Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Hi guys! I missed you all. Truth is the flu bug caught me the past days. Its nothing, just uncomfortable and irritating. But I am quite fine now. I miss writing. Truth is I cannot let you on your own. Its not easy to be me.


Okay so I was strolling the mall earlier today and seen paper cuttings with the text: "Jianzhi is a traditional style of paper cutting in China which has been practiced since the 6th century. Paper cutting in Jianzhi has a number of distinct uses in Chinese culture, almost all of which are for health, prosperity or decorative purposes".

I'm not saying Chinese culture is for decorative purposes only okay? We all know about Chinese food, literature, medicine and stuff. So do not be paranoid. I would say Jianzhi is an under-appreciated quality in Chinese culture because there are paper cuttings all over the world which it influences and yet it is mostly unacknowledged. 

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