Monday, August 24, 2015


We talked about the best time to study is during the daylight. So when we talk of elementary and high school students, their schedule is usually from 8am to 4am. Teachers like to give daily assignments. Which is not profitable for learning according to the law. Let the students play and relax at home because they been studying all day. Their mind and body is already tired from daytime activities so why burden them further with assignments?
Confucius. "I once spent a day without food and the night without sleep to meditate. But it produced little results. I should have been learning instead". 
This means Confucius studies during daytime. Night time is for relaxation and entertainment. Relax, see a movie. Dine out occasionally. Unwind through the arts. Listen to music. Read. Act. Sing. Dance. Paint. And so on.

The best day to give assignments is during Fridays because these students can work at it on the daytime of Saturdays and Sundays. Understood?

With university and college students, since they have varying schedules, it is okay that the teachers give assignments daily because the students can work at it during daylight.

In relaxation, we entertain ourselves with entertainment. I also watch The Walking Dead. I read their new season premiers today PH time. What annoys me though is that the actors seem so relaxed when the danger of zombies are just around. You supposed to be on guard always. However I do not see realistic danger in the faces of the actors. Its like a teen drama to be blunt about it.

Why I watch TWD? You watch the end part cause that is when all the action happens. Believe it or not. Its when the zombies, cliffhangers and haunting church music chimes in to scare the shit out of the people.

I think zombie films and tv series should have a formidable zombie antagonist/s. In TWD we do not see this because all the zombies are just small fry. Its people versus people that is why it is a teen drama. People just shoot them like they are nothing - shoot with guns, slice them with samurai, shoot with arrows, hit them with blunt weapons... Why think lowly of the zombies? My ideal zombie antagonists are the Nemesis in RE3 and Saddler in RE4 because they are powerful. The movie John Carpenter's Ghost of Mars is just as awesome.

nice build. me likes


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