Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Food Stories

Hi. I think I just wanna talk about my favorite food.

I am a beef guy okay so I eat anything beef. You can't miss the beef fat. Chicken and pork are next in the top tier. I tasted goat meat but I do not like it. Fishes, I would say I am squeamish with the smell so it has to be fresh or else I do not like it. I also like crustaceans shrimp, prawn and crabs. Yes a shrimp is not a prawn because prawns have one or two claws.

Hey do you know you can get rich in selling shrimp? There was this vendor in Quiapo who sells 'shrimp adobo'. Its a spicy hot tiny bits of shrimp cooked in soy and coconut milk. It tastes so great that many people buy it and the vendor's vending place is ideal cause there are crowds of people going to and fro the church. This is old news but it is said that the vendor already went to the US.

I told you domestic helpers, it is better for you here. All you need is knowledge and guts and perseverance.

Let us talk about veggies. I love my string beans and green peas. I can eat this all day, everyday. I thrive on these. I also like tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage and other leafy vegetables. We have a local seaweed that is tasty when you dunk in vinegar. Oh yes there's the shells that you have to pick the meat out of the shells with a toothpick and you dunk in vinegar. Awesome taste I tell you.

Speaking of string beans, there is a distinct difference between the string beans in Malaysia and the Philippines. I detected a sweet taste in Malaysian string beans while string beans in the Philippines taste like vegetables. Believe me its the truth.

I'm rather wary on the fried food so I try to limit my consumption of pizza, chicken wings and stuff. My maximum is two pieces of pizza.

When it comes to drinks, I miss the barbican pomegranate. Its a soda in the UAE.

I can cook no doubt about it but when I feel lazy, this is my 'that one move.' Its a can of century tuna in vegetable oil. I put the contents into the nonstick pan, bring to a boil and stir. Water evaporates and makes a yummy crunchy crust. Mix in the green peas and you are good to go.

Do you know that cats eat bread? I know my style is getting old already. Hope I can write more useful articles. :D

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