Saturday, October 31, 2015

Bookstore Hunting Mystery #2

Good Evening. It was my first time in this bookstore although it is where I started working. I supervised the pile-driving works in this location as a university trainee. I love the rustic charm of the steel columns and trusses where the green paint peels off. The stainless steel handrail also brings an interesting contrast. As I said, bookstores can have similar design but overall, everyone has distinct characteristic to them.

Pictures were taken from the National Bookstore (NBS) branch in Tutuban Prime Block Shopping Mall. 

Tutuban is the place where most people especially the masses shop because the prices are inexpensive and there are quality products if you know where to search. What they do not know is that the prices only slightly differ from the shopping malls so the inconvenience and hassle of going to Tutuban I think is not worth your time. Hassle because the street vendors have overran the sidewalks and the roads there.

The problem is that the officials know the problem but they are not doing anything about it. If you do not train your cats and dogs, they pee anywhere they want. That is why you provide litter boxes for the cats cause they will be led astray outside the house. While the dogs you train them where to poo. If you cannot discipline your dogs, you ask the advice of dog whisperers.

Crowd Control

What's up? I gotta rant guys. You see I get up early today to register in my polling precinct. Yup this is the last day of registration for new voters. I have not registered because I was only allowed to vote is because I was a poll officer the last time I voted. I was in line at around 6:30am and only few people were around. That was a good sign so I was prepared to wait until 10am when the center opens. Thing is there was chaos there because there were lines on other entrances as well. So its like the floodgates opened at 10am and the people ran racing to get to the registration offices. The Comelec (Commission on Elections) personnel and the security guards did not know what they are doing. I kinda relaxed so I let myself farther away from the line cause I do not want to run. This was mighty dangerous you know cause it could have caused a stampede. I asked the officer there if I was the right line. I was. But after 30 minutes there is no movement because so many people are cutting and inserting themselves into the line. I was frustrated cause the officers have no clue. What a pitiful state we in with these kind of officials. I walked away from the line and saw two officers idling around. They are positioned far from where they supposed to be. They are doing nothing. I told them a piece of my mind, pointed the congested portion and went home. Tsk tsk.

Actually I went there yesterday during lunchtime so I went early today cause I know the situation. These Comelec officials should be the ones in-charge and they command the security to assist them. Come on guys grow up. Its better to be called a Know-it-all than become famous that You know nothing.

To strengthen the government in all branches is the challenge to PH. Like the NASA is a government agency and they hire private corporations to launch satellites for them. NASA has more expertise. Although private vs public universities is up for a different discussion. How does the Department of Public Works and Highways compare to private construction companies?

Okay let us make a Critical Path Method. The first critical activity is stability, you strengthen your military so that the military supports you in turn. Respect begets respect. When the military is strong, civil wars will be avoided.  Stability is the requisite to Nation Building, physically and spiritually.

So we check the earth, we survey the construction site and it is lucky if there are natural hard rock formations you built on. Meaning in hiring people, hire the qualified ones not because they are relatives and so on. With the right people in there, they will evaluate if the existing system is progressive and profitable. When you develop others, you develop yourself. Thus if you do not give chances to qualified people, then both of you will stagnate. This is delegating of duties to qualified personnel. Why do you delegate? It is because you may know it all but you cannot do it all.

So if we only have courageous and brave media people who will criticize and challenge leaders, PH can rise to the occasion. What type are you into?

Types of journalism

"Investigative. Investigative journalism aims to uncover the truth about a particular subject, person, or event."

"News. News journalism is straightforward. Facts are relayed without flourishes or interpretation."

"Reviews. Reviews are partly opinion and partly fact based. The review needs to accomplish two things: one, accurately describe or identify the subject being reviewed, and two, provide an intelligent and informed opinion of the subject, based on research and experience."

"Columns. Columns are based primarily on the personality of the author, allowing him or her to write about subjects in a personal style. Column writers can take a humorous approach, or specialise in a particular subject area or topic."

"Feature Writing. Feature writing provides scope, depth, and interpretation of trends, events, topics or people. Features aim not only to thoroughly explore a topic by conducting interviews with numerous experts or the key people involved, but to offer a previously unseen perspective on an event, issue, or person."

"These types of journalism are not limited to print journalists. The internet has provided a medium for people to voice their opinions online. News written for the web is updated minute-by-minute which is referred to as online journalism, but usually takes the form of one of the above topics."

"The great thing about certain types of journalism is that they don't require you to have a degree in journalism to be considered a credentialed journalist. As a writer or reporter without formal education in journalism and mass communications, you can be considered a citizen journalist."

Why did I tried to register only at the last two days? Honestly it is because I have to do things which I think are more important than registering. It is my Critical Path Method. I'ma Citizen Journalist! YAY!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Bookstore Hunting Mystery

Hullo Watson! Guess what this bookstore I went to? It is recognizable if you know the place because there are distinct features to this building. I put in one random image just for fun. Tag me your answers okay? If you guess it correctly I will tell you what brings me to this bookstore occasionally and you have to take a picture of a bookstore you want to be hunted. Its like bookstore tagging okay? The bookshelves, the staircase, tiling works and the lighting accessories are the clues.

So the question is why do cartoon characters like Garfield only have four fingers? In the film Avatar of JC, the female cats also have four fingers while male cats have five fingers. Four fingers means they do not have a middle finger cause cartoons are wholesome.

It is the Morayta Bookstore (previously Merriam) along Morayta Street just across the Far Eastern University. It is near my place and the place is comfortable for shopping office supplies and services like printing documents and picture-taking. The books are actually from the Booksale brand but they are pulling out the books as of today. My guess is they getting more in-house books.

Gun Regulations

Hey people. This is about gun regulations because even here in the PH there are illegal gun making and trading. The best thing you do is register it in the government. Like there are makers of firecrackers here that are illegals. It is not an hassle to register your business okay?

The Chinese invented the gun powder but I do not blame them for violence cause violence is invented by man. Like there are swordfights and bare-knuckles boxing. How about using gun powder as fuel?

I digress. I think a total gun ban is a necessary regulation. What I mean is that the military and the security guards are trained personnel who should carry guns publicly and the only exceptions would be the gun enthusiasts, high-ranking government officials and people who needs protection.

For the uniformed men, you take safety precautions in handling your guns, especially big guns like shotguns. Shotgun fire spreads wide and is deadly at close range so do not sling it in your neck carelessly. M16 rifles can jam in automatic so you not want to overheat it. I read the advantages of the AK47 is that it is very durable although its accuracy is a question. Nevertheless you can adjust and of course it is effective at closer range.

Gun enthusiasts are people who use guns in sports, entertainment and as a hobby. Government officials are often in danger so they need guns for self-defense. And in special cases, civilians should be allowed to have guns when in dangerous situations and field of work. All these people are not allowed to show their guns in public unless when attacked or provoked. They should bring with them the permit-to-carry cards.

In case you do not know, Antonio Banderas' Desperado film is a remake of this Mexican film El Mariachi. Just like Abre Los Ojo is the original of Vanilla Sky which stars Tom Cruise. The Hollywood versions altered the originals so you have to see the difference. I am fond of soundtracks because music can make or break the films. Like George Lucas was frustrated after the initial private viewing of Star Wars which they watched without sound effects. But when John Williams put music into it, they say it is Magic. Something like that.

We are not in Wild West anymore so guns is about peace and order. If you are born in peace then maintain the peace. If you are born in chaos then create the peace.

Music is the Midas touch.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Debating Team

Hello guys. How's the debates going? In the USA, there are about 9 republican candidates are going at it while it is a 3-way race for the democrats. They have a two-party system unlike here in the PH where there is a clutter of loyalties to parties. Right now there are four approved presidential candidates each from different parties. Honestly I do not know what these parties stand for. I mean I do not know their party mission and vision. I just listen to their position on issues.

The advantages of a number of candidates debating is that we hear logical point of views since these guys are filtered by their party system where the cream always rises to the top. The country, and the winning candidate benefits from the debates since they tackle all areas as much as possible.

What to expect of PH presidential debates? Its like the media debating against the candidates since the media feels they are better than the candidates. I am not even sure these candidates are willing to participate in debates cause you have to be mentally prepared and quick-witted, like teachers having lesson plans. Do you know that there are about 200 presidential candidates that were disqualified because they are nuisance candidates? That is how miserable is the current system. How are they continued to apply is a waste of time and resources. In case you do not know, this is red tape because the filtering process takes unnecessary more amount of time. 

Sometime ago in the PH pre-election debates, there was this poor man whose poor life was discussed by the candidates:

Poor Man: I will gladly accept it that someone kills me in exchange for money so that my family can benefit... 

Candidate: Why would you kill?

I think candidates must listen first to understand the question.

If the PH should change into a two-party system then we define the Democrats as factions who believe in Democracy - which is the constitution of the PH. They must know all the laws of the land and that they absolutely agree with it.

Then the Republican party automatically is an Anti-democratic party. These must be factions seeking to amend the constitution in part to whole with the philosophy that it benefits the republic.

Republicans, for lack of better word. Because it is understood that the two parties must be "Republicans" working together to improve the republic.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Social Media

Hello! I think you guys should know what is the purpose of social media devices if you do are a noob in advertising. Why would you limit yourself in one or two platforms? Do you want to be successful in your business or not? Thing is there is a delicate balance in posting because if you seldom advertise then it is of little use. Meanwhile flooding other people's timeline or wall with posts is irritating. We do not want a reminder every hour or so. I think this is the purpose of snapchat so you better flood there. If your product is good then it leaves a lasting impression on the brain okay?

Obviously if you do not have a youtube account then you cannot connect to exclusive youtubers.  

Cause let us say twitter goes bankrupt, what happens to your contacts? How can you contact them if you have no phone numbers? Right now we say it is a remote possibility but what if? It has happened with friendster before. So its an insurance that you have different accounts.

"Of course, you can’t expect to succeed by using the same strategy and approach with every single platform. In the same way you’d advertise differently for radio and TV, you should also promote your brand in a different manner on each platform. For example, if you want to promote your brand effectively on Facebook, you’ll have to take the time and make the effort to build a solid community first and the best way to start doing this is to post content that makes you interesting enough for people to talk to their Facebook friends about."

"In the case of Twitter, you could perhaps take your cue from speed dating. You only have 140 characters with which to impress your audience, so you’ll have to give it your best shot. You have to learn how to tweet such that your followers will be compelled to click through to your site to learn more. LinkedIn, for its part, is a platform where the approach should be one of socializing for the sole purpose of benefitting professionally. This platform is therefore best used for purposes of B2B marketing and you’ll have to establish your reputation as an expert in order to succeed."

Say myself for example, I have many accounts in and I seldom post in twitter and facebook. But I am not a businessman right now so I do not need to be active in social media. I am not saying active means business rightaway. I know you are communicating and supporting the trending topics so carry on. I want to be a farmer and plant sweet potatoes.


Fantasy Sports

Hello guys. I am here to help you in fantasy basketball because it is the start of the NBA season. I already graduated from this game so I will share you my playing technique. I know there are people who have like fifteen trophies or more but I have won two titles in one year so it is up to you to hear my advice. I'd say the draft day more or less defines your season especially leagues with minimal trade activity. But stranger things have happened like injuries, benching, coaching adjustments and such so all is not lost.

My style is I do not care much about the categories that are up to chance meaning Field Goal %, Free Throw % and Turnovers when picking the players cause on a good day, bad shooting guys can shoot on a high clip. In a standard league, there are 9 categories including the three above so I focus my team on the remaining cats - Points, 3Points, Rebounds, Assists, Steals and Blocks. I named my team once the Bricks N Dimes, cause like I said I do not care much for percentages so I picked awful shooters who are multi-faceted; and dimes cause I like the assist category.

I also put premium on the hard to get statistics like steals and blocks. Because normally managers tend to pick the high scoring players so I think in reverse cause there are versatile players who fill up the stat sheets.

The chart below is a helpful tool cause you estimate how much stats your players will produce. I forget where I get this. For the uninitiated its a chart of how many games the teams will play in weekly matchups and from this you derive how many games your players play. Like you feel confident when your top players play 4 times a week. That kind of thing.

High risk, high reward
High risk, low reward
Low risk, high reward
Low risk, low reward

These are the principal concepts floated around by fellow managers in dealing for players. You watch some scouting and prepare for Excel files. I won two championships the same year - one in Rotisserie or Roto and one in Head to Head.

Basically I have same lineup for the two teams. In roto you must know that there are maximum 82 games for every position so planning is more important. I trailed half the tournament but I know I was doing fine cause others they were maxing their games while I pick my games carefully. So after the midway season of the NBA, I get the lead and never relinquished it.

The Head to Head League is a contrast, because there is a playoff here unlike the roto league. I have to survive three 5-4 series matchups to win the crown. During the finals, I even congratulated my opponent because the score stands 5-4 and I was ahead barely by one assist in the last category. He gets another assist, I lose cause he has the higher seeding meaning I lose the tiebreak. And his only remaining active player is a point guard throwing dimes. So the halftime of the game, I gave up and congratulated my opponent. Holy shit! The player gets benched in the second half. I won. My opponent writes a rant on busersports about a Cautionary Tale.

If you are a bachelor, you go for a high risk, high reward woman. Or else you are a chicken.
If you are a single lady, you wait for a low risk, high reward man. Cause it is supposed to be.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


"The numbers lead a dance."

If you are a bachelor, the probability of you meeting women becomes higher when you go out. I mean you get out of your comfort zone. When you find the woman, you do not play the cards anymore. If you are a bachelor girl, you do not play the cards at all. Why? Women should not take chances because they have to be sure. To be sure is you test them with tests.

The Christian churches and, as I understand it, the Asian philosophies is that when they marry it is for a lifetime. And the law and tradition makes for more discipline to stay in the marriage. Thing is the law is abused that people stay in unhappy marriages despite fixed marriages devoid of love, domestic violence and negligence.

Meanwhile the problem with most Western countries have the philosophy of marriage with a convenient out for divorce. How easy is it to divorce in the USA? Discuss.

There is divorce because there is a law for it. To be clear the laws are physical and spiritual. When you divorce is that the physical law prevailed and/or the spiritual bond is not enough. For a couple to be spiritually bonded, the man must be everything to the woman and the woman must be everything to the man.

When there is no divorce, then people will up their standards in marriage. Let's say the community has curfew hours, or at home there is a curfew. Even then the teenagers will try to break the law.

But as we know it, even with the temptations of the divorce, there are admirable people (man and woman couple only)  who are lucky enough to find lifetime marriages. Because they get it.

Do you guys believe in One True Love? I would say Yes. Say you can have a first love, second love, third love and so on. But there could only be OTL know what I am saying? Because there is no need for a second love if the first love stuck. 

You know guys I read in Kerygma, its a christian magazine that in finding your One True Love, I know this is like the corniest thing ever but bear with me okay? Is that there are Non-negotiables. The women have standards in a list of qualities they looking for in an ideal man. Like firstly the men should have a stable kind of work. Now non-negotiable simply means if the man is out of work then he is crossed out in the list asap. No ifs and buts. The next qualities would be they must not be womanizer, should be decent, does not deal with illegal activities, responsible and so on.

So even if these women are quite attracted physically to the men who failed the non-negotiables list, then they avoid them cause for them, these men are not their OTL. Do you guys get what I am saying? This is discipline training. 

However for men do not take this as a cheat code cause the women can smell the fraud.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Migrant Hosting

Good Evening Guys. How's it going? As we know, Turkey plays an important role in the migrant crisis because it has the strategic location cause they provide passage and mini-stop to the migrants traveling from the Middle East to Europe. Land travel is still the least expensive mode of travel. I somehow understand whatever is Turkey's reluctance to this arrangement that they are assigned as hosts. We all have entertained house guests, don't we?

I would say our house is also a strategic location in Manila cause everything is here - the schools, international airports and ship yards, hospitals and other services. So we are frequent hosts to our relatives and family friends from the countryside. I would say we are quite hesitant about it because we tend to mind our own business. But they are relatives so we have to help them. I guess Turkey has just to get used to the idea because it is their duty to help. Also time will come that you will need their help. No country is an island.

Over the years, four of my cousins have stayed here in our house at different times because they went to universities here so we have provided a room for them. One of my cousins actually enjoy same past-time as mine in video games. The problem was he majored in the playstation so much that he flunked college. Not my fault.

There was a time also that my grandma stayed in our house for an extended period of time cause she just had a medical checkup, like months so we were excited to be with her. She cannot climb the stairs so there was a bed for her in the ground floor. We always see her lying on the bed so I told my brother to get some sugar and pack it in small packets and act like he was dealing drugs. My brother told grandma that Be quiet okay? This is our business. Some time later the grandma was up and about searching for the drugs and that she gonna tell the police.

Helping People

Hey people the haze on Indonesia is getting worse that SG, MY and the PH are now affected by it. From what I know it is from the forest fires. Say a house in your neighborhood has smoke coming out of it. What you do is check your house and prepare to evacuate in cases of fire.

Somebody call the firemen cause obviously Indonesia cannot contain it by themselves. This is an urgent matter cause the pollutants are in the air causes diseases to what extent we do not know. And also this impedes the traffic cause it must be about one meter visibility with the smog. I know this can cause delays and accidents.

Hazing is when the fraternities wallop the back of the legs of their initiates and the skin turns purple. Its dangerous cause there is blood clotting I think because of the color. They should go to the hospital to be sure. I think the doctor cuts it so that the blood can flow. That is why an ice pick is more dangerous than a knife. Because an ice pick cause blood clots while the danger with knives is blood loss. Like bullet wounds. I seen the bruises that hazing brings cause when I transferred to a public high school, almost all the boys in the school joined fraternities. Not me. Because friends do not hit friends with paddles.


If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one
Drying in the colour of the evening sun
Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away

Then there's the University of the Philippines which allows the "infamous" naked running as initiation rites for a fraternity. What are you teaching young people with this? This is worse than porn. You spread the lusting of gays and women. The best learning institution in the country!

So to belong, we let ourselves get hurt. We also get naked to have acceptance. It doesn't have to be this way because we can change our own standards.

You know guys the doctor cuts and hurts you in another way to get the bullet out of the wound so that you heal properly. Get well soon.


Good Morning Guys. Tagging in social media is the new poking we see on facebook. As we know poking's only purpose is to flirt and tease people. Tags meanwhile has been around forever and is for the general purpose of labeling. We label topics so that it is easier to find similar minds and use it for discussions that are serious or fun like the trending topics you find on twitter.

But be careful on how, why, when, where, what you label because you never know. The devil works in the same line of thinking.

See here in the movie Fallen, the devil moves from people to people through touching. The devil's spirit can also linger in space for a limited time only. Its like tagging. Denzel Washington plays a detective here and is trying to solve the mystery of a good cop gone bad. Thing is the devil possesses people and what this deceased good cop tried to do was lure the devil so that he can kill both of them but he was unsuccessful.

The Detective was able to deduce what the other cop did so he lured the devil in an isolated cabin in the forest. He kills his suspected devil and killed himself. The devil's spirit floats around and the devil thought itself that it would die but at the last second the devil survived. Its because it has found a wild dog I think. Turns out that the devil can possess animals too. How unlucky. 

How to kill the devil in social media? Do not go down to its level because the devil will drag you down to its level and beat you with experience. They are like trolls. Trolls annoy people with their gimmicks. They thrive because of the attention they are getting. 

How about you are in physical danger? You call the police if you cannot defend yourself.

How to know the devil? You hear it in the accent when the devil talks. So observe people carefully okay? You also find good people this way. Do not feed the trolls and the devil dies a natural death.

It is because of the choices we make. In high school we were required to have an elective subject so I chose Environmental Science over Journalism. I could have been a journalist today. The problem with this line of thinking is that it limits people. Why not teach all? Require all students to attend all these subjects because they are still finding their way. STUPID.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


I was wondering what this poem means. Whether we can lose both our brains and our soul. My opinion about using our brains is the acceptance of society. And the soul is our conscience to do what is right and what is wrong. We have an innate standard.

Like say there is a beggar who begs for food or money, what would be your reaction? Your soul would feel pity cause the beggar is hungry, scornful cause the beggar is lazy or anything to do with emotions.

Then using the mind means that you mind the standards of society, the emotions you feel. Like you give because you are in a church and it is normal to give money. However on the streets, it is more complicated to decide cause you might think its not cool to give or there would be people coming and going this way to give the beggar the money.

So I say we have two standards - your own standard and the standards of society. I think standards can be kept or changed, not lost. Does this makes sense?

Like there is a dress code in the NBA because of society standards. There was a time NBA players were criticized cause they dress like thugs that you associate them with harmful drugs and violence. Since then the players come to the games dressed as executives. Cause playing basketball is their business and the court is their office. They have to look the part as role-models because they are role-models.

Tell me who your role-models are and I will tell you mine. Birds of the same feather are the same birds. Love is a many splendoured thing. Actually I do not know what splendoured means.

or (especially British) splendour

- brilliant or gorgeous appearance, coloring, etc.; magnificence: the splendor of the palace.
- an instance or display of imposing pomp or grandeur: the splendor of the coronation.
- grandeur; glory; brilliant distinction: the splendor of ancient Greek architecture.
- great brightness; brilliant light or luster.verb (used with object)
- to make splendid by decorating lavishly; adorn.verb (used without object)
- to move or proceed with splendor, grandeur, or pomp.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

How To Weave A Story

Hi guys. Tonight we talk about how to write an original story. Actually I have not written a story but if I ever write one, I guess I will dissect a TV series or a movie to get a formula. Like in this case, I will talk about Z Nation, my "LSS" show. Its a TV series about the zombie apocalypse and these are the main characters:

1. Leaders - A white male sergeant leads the group although it is more of a co-leadership with a black female in a democratic ruling but the two leaders enforce their authority when necessary. As leaders they supposed to be level-headed and composed at all times.

2. The Indispensable - The white guy has antibodies for the zombie virus thus he cannot die in the story, unless the writer has better ideas. So he has every right to throw tantrums and piss off everybody.

3. Yuppies - The young adults are a tweetums white pair and they give romantic angle to the show.

4. Fire and Ice - The catty latina is indifferent and fierce while the white sniper is mild-mannered and innocent. Here is another developing love angle.

5. The Doctor - The old white doctor is convenient guy to have around.

6. The Intel Officer and His Dog - He is the all-knowing eye who explains whatever it is needed to be explained. He is like the glue guy in the show. The dog is there to do dog things for dog lovers.

As you can see, the writers' intention is to target a wide array of audience with the ethnicity of the characters and their behavior/skills. No asian though. So now you just make changes like put this in university setting and acapella. Yup it would an original cause it is not about the zombies anymore.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Simple Plan

Hallo guys. We are about to elect politicians in the highest offices of the land next year. My opinion is that they should have simple plan because simple plan means simple solutions. From there you can move to on more complicated problems. Like in Algebra, you do not jump into Chapter Nine unless you are a genius. You learn the basics first okay?

Like I want to jog early in the morning. When I go out at 4am, I am wary of people around because you never know what dangers maybe lurking in the shadows. Then I worry about where do I jog because the streets are not supposed to be jogging areas. It is where people walk. People jog on parks where it is safe because there is a security guard and the air is fresher because of the trees. Now you can focus on jogging. The nearest park in my area is a private school and that you have to pay for a jogger's pass. Then the next park would be a one hour ride and the next ones are farther away. HASSLE. If I am politician, I will have my constituents have easy access to parks.

I studied in a catholic school from elementary to high school that is why I love the nuns. It is run by the Religious for the Virgin Mary (RVM) sisters. Have you heard cases of corruption against nuns? Tell me about it. Cause there is nothing from this end that I know of. It is probably because they can contain their lust better than the priests. That is why I think nuns are better executioners.

Let's say in a two-hour movie in the theaters. Who is the first to go to the restroom to pee? Right it is the men who pee first and then makes two trips more. The women meanwhile are sitting pretty in their seats for the whole duration of the movie.

I am not saying this is true for all okay? Cause the nuns are special women who received discipline training that they hold fast to the laws.

And why are nuns more disciplined? Its because it is only Yes or No for them. No in-between. Its either wrong or right. Its either written in the rules or not. In governing, be like the nuns. Simple plan.


I read this tweet just now from the Philippine Star:

"LTO (Land Transportation Office) introduces merit system. Drivers with no violation for the three-year validity period can get five-year license validity period."

Which prompts a response:

"We can do without it. They (LTO) should just release the license in due time."

What I think is that the LTO should have a short-term and a long-term incentive because people live in the present and dream of the future so a short-term goal is more in touch with reality. I mean these drivers do not know whether they can keep the car in three years.

I say the Critical Path Method applies to all planning. Which means the issuance of the license is a critical activity thus this should be given priority. In other words, this activity cannot be delayed.

This is a simple Critical Path diagram. In planning you have a list of activities to finish a project then you arrange the activities in chronological order and finally identify the activities that be given priority.

Why plan? Why not?

If you do not plan then you are not organized. If you are not organized, your life is in chaos. So get an organizer okay?

In building a house, we need planning in pre-construction and during construction stages. This is under the Auxiliary Department which is the support group in construction. We come up with the design and specification first. Then we go for estimates which is in connection with Planning because you estimate not only for the manpower, materials, money and equipment but also the time, schedule and duration.

So for every project, you prepare the Schedule so the project runs smoothly. You have design and specifications for a building, however, there are many variables so the even if you have the same design, it would be different depending on the locality, the time and the resources available.

So like the townhouses with same blueprints are the same but also different. Do you see the relevance guys? I think it is easy for non-construction people to understand this cause planning is universal.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Hi guys. The internet is full of talented people so if you have a camcorder I think that you should record yourself. It does not matter what you look like okay or how lame is your talent. What is important is you express yourself. I know this is old news for gutsy people but for people like me who were living under the rock, I think its time to broadcast yourselves. You turn to art to unveil your emotions.

So you might ask why you have to broadcast yourself. Why not?

Because if you are a writer why not start speaking? Its probably you get more material to your writing when you start speaking. I know, i know. Imma start speaking fool. You get new material because if speaking is new to you then it is something new to write about. And if you are a speaker then why not start writing. Makes sense doesn't it?

I guess art and literature are time capsules.

[Bae Watch]

Serendipity is finding something good without looking for it. Serendipity makes you dizzy.

Yup okay I have watched the movie, what is wrong with you people? Raise your hands if you are pissed off with the woman writing her phone number on the book. Raise your feet if you read Love in the Time of Cholera. I did not read the book. I thought Cholera has cure already even in third world countries so it does not appeal me. But I was mighty pissed off with the woman. What an effing drama queen coward chicken!

Actually I do not know the meaning of serendipity till just now. As english is my second language, there are words and terms that I am used to but I do not know its meaning. Its because I am not English. In college, the english grammar subject also makes me dizzy.

What can make you dizzier is bad breath and foul body odor especially from the armpits.

So writers should keep their lines simple. Probably you can impress people with big words but that is shallow thinking. Your goal is to amaze people so strive harder in making imaginative stories and how they can be amazing okay?

Serendipity is an okay title okay? Because it is intriguing. What I am saying is I wanna read a book without big words that interrupts me that I should browse the dictionary every so often. HASSLE!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

All Soul's Day

The second of November is when we go to the cemetery to visit the graves of our loved ones because of tradition. Our family makes our annual trek to the grave of my father in the Heroes' Cemetery because he was a soldier of the PH. I understand the more westernized filipinos celebrate Halloween this times.

Its a trek because it is about a kilometer walk from the entrance and all the graves look the same so we look at the dates of the graves. I know I do not believe the soul of my father is there but it is just the way it is. Its the tradition of the family to get-together there.

What people do at the cemetery? They talk, offer flowers, light candles, say a little prayer and talk again.

I have a cautionary tale though. It is necessary that you watch out the water your drink. Its because it can cause you diarrhea. Once we went there on a hot sunny day. I put the water bottle on the hot ground and later I drink it. Soon my stomach is rumbling and I raced for the portalet area. The Men's line is quite long so I looked around. I was surprised one portalet has no line in it. I immediately tried the door. What luck cause it was empty! So imagine all that sauce I relieved there. Then it gets my attention that there was banging on the door. I finished up and opened the door to see an old lady! It was the Women's portalet I was into.

The moral of the story is that you let the water boil first before you drink it because lukewarm water which did not reach the boiling point causes you LBM.

Silverchair is also an offspring of grunge music. I guess rock music is supposed to be melancholic and angry. It is the way it is. We cannot change it. Breakaway is actually written by Avril Lavigne but she thought it did not suit her rockstar persona. So she gave the song to Kelly Clarkson who is into mainstream pop music. 

Sad and angry songs make you cry and sad and angry, but it is well and good to express yourself because we can be inspired by it. Thing is you have to listen to other genres of music so that you grow as a person. You also listen to pop, traditional, hip-hop, trance and techno music okay?

We have family and friends because no man is an island. Thanks Mishma for the idea.

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Way To Happiness [Review]

Good Morning People! I decided to read and make a review of the booklet entitled The Way To Happiness: A Common Sense Guide To Better Living. This is a primer to the Dianetics philosophy from L. Ron Hubbard. Thanks Rashika for the tip.

My overall view is that this benefits people as they adhere to the Golden Rule. Actually it is explicitly written in the rules. However there are things that I find lacking that should be given major emphasis.

Its the rule that a person should not be promiscuous. Be loyal to the sexual partner. My problem is it is not stated there that sex is between a man and a woman only. Listen guys, you have to be responsible in communicating. We do not want to people to mis-understand and be misled.

No to same sex relationships. Period. A man is made for a woman. A woman is made for a man. Like a bolt and nut, they fit. If it does not fit, then it does not. You force misfits, the threading of the bolt and nut will deteriorate.

No sex before marriage because let us say the man gets the woman pregnant and you are not yet married, what if something happens to the man? Pray it does not happen but who will be there for the woman? This puts her in a terrible disadvantage. Condom means you are irresponsible, impatient, selfish and insecure.

You love the woman, offer yourself in marriage if you are ready emotionally and physically.

Why the insecurity? It is because you do not have a stable career and you do not have a house of your own or the savings for it. In summary, if you are a man, you are not ready for marriage if you take your woman to the squatter's area. You are irresponsible, impatient, selfish and insecure.

If the man is financially insecure, you talk to your woman. That is why a couple make laws with each other. Like what? The man promises that he will find stable work. If the woman is more richer than the man, he must prove that he is not after the riches. The woman meanwhile should have tests that the man is not after the riches. I dunno, just find out the intentions.

If the man is only after the woman's body, more often than not, he wants sex. If the woman consents then more often than not she is also after the sex. But if they can wait until marriage that is something infinitely worth more than sex.

This is the Way to Happiness.

Okay you might be asking Where is the proof that happiness is the greatest source of inspiration?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Hear The Wind Sing

Hullo! I am here to talk about responsibility. I have reservations in writing because I feel have a responsibility that is why I edit, delete and re-edit. I do that when I think my writing creates more harm than good. This said, persons of influence should be responsible in communicating. You have to evaluate if it is for the greater good or not because you have different kind of followers and there are uneducated and narrow-minded people that can mis-understand and be misled. Talk about responsible broadcasting.

I love Japanese writing and music but seems to me that the most famous ones are about loneliness. It takes more muscles to frown than in smiling. So smile. And laugh. Because it is free.

Let's take The Beatles for example, in their teenage years they write about fun, fun and more fun. But as they age, it also shows in their music because they write more serious, more socially conscious and philosophical songs. Because there is growth and maturity.

I would like to hear them Japanese write more happy tunes. Look what happened to Kurt Cobain when he was enveloped in all that angst. Dave Grohl, also from Nirvana, formed Foo Fighters which still has the grunge feel to it but is more fun and progressive.

I know artists are just expressing themselves because painful experiences inspire them to write literature. Its well and good cause expressing it in literature is better than indulging in harmful addiction. But like in Monster Inc., happiness brings infinitely greater inspiration. So strive to be happy okay?

Friday, October 16, 2015


Hey what is up guys? What is happening to Lamar Odom is unfortunate. I feel for him but in cases like this, no one is to be blamed because love is supposed to be unconditional. What you have to do is survive and get over painful experiences. Who am I to tell you this? It is I, the Voltman. Kidding aside, I may not have the experience but I know how it is to love somebody.

I tell you what happened to me in Palau in Micronesia. Its an island republic just east of the Philippines and is supported by the USA. My work there is fine but the trouble was about politics and rumors. I am not the best politician so to make the story short, I was terminated at work. There was relief. There was also resentment to my boss cause we are in good terms but there are things out of his hands. Incidentally I saw him here in the PH recently in the malls and I walked up to him, shook his hands and we talked. I'm cool with it.

Thing is I fell in love with a local girl that time. Hard. I wouldn't be thinking about it then if I thought I had no chance. I asked for time so that I can search for other work and obviously the main reason I wanted to stay was the girl. So my departure was postponed to two weeks later. I went to companies there and applied for work. But as bad luck would have it, there is a law there that you cannot transfer to private companies. As my employer is a senator, the things get magnified.

I learned the only way I circumvent the law was if I work in the government so I called up co-workers and acquaintances if they can assist me. Nothing concrete. I drived to all the states there and inquired for opportunities. I talked to mayors and engineering officials and pleaded my case. Of course I did not say anything about the girl. Why would I? I applied for land surveying work but it takes time to process things. There was not enough time for me. I was heartbroken and I had to go home. It was a double-whammy.

Times like this, you get a juicy. You just have to survive. Because time flies. I remember the girl but I don't remember the feelings anymore.

How do you survive? Its to amuse and entertain yourself that you be transported to different worlds. Not with harmful drugs okay? Do not get drunk as well because wine is for celebrations. If you get drunk in misery, you might do things you regret later on. Since I am a movie guy I went to the theaters and watched a lot of films. I dunno something to do with the energy and reaction of the crowd that I like. And of course I love the big screen. So theaters and television works for me. That is why you connect your internet to the big screen.

From same line of thinking, I think it would do you good if you study in groups because of the collective knowledge and energy. But no playing okay?

You are an actor, rather than stay stagnant, you accept even the supporting and bit roles cause that keeps you active. Active is better than not doing anything at all. Why not take the advice myself? Geeez mind your own business. Because when you are active, it means you are moving. In billiards, you start the rack by breaking the balls which make them move around the table. Sometimes you get lucky to pocket the 9ball so early in the game. Sometimes you have a dry break that you have no choice but to wait for your turn. Oftentimes you have to be patient and connect the dots. That is how you win the match okay?

And have pets, they are great companions.

"Would you choose water over wine? Hold the wheel and drive." Give the wheels to the sober guy cause accidents happen when you drive under the influence of alcohol.

“Surviving is important. Thriving is elegant.” Maya Angelou