Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Hey all. How are you? I miss you guys. I just seen Straight Outta Compton which tells us the rise of the rap group NWA in Compton, California and their offshoots. Its a movie about friendship, independence and dreams. Its similar to how Seattle's Nirvana popularized Grunge music. Change is inevitable that is why people grow. When people grow, they wanna go out and create something. That's the way life goes.

I remember a friend of mine recommends that one of the best writers about friendship is Danielle Steel. I check on the list of her novels and Wanderlust struck me as the one to read. Here is the goodreads blurb on it:
Wanderlust is the story of Audrey Driscoll. Orphaned young, Audrey has grown up caring for her eccentric millionaire grandfather and her demanding younger sister, Annabelle, who assume she will always be there for them. Sheltered yet restless, responsible beyond her years yet hungering for experience, Audrey is hopelessly bound until she herself makes the daring decision to leave. As the 1930s unfold, alone, camera in hand, she will shock friends and outrage family as she plunges headlong into the wider world. goodreads
People can be intimidating at times that is why we see people being cowed and they look awkward. Awkward does not mean gay. It is different. I get intimidated with people with commanding presence. Does not mean I am gay. Awkwardness comes from being scared by public perception. On what these people will think or say, yada yada yada. Know what, just be confident of yourself and your confidence will show because you are beautiful.

- a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.

I'm a patrolman so I patrol the streets and malls. The police here are sleeping on the job that is why people do not obey traffic rules. Red light means stop and green light means go. Orange light means prepare to go or stop. Simple. But in the intersection of Recto and Loyola Streets, there is no law. Students cross the street when they want with no regard for the right of way. Its because the police are nowhere to be seen. I observed this for years and years. Its disappointing because it is within the university belt that students supposed to learn discipline.

Its a snowball effect so when the students mature, what they learned is to disregard rules and in consequence, they will continue to break the rules in their jobs, communities and countries. The lawlessness has got to stop.

Policemen are put to the streets to maintain peace and order and to enforce traffic rules. You are not there to gossip, make fun of people, check on the chicks, sleep or look stupid and lazy. Come on guys, uniformed personnel are supposed to be respectable and disciplined so behave like it.

When the police are deployed to the malls, you are there to inspect the situation so you talk to those in-charge of security and patrol the mall so you observe what is going on. You are not a FKN desk officer! I am not saying desk officer jobs are not noble okay? Like in construction, auxiliary support is valuable to a project. I'm saying duties and hierarchy of authority.

Going back to Straight Outta Compton, NWA gets in trouble cause they say in a song Fuck The Police. They been warned by authorities but they continue to sing it in their concerts. So the police arrested them. What you think guys, is Fuck The Police subversive for you?

Singer-songwriters are journalists in a sense because they tell us what is going on from their viewpoint. Thing is, are you a qualified journalist? When you engage in illegal activities and corrupted practices, you are not qualified to teach because you write in smut magazines.
"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."
When you are under a corrupted government, the wisest thing you do is stay underground. Stay down low and influence others with your good work. How can you influence others with your good work when you are locked up in jail or dead?

Yielding is noble if you are noble.

So one brother in the movie asks Why take the high ground? Because it is advantageous and will keep you alive in a gun battle. High ground means those below are sitting ducks. But not so high like in a tower cause they are the ones who gets ambushed first cause they got no movement. However if you are a quickdraw, it doesn't matter if you are sitting down. 

Like Jack Reacher is the retired Military Police chief - the police watching over the police. He can hit targets from 800 to 1000 yards with consistency. Basically deadly with or without arms so his life isn't really threatened in the books cause he is a master at combat.

But this is no Wild West we living in right now okay? Make peace, not war.

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