Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Hey all. How are you? I miss you guys. I just seen Straight Outta Compton which tells us the rise of the rap group NWA in Compton, California and their offshoots. Its a movie about friendship, independence and dreams. Its similar to how Seattle's Nirvana popularized Grunge music. Change is inevitable that is why people grow. When people grow, they wanna go out and create something. That's the way life goes.

I remember a friend of mine recommends that one of the best writers about friendship is Danielle Steel. I check on the list of her novels and Wanderlust struck me as the one to read. Here is the goodreads blurb on it:
Wanderlust is the story of Audrey Driscoll. Orphaned young, Audrey has grown up caring for her eccentric millionaire grandfather and her demanding younger sister, Annabelle, who assume she will always be there for them. Sheltered yet restless, responsible beyond her years yet hungering for experience, Audrey is hopelessly bound until she herself makes the daring decision to leave. As the 1930s unfold, alone, camera in hand, she will shock friends and outrage family as she plunges headlong into the wider world. goodreads
People can be intimidating at times that is why we see people being cowed and they look awkward. Awkward does not mean gay. It is different. I get intimidated with people with commanding presence. Does not mean I am gay. Awkwardness comes from being scared by public perception. On what these people will think or say, yada yada yada. Know what, just be confident of yourself and your confidence will show because you are beautiful.

- a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.

I'm a patrolman so I patrol the streets and malls. The police here are sleeping on the job that is why people do not obey traffic rules. Red light means stop and green light means go. Orange light means prepare to go or stop. Simple. But in the intersection of Recto and Loyola Streets, there is no law. Students cross the street when they want with no regard for the right of way. Its because the police are nowhere to be seen. I observed this for years and years. Its disappointing because it is within the university belt that students supposed to learn discipline.

Its a snowball effect so when the students mature, what they learned is to disregard rules and in consequence, they will continue to break the rules in their jobs, communities and countries. The lawlessness has got to stop.

Policemen are put to the streets to maintain peace and order and to enforce traffic rules. You are not there to gossip, make fun of people, check on the chicks, sleep or look stupid and lazy. Come on guys, uniformed personnel are supposed to be respectable and disciplined so behave like it.

When the police are deployed to the malls, you are there to inspect the situation so you talk to those in-charge of security and patrol the mall so you observe what is going on. You are not a FKN desk officer! I am not saying desk officer jobs are not noble okay? Like in construction, auxiliary support is valuable to a project. I'm saying duties and hierarchy of authority.

Going back to Straight Outta Compton, NWA gets in trouble cause they say in a song Fuck The Police. They been warned by authorities but they continue to sing it in their concerts. So the police arrested them. What you think guys, is Fuck The Police subversive for you?

Singer-songwriters are journalists in a sense because they tell us what is going on from their viewpoint. Thing is, are you a qualified journalist? When you engage in illegal activities and corrupted practices, you are not qualified to teach because you write in smut magazines.
"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."
When you are under a corrupted government, the wisest thing you do is stay underground. Stay down low and influence others with your good work. How can you influence others with your good work when you are locked up in jail or dead?

Yielding is noble if you are noble.

So one brother in the movie asks Why take the high ground? Because it is advantageous and will keep you alive in a gun battle. High ground means those below are sitting ducks. But not so high like in a tower cause they are the ones who gets ambushed first cause they got no movement. However if you are a quickdraw, it doesn't matter if you are sitting down. 

Like Jack Reacher is the retired Military Police chief - the police watching over the police. He can hit targets from 800 to 1000 yards with consistency. Basically deadly with or without arms so his life isn't really threatened in the books cause he is a master at combat.

But this is no Wild West we living in right now okay? Make peace, not war.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Racial Diversity Survey

Hello. I am here to answer the survey I found on the net. Actually someone already made a survey about this from 113 respondents here. She says only one black person replied so whose fault is it? Haha just kidding. I think you want the races to be evenly represented, you must search them black people.

Racial Identity
South East Asian. Asia is so diverse from country to country so the next best thing is to group them in smaller groups. South Asia, East Asia, Middle East, West Asia, Central Asia. You have an idea what people are in these groups? South East Asians have Malay heritage, South Asia are Indians and similar people, East Asians are chinky-eyed people, Middle Easterners are Muslims, West Asians are Arabs and Central Asians are former Soviet republics. Clear?

How often do you read about main characters with similar race as you?
I see One Piece things around but I have not read the manga or watched the anime.

How often do you read about supporting characters with similar race as you?
I read of filipino attendants in old detective books while Jack Reacher written by Lee Child, spent some of his childhood years on the Air base in Clark and has several filipino bully kids.

If any character of the story is of similar racial identity as you, does this affect the way you see yourself?
It affects me positively if its a positive story. Because its worth emulating.

Anything else I can add:
I am just illustrating the diversity of the people in terms of geography, skin color, physical attributes, religion and history. This is not a cause for divisiveness. Just like there is individuality in the husband and the wife and yet they are united in their relationship. Squad goals.

Hey guys, I am not having favoritism okay? The diversity in our skin color and physical traits is caused by migration. I believe we are all black people.

I was thinking about the idea of a common ancestor. The earliest civilizations in history originated from Mesopotamia, Egypt and India. They are black people. With the migration, the skin color evolved according to location, weather conditions, customs and traditions to the White, Yellow and Brown races.

So when there is interracial marriage, the recessive genes appear. We are all black people.


I read someone made a thesis about Awkwardness in the Elevator? If I remember correctly. My question is why would you be awkward in the elevator? Its probably because you have a phobia for closed spaces. Like you cannot enter caves. But that is a worse case because I am comfortable riding in elevators while I cringe at the thought of wriggling into caves.

So you enter the elevator, you just press the number of the floor you want to go to. You just keep your space. Do not crowd into people's space okay?

If there is an operator, it is polite if you talk to them. Once I told the operator that I will go to the basement. She just silent. I have to go back so I ride this elevator again. I told her Third Floor. I am not fool Sir, she said. Some women you just can't please. The elevator services the Ground Floor and Second Floor only.

Passenger elevators are for passengers which you can see in most buildings. Service elevators are for the passage of skilled workers, construction materials and other services. And you have industrial elevators which is what builders use during construction. Its the elevator you see attached at the building wall and is terrifying to ride.

Elevators are critical activities you have to talk to elevator supplier and see if the elevators are delivered already. There has to be a physical check to be sure. A signed affidavit from the supplier that this is the opening they wanted is a gamble. We get a problem if the wall opening is wrong okay? For the contractor they are responsible for the delay and the additional work, resources and money involved.

Then there is also the hospital elevator in which you must have etiquette.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Got To Believe In Magic

How are you guys? I went to the Manila International Book Fair #MIBF at the SM Moa earlier today primarily to listen to the speaker about Mind Control. I was disappointed cause I was expecting more. The speaker said that there are three important questions: What is the most important time to you? Who is the most important person to you? What is the most important work?

He says now is the most important time, the most important person is the one infront of you and the most important work is your current one. Seriously? This is quite perplexing. Because there is a time for everything so the current time may not be the most important time. I am absolutely sure that the most important person to me is not there. The most important work for me is yet to come.

We are talking about potential okay? That is why General Managers hire coaches, staff and players based on scouting gameplay, statistics and track record.

So nothing left for me but to roam around.

I saw this booth which offers the book of L. Ron Hubbard about Dianetics, its a guide for healthy living. Their Stress Test similar to a Lie Detector Test interested me so I let the two Filipinos and a Russian explain to me what is their problem. The Russian Sergei Karimazov asked me what is the color of the white book he pointed at. I said white. He pointed to another white book. It is white. What does the cow drink? I said Milk. It is a trick question. Hahaha. 

He says it has something to do with the reactive mind and the analytical mind. I quote:
Dianetics. There is a hidden part of the mind that stores and uses your past, painful experiences against you, controlling you in ways that you are not even aware of - its called a reactive mind. This is the single source of unreasonable anger, jealousy, fear and unhappiness.
Dianetics eliminates the reactive mind - it is the only thing that does. Millions have experienced the life-changing results that are only possible with Dianetics. For the first time ever, you will discover the freedom and joy of being your true self - achieving the ability to create fulfilling relationships, lasting happiness and living life to it's absolute fullest.
So we went on with the Stress Test and Sergei asked me about certain points in my life, and the pointer of the device maxed from left to right several times. Unhappy times. When he asked me about my current situation, it also maxed up but I am not unhappy. I would agree that I am stressed. I cannot afford the books which I said before hand. Although even if I had money it will take a while for me to decide whether the book is worth it because there are only rare times that I bought brand-new books. Nonetheless he gave me two booklets titled The Way to Happiness. There's a good guy. The two booklets are for me and the woman I want to marry.

David Pomeranz is a famous proponent of Dianetics thus the song above. His poster is prominently placed at the booth. I would recommend reading the book and following the guides cause it makes you a better person. 

My opinion though is that the reactive mind is like the Random Access Memory (RAM) of a computer while the analytic mind is the storage capacity. When too many windows or memories open on your computer, it is more difficult to use programs cause it stall sometimes. So you close the programs you do not need or get a computer with high RAM capacity. 

Actually I am a noob in computer hardware but I remember two things to look at when choosing a computer is the RAM and storage capacity.

So we can say that speakers and politicians have high RAM capacity and consequently has high storage capacity. Meanwhile introverts have to upgrade their RAM, thus you will be aware how high is your storage capacity because you develop.

It means flying is an aspect of being a wizard. What you have to do is to enroll at Hogwarts and other magic universities to unlock your potentials and learn magic spells okay?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sri Krishna

The glory of Sri Krishna is that he has been the greatest preacher of our eternal religion and the best commentator on the Vedanta that ever lived in India. In the Gita we hear the distant sound of the conflict of sects, and Lord Krishna comes in the middle to harmonize them all; He, the great teacher of harmony, Lord Sri Krishna. He says, "In Me they are all strung like pearls in a thread".
Shri (Devanagari: श्री, IAST; Śrī), also transliterated as Sree or Sri or Shree is a word of Sanskrit origin, used in the Indian subcontinent as a polite form of address equivalent to the English "Mr." or "Ms." in written and spoken language, or as a title of veneration for deities (usually translated as "Holy"). wiki

This is from a booklet titled "Thus Spake Sri Krishna". So if India's greatest preacher and the best commentator teaches about harmonious living, why do Indians have the caste system? Why did they did disobey Sri Krishna?

It means that the Indian leaders in the past did not believe in harmony so they look for teachings that serve them well to take advantage of their high position, power and influence.

After some years, Krishna felt the call of a new mission and came to Dwaraka. He entrusted the government to his kinsmen, the Vrishnis. Through Himself a famous warrior, a wise statesman, an intelligent diplomat, he never occupied a throne. He conquered many kingdoms, but gave them over to the others. He was often seen in the midst of intense activity, but he remained always calm and unattached.
For there is no respect of persons with God. God loves all people and races. In sports, we support our idols and wish them the best of luck whether they win or lose. We applaud sportsmen because we appreciate intense competition.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Hi guys! I missed you all. Truth is the flu bug caught me the past days. Its nothing, just uncomfortable and irritating. But I am quite fine now. I miss writing. Truth is I cannot let you on your own. Its not easy to be me.


Okay so I was strolling the mall earlier today and seen paper cuttings with the text: "Jianzhi is a traditional style of paper cutting in China which has been practiced since the 6th century. Paper cutting in Jianzhi has a number of distinct uses in Chinese culture, almost all of which are for health, prosperity or decorative purposes".

I'm not saying Chinese culture is for decorative purposes only okay? We all know about Chinese food, literature, medicine and stuff. So do not be paranoid. I would say Jianzhi is an under-appreciated quality in Chinese culture because there are paper cuttings all over the world which it influences and yet it is mostly unacknowledged. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Good Morning Guys! I conducted an interview yesterday on security guard auditions. I'm joking. But I had a discussion about guns and stuff. Because I saw this security guard nearby. I noticed she has a holster with no gun. Naturally I pointed it out at her because what is a holster without a gun? Its an empty space and it is awkward. And what is a gun without a holster? It is a naked gun.

So the guard explains that the gun is not needed for her current job at the mall but she is trained to use guns. Actually she says they have guns at home. How much is a bullet? The ones we fire at the firing range are 20 pesos a piece. That is good to know although I dunno how it can help me to know that. 20 pesos is about 0.50 dollars. I learned that her brother is a soldier. So why didn't you become a soldier? She does not want to. She just one year in her career as a guard. No other opportunities for her.

You know guys, I spent a lot of time with guards and they are natural conversationalists because they are on the job 12hours or even 24 hours straight with scarce people to talk to. So they are dying to talk. They are just like you and me in plain clothing.

There is the myth that associates the guards, the military and the police to danger and violence. It should not be case. They are there to maintain the peace and order. Beneath the guns, the shotguns and guard dogs is they are the same as us. So I think the media has to do a better job of informing the mis-informed about the police. Especially where there is trouble. This is not brainwashing okay? Brainstorming it is.

On the side of the guards, their job is to maintain peace and order, not being lazy or corrupted. When you wear the uniform, be aware that you are representing the country, not yourself. If you are lazy or corrupted, the impression of the mis-informed and uneducated is that the country is lazy and corrupted. And that results to hate and indifference. We do not want that to continue happening so it is necessary that the higher-ups must discipline the bad tomatoes and reward the good tomatoes.

Do not be onion-skinned okay? Sometimes words have only one meaning. Sometimes two or more. What I am saying is that a name is only skin-deep. What is essential is invisible to the naked eye.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Parent Trap

"Two sisters are setting the perfect trap to bring their parents back together".

They said it. The father is from the USA and the mother is from the United Kingdom. As I have gathered from international forums, young Americans are enchanted by the UK so they go there for their semestral vacations. I guess it is the same for young Brits.

Okay, I watch a lot of Disney movies. If I have a wife and kids, I would happily watch it with them. You know how parents today would say that they just accompanying the kids to Disney? That is a load of BS. They watch Disney films with their kids because these grown-ups also loves Disney.

So when you travel to places you've never before, it is to enrich yourself with the new culture.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Writer's Block

Hi guys, how are you? I am fine if you ask me. Like I have been hinting all this time, I would like to say Goodbye because I cannot think of anything to write about. There have been subjects I left hanging but genealogies and history lessons is of little significance to your faith. The most important thing is you start doing the teachings in the New Testament as I have suggested many times. You can always read back on my blogs. The teachings are easy to understand but there are also things we cannot understand. And to which I need time to ponder upon and hopefully I be given understanding.
1 Timothy 1
1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope; 2 Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. 3 As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine, 4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.
5 Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: 6 From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; 7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.
Titus 3
7 That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. 8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men. 9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
The verses in the New Testament are mostly self-explanatory. Be busy okay?

As I learned yesterday, the way to beating the writer's block is to read perspectives and new materials, edit your work, and have questions. Thanks to Aentee. You beat writer's block by writing. There is no other way.

Like in the The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. I have seen the first installment in the trilogy at the cinema and its only yesterday I started reading the books. Frodo is a ring-bearer. LOTR has the battle for middle earth. When we talk of ring-bearers, we instantly think of marriage. But who is gonna be married? And to whom? Why are they vehemently against the marriage that the fellowship sought to destroy the ring? What is middle earth?

Epic novels like LOTR are modern-day mythologies. It does have a cult following but not enough to make it a religion as we know it. One thing it teaches us is that an unhappy marriage will turn the couple into Gollums. But if they marry because they love each other for better or worse, they will keep their wedding rings.

@4:40 of LOTR theme above sounds eerily similar to the theme of Survivor. We know that it is possible that a person is influenced by another person. And it is also possible that it is a coincidence, because coincidences happen. I guess it is the same with religions. There are different routes to a destination.

I want to tell you about yesterday. My plan is to walk myself into shape so in the morning I walked from my home here in Sampaloc to SM Manila. The normal route would be passing Espana then skirting the FEU building you get to Quiapo, then cross the Quiapo bridge to Lawton and finally City Hall and SM Manila.

But I went an alternate route going thru Espana, Morayta, Recto and I think its Ramon Magsaysay Extension leading to the schools TIP and NTC then crossing the Ayala bridge which is under construction. At the foot of the bridge you can see SM Manila a stone throw away.

The first route is more straight-away but longer route while the latter is the shorter route though full of turns.

Firstly, I am not saying I am a model okay? I am sharing these pictures as proof of adaptation and evolution. My skin is brown but two months of the sun blackens your skin. I became blacker than this. Its because I worked on airport project where there is scarce shelter from the sun. And my weekends consist of playing tennis under the sun. So in Africa in old times, they produced black skin because not much trees and develop long limbs because they have to hunt and be hunted. The thick lips is necessary adaptation because it makes for less skin. Does this makes sense? Warm air causes matter to compress. So the lips are pulled outside. The pointed nose is an ergonomic design to cut harsh wind. Thus the hot wind caused flat nosed people in Africa in the old times but today Africa needs help. Not with their noses, its for them to survive and get educated.

Q: How would you tell a girl who’s suffering from low self-esteem to feel better about herself? 
A: I’ll tell her to believe in herself because it’s not only physical beauty that’s important but also inner beauty. Like what the Little Prince said, “What is essential is invisible to the naked eye.” And I believe that character and personality are more important than physical beauty. Ruffa Gutierrez, Miss World.
"Do not give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain".

Fables are like fictional stories so it is allowed for amusement and entertainment. But when it comes to good morals and right conduct, you seek the golden rule. World wars are over okay?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Higher Power

Romans 13
1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
Custom to whom custom; Fear to whom fear; Honour to whom honour. Thus in the courtroom and other similar situations of ordinance, we swear on the Constitution of the land. Not on the Bible. Since the constitution is derived from it, the spirit of the Bible is embodied on the constitution - universality, goodwill and fairness.
Romans 2
12 For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; 13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. 14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) 16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
In Verse 15 mean means as a person, we have our own set of morals, standard and tolerance. So we can tell who is doing good or evil. As ordinary citizens, we can report them to the police, they get arrested and tried in court of law. 

Like in a husband and wife, a religion and its members follow the rule of the land like any other citizen - pay taxes and obey rules and regulations. There are laws private to only the man and wife. In the same manner the religion and its members has privacy which includes beliefs, customs and funds. However just like the aggrieved party in a husband-and-wife-quarrel can complain, very concerned citizens can step in and report to the authorities the crimes, hostaging, battery and fraudulent use of funds in a religious group. The police investigates all signs of corruption.

So because of respect for other customs since a nation is composed of different religions, some of which does not adhere to the Bible, the Bible should not be in the courtroom. Remember that the doctrines of Jesus is after the spirit. Follow the New Testament okay?
Galatians 5
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Hebrews 8
7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. 8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: 9 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: 11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. 13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.
For judges, lawyers and all the citizens of the world, know that your loyalty is to God first - the Higher Power who is known in different names in different religions.

Can we deny that a Higher Power exists? Can we recreate the soul inside us?

Good Morning Guys. In case I don't see you: Good Holidays, Good Understanding, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night and Good Speed.