. Like Maverick and Iceman are Top Guns because the rivals pushed each other in competition. Of course they have the talent in the first place so they developed it. Like we said we have to have contentment. Because we are gifted with varying talents. So do not be bitter when people are better than you. Nor look down upon people who are less talented than you are.

Am I crying because I cannot jump? I am not. I can only dribble about 6 times before pulling to a stop. I only play in sandlots. I cannot fly a plane. I'm a frustrated actor. Just learn to be confident with your abilities okay?

The writer/director of Slumdog Millionaire is M. Night Shyamalan who is also known for the horror/suspense movie The Sixth Sense. It has the tagline "I see dead people". The movie is about a boy who sees ghosts and the character of Bruce Willis who does not understand why he lost connection with his wife. The surprise ending is that the man realized he is a ghost himself.
Shyamalan also produced Unbreakable which also stars Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson who played as mutants who represent the extreme ends of a spectrum. Bruce Willis is like the physically powerful "hero" who ran into accidents but comes out unscathed at all times. He reported for work with no absences ever recorded. He faked shoulder injury in college football because he wants to live normally. In contrast with the "villain" Samuel L. Jackson is like the cartoon character Megamind with an amazing mind but his bones are brittle so he is injured all the time in accidents. But he is a mutant so he always survive.

Of course in the UK and their offspring Malaysia and Singapore, it is a right hand drive over there because I read Jack Higgins and Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan. From the flags, Australia and New Zealand are expats. Is it true that the IRA punisher is a gunshot to the knee cap cause you be crippled? Is it peaceful to go there in Ireland? Because they supposed to be natural sharpshooters. Or so I read. Is there a leprechaun? Its the logo of the Boston Celtics so they represent Irish people. India is not an expat cause it is not patterned after the UK. Find a new road okay?

Leprechauns are bankers in Harry Potter. Harry Potter has four houses. A-HA. So the story is really about England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Neat. Of course Harry has to be in England.

So what we showing here is co-dependency. Like mentor-ship in the case of Ip Man and Bruce Lee. In Slam Dunk, it is the art of passing between teammates to win in basketball. The master and student pushes each other to get better. Teammates push each other to get better. Rivals also push each other to get better. But like in sports, we must uphold the values of sportsmanship which promotes fairness, ethics and respect to competitors. I'm not saying you be chummy with rivals. Be yourself cause if you pissed off, you just avoid them. 


Leviticus 17
11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the bloodthat maketh an atonement for the soul. 12 Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood. 13 And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, which hunteth and catcheth any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust. 14 For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.
Can the physical atone for the spiritual? For us humans it is an absolute yes. Because giving gifts makes a loved one happy. Physical and spiritual gifts makes us happy because we have a physical body and spiritual body. However for God who is spiritual, can he understand the language?

A woman giving birth to a baby covered with blood is why ancient people associated blood with life and commanded blood not to be eaten. Also the menstruation of females that shows blood leaving the body is likened to life leaving the body. Thus females are rendered inferior. But we live in modern times, this is not true. Truth is women are untapped resources because in spirit, they are equal to men. The growth and progress of a nation is reflective of their women workforce.

My understanding of the menstrual cycle is this is a sign that a woman is ready to procreate. Like menopause says that the females are infertile. However they say that the playground is still open. 

How to apply this in the spiritual? What does it say in the New Testament?

Getting pregnant and having to labor at giving birth is like when you suffered great evils in achieving a goal. 
Matthew 5
1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: 2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
It is the same with learning knowledge. When you thirst and hunger for food for the brains, you should take great pains in studying because your reward is you become prosperous, happy and fulfilled in life. Peace.
Matthew 26
26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. 27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; 28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.29 But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.
Acts 10
9 On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour: 10 And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, 11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: 12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. 13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat. 14 But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. 15 And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.
So you eat the body and drink the blood. Do not drink it raw like Dracula okay? Of course we cook it first. We have a delectable blood stew over here in the PH.

This is a dish called Dinuguan which contains pork meat and blood with spices boiled in a stew. So in english, it is called Pork Blood Stew. I do not know about beef blood. But chicken blood is also tasty but is not cooked this way cause the chicken blood solidifies in open air.

Okay I have said that you do fasting when you get tested for diseases so the blood is dirty. But I am not a doctor or nutritionist okay? I think the bacteria dies when you cook it. That is why you also cook meat because meat has bacteria. There is also blood in the meat so you cannot fully extract it. So if you say we should not eat blood then you should not eat meat. Because meat has blood. Besides the animal is not fasting. Except for cats. Fishes and crustaceans has blood as well. So what is the difference? The trees, plants and vegetables also have blood because they bleed. What is left for you to eat if you do not want to eat blood?

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Mind Your Manners

What do you think about this picture? I seen this on facebook and read some reactions. 

"Selfish. They should have given the seat to the woman. Ungentlemanly. First come, first served. This happens everyday. Persons with disability and pregnant women. What happened? Despicable sight to see. Chivary exists no more. Always like this. This is normal in the LRT. Those men should be ashamed. Gentlemen is a dying breed. Thick face, they racing to the seats. Its because they paid for their seats so they do not care about other people. Correct, times have changed. Girl is not pretty. Those guys would have been scampering to give their seats to a beautiful woman. This is the trend. These boys are true gentlemen."

Stop it okay?

Firstly you must know that you are looking at just a small piece of the big picture. Appearances can deceive so do not judge people quickly. Do you know the whole story? If you know what happened then you can judge.

I tell you I was giving my seat to a standing woman in a situation like this but she refused because she is going off at the next station. In my trips on the LRT, the men usually offer the seats to the women, the elderly and PWD.

Have a nice day, judges.


"Dogs have got this fantastic sense of smell; three-hundred million sensory receptors, us humans have five million. So they're very, very good at finding minute odors. What we now know is that cancer cells that are dividing differently have different volatile organic compounds -- smelly compounds -- that are associated with the cells. And dogs with their incredible sense of small can find these in things like breath and urine," said Dr. Claire Guest who co-founded charity Medical Detection Dogs in 2008 to train specialist dogs to detect human diseases.
I get it that dogs can be trained for sniffing purposes since they have incredible sense of smell. The cons I believe is that they can also be easily distracted depending on the mood of the dog. If the dog is hungry, his attention is on the food and not on the work tasked upon the dog.

Compared to a mosquito which has few smell receptors.
Researchers discovered a receptor that mosquitoes use to detect both carbon dioxide and skin odor, and they identified compounds that interact with the receptor. The findings may help guide strategies to control mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit.
Mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide and skin odor from humans and animals and this is their weapon to hunt for food. Life is much simpler for the mosquito.

So what does this teaches us?

The mosquito has a one-track mind. To search for food. So I think we should trust the doctors and modern cancer management researchers in finding the cancer cells because this is their life.

What I am saying is it is okay to have bomb sniffing dogs cause a bomb is not a food. However if when dogs try to sniff cancer cells in humans or flesh, we will have far from conclusive results because meat is also dog food.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Hullo guys. Below are images of the Hubble Telescope and the SETI research facility for extra-terrestrial sounds.

SETI Observations - "Over great distances that gas and dust absorb many types of radiation but radio waves pass through nearly unimpeded".

I am just thinking if this is an assumption or the accepted truth. What if there are invisible acoustic panels at the earth's perimeter which block the radio signals? Then grounded satellite disks cannot receive the signals.

I have the basic knowledge on this. But they moved the Hubble telescope into outer space because there are obstructions like the clouds. So is it possible to move the SETI research into outer space as well? Of course we have radio and television signals from satellites. What I am saying is beyond the orbit. 

Hey I am just throwing ideas and you expert guys can answer.

Food Stories

Hi. I think I just wanna talk about my favorite food.

I am a beef guy okay so I eat anything beef. You can't miss the beef fat. Chicken and pork are next in the top tier. I tasted goat meat but I do not like it. Fishes, I would say I am squeamish with the smell so it has to be fresh or else I do not like it. I also like crustaceans shrimp, prawn and crabs. Yes a shrimp is not a prawn because prawns have one or two claws.

Hey do you know you can get rich in selling shrimp? There was this vendor in Quiapo who sells 'shrimp adobo'. Its a spicy hot tiny bits of shrimp cooked in soy and coconut milk. It tastes so great that many people buy it and the vendor's vending place is ideal cause there are crowds of people going to and fro the church. This is old news but it is said that the vendor already went to the US.

I told you domestic helpers, it is better for you here. All you need is knowledge and guts and perseverance.

Let us talk about veggies. I love my string beans and green peas. I can eat this all day, everyday. I thrive on these. I also like tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage and other leafy vegetables. We have a local seaweed that is tasty when you dunk in vinegar. Oh yes there's the shells that you have to pick the meat out of the shells with a toothpick and you dunk in vinegar. Awesome taste I tell you.

Speaking of string beans, there is a distinct difference between the string beans in Malaysia and the Philippines. I detected a sweet taste in Malaysian string beans while string beans in the Philippines taste like vegetables. Believe me its the truth.

I'm rather wary on the fried food so I try to limit my consumption of pizza, chicken wings and stuff. My maximum is two pieces of pizza.

When it comes to drinks, I miss the barbican pomegranate. Its a soda in the UAE.

I can cook no doubt about it but when I feel lazy, this is my 'that one move.' Its a can of century tuna in vegetable oil. I put the contents into the nonstick pan, bring to a boil and stir. Water evaporates and makes a yummy crunchy crust. Mix in the green peas and you are good to go.

Do you know that cats eat bread? I know my style is getting old already. Hope I can write more useful articles. :D

Peacemaker, Peacekeeper or Co-dependent

Hello. Good Morning folks. This is a commentary on the article of the same title from Mr. Bart Breen.

People are divergent thus capable of being a peacemaker, a peacekeeper and co-dependent all at the same time.

A peacemaker is a person who initiates peace in a chaotic place.

A peacekeeper is a person who maintains peace in a peaceful place.

We are co-dependent to each other regardless of age, class etcetera because we have an eco-system for healthy bio-diversity or else we stagnate. No man is an island.

People will have different views and mindset.

Case in point is Kim Jae-youn who wrote a letter about the Philippines. The korean visited the Bilibid prison because he is a peacemaker. I seen the prisons only on television and videos. So we will have a different view already. I guess I am a peacekeeper. As of yet.

What is the extent of violence I saw. I seen a man dying of bullet wounds in a sidewalk in Paranaque. I seen two angry drivers go side by side when one driver cuts the way of another driver. They raced metal to metal to say a hundred meter stretch. I was inside the FX taxi while the other vehicle is a jeepney. I seen an angry driver pull out a steel pipe and attacks another driver because of another traffic altercation. I seen a rumble between one student versus a group of four fraternity boys. I seen several rumbles in this neighborhood. Nothing serious, just ego-driven stand-offs. I see a husband and wife who frequently have a shouting match usually when there is a celebration here meaning booze.

However I also see a lot of good things about the Philippines because we have government and religions that maintains the peace. Here is a good soil. As a whole it is peaceful here. What is lacking is the strictest implementation of peacekeeping. We have the laws and values but we need tons of discipline.

But it is not the same for all localities. In Mindanao, from the news I have seen is quite problematic so we need peacemakers in there to help our Muslim brothers and sisters. And all the people there of course.
Matthew 5
9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Galatians 5
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
When you are a good person, you will initiate peace thus it brings you love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness and faith when you change people for the better.

Meanwhile if you are an evil person, it will show in your actions and products. You will not teach other people because there is hatred and enviousness in your heart that you will be surpassed in knowledge and fame.
Galatians 5
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Hey guys, its me again. I want to tell you another story because I miss you. The PH hosts billiard tournaments quite often so this is about billiards. I told you the eliminations round is what you watch because you see most of the players. The finals is also important because it is when we finally determine the winner.

Okay so this is about the billiards international open final between Thorsten Hohmann and local player Carlo Biado. Of course we know about Hohmann, the decorated youngish German player. Hohmann leads early, the margin is about 7 to 2 in a race to 11.

Biado is a good player, has good putting skills and has the smarts in placing and preparation. He just needs experience playing with the big boys. So Biado eventually gets the table back, I don't remember the detail. He strings up racks to close the gap 6-7 cause its the winner breaks format. Of course its a local crowd so we all for Biado. The claps gets louder as he climbs the scores. I get jealous on the ones clapping so I clapped as loud as them.

I thought I am gonna one-up these guys so I wanna clap quicker than them. I want to be the starter. Biado breaks the balls and immediately after the balls scattered, I clapped loudly and vigorously.

No one clapped with me. Turns out that Biado did not sink any of the balls.

I was at the back of the crowd encircling the billiard table so they looked back at me. I felt like melting with the harsh, searching and unforgiving eyes. I slowly went away and watched the conclusion from afar.

The moral of the story is do not assume too much. Because it is better to be unassuming. As an audience, the proper etiquette is to respect the players so that their games will not be affected. Because they are also human beings who have emotions.


My definition of souvenir is sharing. Sharing of thoughts, experiences, love and memories. An OFW is an Overseas Foreign Worker so you are a worker working in a foreign land. So the way for these people to communicate with their loved ones is through souvenirs.

I think a letter or snail mail or postcards is the number one souvenir because it is a personal account of your thoughts - dreams and frustrations and love and hate. Yes it can be emotional if you are an emotional person. If you are not emotional then you are a rock. But the soft waters of a stream can penetrate a person who is a rock. Kindness can rock the hard at heart. I guess music, the arts and all the good stuff has the same effect. 

I tell you about Filipinos because we like to send balikbayan boxes. Its a big box full of souvenirs.

“At present, there are an estimated 1,500 containers of balikbayan boxes a month, translating to around 18,000 containers a year, or around 7.2 million boxes. Inspections are made on the basis of actual intelligence of a potential violation or threat,” he said.

As you can see, Filipinos are naturally thoughtful, kind and loving people so be kind to us.

We go abroad because there is better opportunity there. Normally the salary is three times more than we would get here so we just go to uncharted territory for ourselves and our family. It is worth for the professionals and skilled workers because the salary is proportional if you know what I mean. 

I do not like it that we go abroad to be domestic helpers for meager salary. Its not worth it that you leave your family especially the women because they are homemakers and they are weaker vessels that are exposed to danger abroad. I think its better for them to cultivate the countryside and get into small and medium-scale businesses. Believe me, life is better for them here. 

The reason filipino men allow their wives to work abroad is because she can earn more than he can? Wrong. Stupid. Lazy. You are a certified faggot. Man up and wear the pants.

There are few exceptions I must say cause there are also rare women presidents and leaders. There has to be a sign from angels which means you let your wife work abroad because of love. A selfless act which means the wife develops her career abroad. The best thing to do in this case is to join the wife abroad. Because the law said, the husband and wife will be together always, let no man separate. There is nothing between. Not people, not work, nothing can separate you. 

For men working abroad, you have to endure cause it is what it is. You have no choice but to provide for the family. Because this is the best option you have. In the meantime connect to your family through social media. 

This applies to all families so this is a universal law.

I have been to five countries abroad - UAE, Palau, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore respectively and these are souvenirs.

Here is a story though. I was strolling in a Malaysia mall wearing same Chelsea shirt above when I saw a white couple walking towards my direction. As I figured later, they are British. The man pulls out both hands to a gun and acts like shooting me. He said We defeated you. Alright? Manchester United. The wife I suppose is laughing and saying like Do not mind him. I just laughed it off. Later I saw in the news that Manchester United beats Chelsea. I do not follow club football that much. The World Cup though is a must-see sporting event.  

So what does this teaches us? Is to buy more shirts so that you have different looks when shooting selfies.

Healthy Foods

Hi folks. I am here to talk about the law in eating healthy foods. This is my research from health books that you have to eat nutritious food composing one-thirds protein, two-thirds carbohydrates and a small amount of oil.

Good sources of protein are skinless chicken, turkey, fish, lean meat, egg whites, low-fat dairy products and tofu.

You get good carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits while grains, pasta, cereals, potatoes, corn, carrots, banana and raisins are not so good because they have a high insulin effect.

Good fat is mono-unsaturated. You find this in olive oil, nuts and omega 3 fats from fish and fish oil.
Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that allows your body to use sugar (glucose) from carbohydrates in the food that you eat for energy or to store glucose for future use. Insulin helps keeps your blood sugar level from getting too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia).
My understanding is high insulin means you have low blood sugar and low insulin is high blood sugar. You have to maintain to balance the insulin (or blood sugar) to have a healthy diet so we check on the symptoms:

The symptoms for high blood sugar are the need for frequent urination, drowsiness, nausea, extreme hunger or thirst, and blurring of the vision.

For low blood sugar the symptoms are shaking, fast heartbeat, sweating, anxiety, dizziness, extreme hunger, weakness and tiredness, and irritability.

So the symptoms are basically the same. I dunno because these symptoms are also seen in other diseases. When you are feeling unwell is you have a problem. Check first if it is emotional problem. When you sure it is not an emotional problem then check your food diet.

I guess when you feel weak and tired is you have to eat more good carbohydrates and protein and when you feel the need for frequent urination is you have to eat more good carbohydrates and protein.

I think it is better go to the doctor for expert advice.

I like Pesto but you need healthy oil so you need to use olive oil. 

Basic ingredients:
1. Herb - basil, spinach, kale, garlic scores, parsley, cilantro, arugula
2. Nut - pine, almond, walnut, pecan, macadamia
3. Garlic - vary the amounts
4. Cheese - parmesan, romano, asiago and other hard cheese
5. Olive oil

Blend ingredients in a food processor until finely chopped. 

Toss pasta with pesto and veggies like tomatoes, broccoli and artichokes, stir teaspoonful into hot soup before serving, spread thin layer into french bread for snacks or melt over fish and steamed vegetables.

Monday, August 24, 2015


We talked about the best time to study is during the daylight. So when we talk of elementary and high school students, their schedule is usually from 8am to 4am. Teachers like to give daily assignments. Which is not profitable for learning according to the law. Let the students play and relax at home because they been studying all day. Their mind and body is already tired from daytime activities so why burden them further with assignments?
Confucius. "I once spent a day without food and the night without sleep to meditate. But it produced little results. I should have been learning instead". 
This means Confucius studies during daytime. Night time is for relaxation and entertainment. Relax, see a movie. Dine out occasionally. Unwind through the arts. Listen to music. Read. Act. Sing. Dance. Paint. And so on.

The best day to give assignments is during Fridays because these students can work at it on the daytime of Saturdays and Sundays. Understood?

With university and college students, since they have varying schedules, it is okay that the teachers give assignments daily because the students can work at it during daylight.

In relaxation, we entertain ourselves with entertainment. I also watch The Walking Dead. I read their new season premiers today PH time. What annoys me though is that the actors seem so relaxed when the danger of zombies are just around. You supposed to be on guard always. However I do not see realistic danger in the faces of the actors. Its like a teen drama to be blunt about it.

Why I watch TWD? You watch the end part cause that is when all the action happens. Believe it or not. Its when the zombies, cliffhangers and haunting church music chimes in to scare the shit out of the people.

I think zombie films and tv series should have a formidable zombie antagonist/s. In TWD we do not see this because all the zombies are just small fry. Its people versus people that is why it is a teen drama. People just shoot them like they are nothing - shoot with guns, slice them with samurai, shoot with arrows, hit them with blunt weapons... Why think lowly of the zombies? My ideal zombie antagonists are the Nemesis in RE3 and Saddler in RE4 because they are powerful. The movie John Carpenter's Ghost of Mars is just as awesome.

nice build. me likes


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Hosting Rights

So the Philippines lost the hosting rights for the 2019 World Cup of basketball to China. We might as well go to China because they host everything. I am just kidding. Because they won it fair and square. What the PH should learn from this is that babies crawl before they learn to walk.

Okay so that means the baby steps is that to host minor tournaments and when you are ready and qualified, then you have the better chance of hosting major events.

Like in the Southeast Asian Games (SEAG) is the basic international tournament this side of the world. Are the venues prepared? What have you been doing to ease the traffic? What are the measures you doing to modernize the woeful internet speed which is valuable for international media people?

Now you know why you lost the bid okay?

The airport should also be easily accessible which is not the case here. Unless you have your own transpo or you get a taxi cab. My suggestion is the government gets a foreign consultant because they been there, done that. We cannot just copy the schemes of neighboring countries because we have a different situation. 

I have a suggestion. It is way easier to build from scratch than to repair and renovate an existing problem. Outside Metro Manila are developing cities. We choose the best city to develop infrastructure built to sustain the estimated population of a capital city. We can also go to the Visayas and Mindanao. 

First step is we accept that Metro Manila is not designed for a big population. So we will have acceptance. The next step is to find a suitable place to design and plan.

How about hosting the X-Games though? I like the speed climbing the best because of the dino jump. Dino as in a dinosaur? Can a dinosaur climb at least? I think it should be called a cat jump. The boulder climb is also interesting because it is like solving a problem. I also like to see the big airs in the bmx, skate boards and roller blades categories. Guys like The Condor, The Canadian Beast, Dave Mirra, Tony Hawk are the best.

Think Positive

And today the greatest means - the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion. And we who are standing here - our parents wanted us. Our children, we want them, we love them, but what of millions. Many people are very, very concerned with the children in India, with the children in Africa where quite a number die, maybe of malnutrition, of hunger and so on, but millions are dying deliberately by the will of the mother. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today. Because if a mother can kill her own child - what is left for me to kill you and you kill me - there is nothing between. And this I appeal in India, I appeal everywhere: Let us bring the child back, and this year being the child's year: What have we done for the child?
I do not think this is a good message to give to people. Do not assume that all people can understand your point of view because people we have varied levels of understanding so you can be misquoted and misunderstood. I think she meant well but this has a negative connotation.

The mother gives birth to a child, is it now okay to kill the child? When there is no child, is it okay to kill one another? I just do not get it.

The reason you want to have a family is born out of love thus the baby is made of love. You love the baby that you have plans for the baby.

The greatest destroyer of peace is being uneducated, ignorant and corrupt so we must educate people and show love to evil people. Because if a Mother loves her child, then you and me can love the baby and we can love one another. Love conquers all. Apparently not. Because the flashlight does not pass through a cloud of smog. Let the dead bury their dead. Then again, death becomes us so love conquers all things. Because death conquers evil people. Because death means peace to good people.

This is why you have to seize the day. Life is a journey not a destination. So not worry about things that are out of your hands. Instead you should get out and enjoy. Have an organizer so you be reminded of things you written. Only important things. Think positive okay?


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Story Time

Jesus taught in parables, metaphors and miracles because it is for people of all ages. He is a story teller. He tells fantasy stories because kids like it. Like we like Disney films. Even grown ups like fairy tales. Do you watch fairy tales?

He mentions the prophets in the Old Testament so that they can relate to people. I tell you black people from Africa, you tell them Drogba and they can relate to you because they love their football. As well as Europe. And in the Americas, they also love football with the exception of the US and Canada who are into American football and hockey respectively. Asia is diverse though so you have to go to country to country. Like the Philippines is no doubt a basketball country. It is called communication skills.

Its like the Prince of Thieves is Robinhood. He steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Its not like Jesus is a wolf in a sheep's clothing because he is the shepherd looking for the ones that are lost.

There is not an honest mechanic okay? So do not worry about it because you are in good hands.

So what does Breaking Bad teaches? Walt has terminal cancer and his love for his family pushes him to cook meth. Because a man has to provide for his family. Wrong state of mind. Walt did not see that Skyler is a great wife. She is a great person because she has great values. She knows that selling drugs is bad for people so she opposes her husband vehemently. She was disappointed and frustrated upon learning about it. Grudgingly she helps him launder the dirty money. But as we all know, the show ended up badly. Or greatly.

Okay Walt is a Physics teacher and he was sideswiped in founding a multi-million dollar company. His son Walt Jr is physically impaired and another baby is on the way. So there is necessity, bitterness and anger. Probably Walt distanced himself because he is married to Skyler. Because he has a previous relationship with the one he has worked with. What Walt should have done is seek help from his wife because the husband and wife is one. Walt tells Skyler the problem, then they would have come up with a better solution because his wife supports him. They might not live comfortably but their conscience is clear. They are rich in the spirit. 

Wait, he did told her about it but his pride and greed prevailed. This is difficult you know. Truth is I do not know what I would have done in this situation. I guess we just have to pray to God that this do not happen to us.

How about Jesse? I think he has to meet a person who changes him for the better. Because he is a college dropout, meth cook and addict. He is uninspired and has no direction in life. Jesus looks for lost people like him. For people who knows what it is to do the right thing, you have to reach out for lost people.

Internet Speed

What is wrong with this picture? 3.6Mbps is not a good soil to surf the internet. There has to be a congress and senate inquiry on why this is the problem. Who are the service providers? Who makes profit with a slow internet service? Monopoly? What are the proposed solutions? How? When? Where is the coverage?

Closing cycles.

I guess text messaging is soon to be obsolete. Same situation as landline telephones. Because telegrams and beepers have become extinct. They have to give way to faster, clearer and more convenient ways of communication. The snail mail though will always be around because it is romantic to write letters and send it to your sweetheart.

So the problem is when social media is slow although I take it there is freedom in expressing yourselves. The bigger problem is when you have fast internet speed but the people cannot utilize its power.
"Love your fellow men. Do not do to others what you do not wish to be done to yourself. Desiring to sustain oneself, one sustains others; desiring to develop oneself, one develops others". Confucius.
Slower internet speed delays the progress of a nation because you be pissed off at the speed that you postpone your work. When internet use is disallowed, the nation stagnates because when people are not benefiting from the technology, there is no movement or learning to be had. We talked about before that we must educate and get ideas from the middle class people.

Take Off

Hello people! I miss you so much. Nice to see you again. You look fantastic as ever. Welcome to my new blog.

The countryside is beautiful so I urge you folks to visit the country. Better yet, its a good idea to move to the country so that you can breathe fresh air. Also the crowd and vehicle problem in the metro city will be minimized. Its ideal for senior citizens to retire in the province because you can also readily get the primary needs there. Of course health is the problem for the olds so there must be a competent hospital or health center nearby.

I think in the past, it is necessary to go to city because that is where learning and progress converge. So if you look at civilizations, their golden age comes where there is a surplus in population. Because with a large population, it is safe to say that there are also large number of educated people among them. And when the minds of these educated people synchronized for the common good, there is renaissance. The requisite to renaissance therefore is plant good seeds and the good soil is a stable political situation and a government type which encourages growth.

Today, physical interaction is not as important because people can connect through the internet. And the knowledge you get from it is limitless cause there is always not enough time to surf the internet. The internet is greater than the Alexandria library. But like in physical libraries, if you go in there to check on the chicks, you will learn little to nothing. Make your internet visits profitable for the mind and body.

The primitive way of farming is to slash and burn which makes the soil fertile. But the nutrients get depleted so we make fertilizers like a compost to replenish the earth. Nature's way of getting back the nutrients, as cruel as it may seem, is through typhoons, quakes and volcanic eruptions.
If you absolutely need to use fertilizers, make sure you use ones designed for vegetable gardening. Ferts all have a 3 number system which designates Nitrogen-Phosphorous-and Potassium. They are represented by 3 numbers. ##-##-##. Make sure the middle number is higher than the other two numbers. For example 5-10-5 or 2-6-2. If you use a fert with a high N number, you’ll have great big, green plants, but very little fruit on the vines. 
Now farmers can apply this formula to their place. From that information, we also know the plants evolved over time because of the quantity of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. From the blog is I devise in my mind what kind of irrigation can be used and step by step planting. For more details, check out KC Tomato Times.

This is how the internet converges the teaching and learning from all over the world.

What makes a country stable? I think there would be waves and ripples in the seas so these are movements or obstacles that people can navigate across safely. Learning stagnates in still water and there is chaos in stormy waters.

So nature suggests the best way in studying is there are mild distractions like the sounds from a zen garden water fountain and/or instrumental music.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
“What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” – Albert Einstein
Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everything—including our own bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, can sound frequencies affect us? They sure can. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavor of a meal. The way frequencies affect the physical world has been demonstrated through various experiments such as the science of Cymatics and water memory.
Hey people I'm not trying to sound like a know-it-all. Actually I do not understand what Einstein is saying. There are particles within the atom and they have movements. However it is not in our frequency so we cannot hear it. Is there a matter that is too loud that it is not in our frequency? What does Einstein mean in saying There is no matter?