Saturday, August 22, 2015

Story Time

Jesus taught in parables, metaphors and miracles because it is for people of all ages. He is a story teller. He tells fantasy stories because kids like it. Like we like Disney films. Even grown ups like fairy tales. Do you watch fairy tales?

He mentions the prophets in the Old Testament so that they can relate to people. I tell you black people from Africa, you tell them Drogba and they can relate to you because they love their football. As well as Europe. And in the Americas, they also love football with the exception of the US and Canada who are into American football and hockey respectively. Asia is diverse though so you have to go to country to country. Like the Philippines is no doubt a basketball country. It is called communication skills.

Its like the Prince of Thieves is Robinhood. He steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Its not like Jesus is a wolf in a sheep's clothing because he is the shepherd looking for the ones that are lost.

There is not an honest mechanic okay? So do not worry about it because you are in good hands.

So what does Breaking Bad teaches? Walt has terminal cancer and his love for his family pushes him to cook meth. Because a man has to provide for his family. Wrong state of mind. Walt did not see that Skyler is a great wife. She is a great person because she has great values. She knows that selling drugs is bad for people so she opposes her husband vehemently. She was disappointed and frustrated upon learning about it. Grudgingly she helps him launder the dirty money. But as we all know, the show ended up badly. Or greatly.

Okay Walt is a Physics teacher and he was sideswiped in founding a multi-million dollar company. His son Walt Jr is physically impaired and another baby is on the way. So there is necessity, bitterness and anger. Probably Walt distanced himself because he is married to Skyler. Because he has a previous relationship with the one he has worked with. What Walt should have done is seek help from his wife because the husband and wife is one. Walt tells Skyler the problem, then they would have come up with a better solution because his wife supports him. They might not live comfortably but their conscience is clear. They are rich in the spirit. 

Wait, he did told her about it but his pride and greed prevailed. This is difficult you know. Truth is I do not know what I would have done in this situation. I guess we just have to pray to God that this do not happen to us.

How about Jesse? I think he has to meet a person who changes him for the better. Because he is a college dropout, meth cook and addict. He is uninspired and has no direction in life. Jesus looks for lost people like him. For people who knows what it is to do the right thing, you have to reach out for lost people.

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