Thursday, September 10, 2015


Good Morning Guys! I conducted an interview yesterday on security guard auditions. I'm joking. But I had a discussion about guns and stuff. Because I saw this security guard nearby. I noticed she has a holster with no gun. Naturally I pointed it out at her because what is a holster without a gun? Its an empty space and it is awkward. And what is a gun without a holster? It is a naked gun.

So the guard explains that the gun is not needed for her current job at the mall but she is trained to use guns. Actually she says they have guns at home. How much is a bullet? The ones we fire at the firing range are 20 pesos a piece. That is good to know although I dunno how it can help me to know that. 20 pesos is about 0.50 dollars. I learned that her brother is a soldier. So why didn't you become a soldier? She does not want to. She just one year in her career as a guard. No other opportunities for her.

You know guys, I spent a lot of time with guards and they are natural conversationalists because they are on the job 12hours or even 24 hours straight with scarce people to talk to. So they are dying to talk. They are just like you and me in plain clothing.

There is the myth that associates the guards, the military and the police to danger and violence. It should not be case. They are there to maintain the peace and order. Beneath the guns, the shotguns and guard dogs is they are the same as us. So I think the media has to do a better job of informing the mis-informed about the police. Especially where there is trouble. This is not brainwashing okay? Brainstorming it is.

On the side of the guards, their job is to maintain peace and order, not being lazy or corrupted. When you wear the uniform, be aware that you are representing the country, not yourself. If you are lazy or corrupted, the impression of the mis-informed and uneducated is that the country is lazy and corrupted. And that results to hate and indifference. We do not want that to continue happening so it is necessary that the higher-ups must discipline the bad tomatoes and reward the good tomatoes.

Do not be onion-skinned okay? Sometimes words have only one meaning. Sometimes two or more. What I am saying is that a name is only skin-deep. What is essential is invisible to the naked eye.

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