Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I read someone made a thesis about Awkwardness in the Elevator? If I remember correctly. My question is why would you be awkward in the elevator? Its probably because you have a phobia for closed spaces. Like you cannot enter caves. But that is a worse case because I am comfortable riding in elevators while I cringe at the thought of wriggling into caves.

So you enter the elevator, you just press the number of the floor you want to go to. You just keep your space. Do not crowd into people's space okay?

If there is an operator, it is polite if you talk to them. Once I told the operator that I will go to the basement. She just silent. I have to go back so I ride this elevator again. I told her Third Floor. I am not fool Sir, she said. Some women you just can't please. The elevator services the Ground Floor and Second Floor only.

Passenger elevators are for passengers which you can see in most buildings. Service elevators are for the passage of skilled workers, construction materials and other services. And you have industrial elevators which is what builders use during construction. Its the elevator you see attached at the building wall and is terrifying to ride.

Elevators are critical activities you have to talk to elevator supplier and see if the elevators are delivered already. There has to be a physical check to be sure. A signed affidavit from the supplier that this is the opening they wanted is a gamble. We get a problem if the wall opening is wrong okay? For the contractor they are responsible for the delay and the additional work, resources and money involved.

Then there is also the hospital elevator in which you must have etiquette.

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