Friday, October 9, 2015

Let's Train

Now we talk about training the mind and body because it is beneficial for people to improve themselves. Training the body consists of muscle development and aerobics. Muscles are developed so that you perform physical activities better while Aerobics training helps the immune system. Like walking/jogging/running/jumping jacks/jumping rope makes the heart and the lungs healthier.

Supporting your training is food because you are what you eat.

That summarizes physical training but how about spiritual training?

Spiritual food are the philosophies that govern our lives. And it shows with our actions whether the food is healthy or not. When you have healthy philosophies in life, you become confident so what you see is what you get. That is why you have to take in spiritual food, work at it and its fruit will show.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."

This verse was given at the battle Uhud and uses the Arabic word Jihad. "O ye who believe! Shall I lead you to a bargain that will save you from a grievous Penalty? That ye believe in Allah and His Messenger, and that ye strive (your utmost) in the Cause of Allah, with your property and your persons: That will be best for you, if ye but knew! He will forgive you your sins, and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow, and to beautiful mansions in Gardens of Eternity: that is indeed the Supreme Achievement."

You know guys, everyone as in everyone has been saying good things about Heneral Luna, its a local film about a filipino general in the spanish time here. Are you praising the movie because it is really good or you mistaken patriotic as praising? Nope didn't have the urge to watch. Maybe. Maybe not. They also question why the paralytic Mabini, another politician at the time, was always shown sitting down. Apparently the young ones are not familiar that Mabini is paralyzed. The director could have been more imaginative, say a helper carries Mabini from the chair to his bed. So a lot of things accomplished and explained in the sequence.

I did not like John Arcilla's acting in the film Bourne Legacy which stars Jeremy Renner. It was letdown for me. Probably he was bewildered with the international casting and production. Make it better next time.

Apparently ants can make your laptop their home. Aggggh. Of all places. There's ants coming out of the nooks and crevices of the keyboard. What the fck. I think it means I should clean my desk.

I miss the bacon and egg sandwich at Gilson's Nook.

I have blackspin in my twitter handle but it is actually not my idea. It is from a thrashtalker fan in the WTA forums who likes to talk thrash. I forget if he has a point or not.

Just wondering if jeepneys are making traffic in Manila worse. Cause drivers here in general cannot stay in their lanes, like to criss cross to get more passengers. How about drivers are paid monthly so they are somewhat secured? Have the jeeps phased out in favor of buses with beep cards? In the metros at least. So they do not have to hoard passengers. It just irritating drivers seems to have no training.

We have here a delicious fruit called lanzones but its shelf life is only a day. If this is genetically modified, like the tomatoes and rice in the markets, PH can export this fruit.

How to contain forest fires? Easier said than done but oilers detonate bombs to contain the oil well fires. Cause oxygen is needed in the explosions.

Traveling is important because you travel to a place you do not know and the place do not know you. There would be less inhibitions cause there are no expectations to meet and people to criticize. Like you can have your braided like you wanted to. Or speak in english like you wanted to. Right here, if you speak in english, you be branded as a social climber. But english is required in the companies especially abroad so that is your fault if you have lousy command of the english language. Because you too sensitive to criticisms.

Remember today they ask why you do it, tomorrow they will ask how did you it.

I am drinking a relaxing red horse beer at the moment. Why? That's what I'm talking about it.

If you are a girl and you have fat, big flabby upper arms, that is gross misconduct unbecoming of a lady. Come on gurl, go to the gym, you can do it. If you just given birth, that is well and good.

Question: Why are antagonists in the movies seem to be invincible, then one way or another, they become silly and careless? Is this true in real life. My opinion is that they became over-confident? Like the Predator thinks Arnold is chicken so the Predator removes his mask which has computer optics and scanner.

I think when training you have to run the 100 meter dashes aside from jogging because it allows more force. Because force is the product of mass multiplied by speed squared. F=MxVxV. More speed equals more force generated that is why it is beneficial for your health. Why? Its for blood circulation. I hitched a ride once on the way to KL with my co-worker when it rained. He was driving around 140mph on the freeway, you know what, the water slided up because of the wax and the speed. That is what speed does to your blood, it gets them to the nooks and crevices of the body.

So when you meet a girl, you check first if she has a wedding ring and then check her upper arms are flabby cause it makes her look like a thug. Just kidding it could be a sign that the woman has a child/children.

Whats with this black rice, yellow rice, brown rice nowadays. Only a matter of time we see pink rice.

In cycling we have mountain king and sprint king, these are stretches on the course that the cyclists gather points as they pass through the checkpoints. Why not make marathons more fun and incorporate the mountain king and sprint king in it.

Here is a tip to make your upper arm slim. Keep your upper arm to the elbow attached to the side of the body and use dumbbells the regular way so it moves like a pendulum. With the left arm as support, have your posture inclined for variation.

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