Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Social Media

Hello! I think you guys should know what is the purpose of social media devices if you do are a noob in advertising. Why would you limit yourself in one or two platforms? Do you want to be successful in your business or not? Thing is there is a delicate balance in posting because if you seldom advertise then it is of little use. Meanwhile flooding other people's timeline or wall with posts is irritating. We do not want a reminder every hour or so. I think this is the purpose of snapchat so you better flood there. If your product is good then it leaves a lasting impression on the brain okay?

Obviously if you do not have a youtube account then you cannot connect to exclusive youtubers.  

Cause let us say twitter goes bankrupt, what happens to your contacts? How can you contact them if you have no phone numbers? Right now we say it is a remote possibility but what if? It has happened with friendster before. So its an insurance that you have different accounts.

"Of course, you can’t expect to succeed by using the same strategy and approach with every single platform. In the same way you’d advertise differently for radio and TV, you should also promote your brand in a different manner on each platform. For example, if you want to promote your brand effectively on Facebook, you’ll have to take the time and make the effort to build a solid community first and the best way to start doing this is to post content that makes you interesting enough for people to talk to their Facebook friends about."

"In the case of Twitter, you could perhaps take your cue from speed dating. You only have 140 characters with which to impress your audience, so you’ll have to give it your best shot. You have to learn how to tweet such that your followers will be compelled to click through to your site to learn more. LinkedIn, for its part, is a platform where the approach should be one of socializing for the sole purpose of benefitting professionally. This platform is therefore best used for purposes of B2B marketing and you’ll have to establish your reputation as an expert in order to succeed."

Say myself for example, I have many accounts in and I seldom post in twitter and facebook. But I am not a businessman right now so I do not need to be active in social media. I am not saying active means business rightaway. I know you are communicating and supporting the trending topics so carry on. I want to be a farmer and plant sweet potatoes.


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