Tuesday, October 20, 2015

All Soul's Day

The second of November is when we go to the cemetery to visit the graves of our loved ones because of tradition. Our family makes our annual trek to the grave of my father in the Heroes' Cemetery because he was a soldier of the PH. I understand the more westernized filipinos celebrate Halloween this times.

Its a trek because it is about a kilometer walk from the entrance and all the graves look the same so we look at the dates of the graves. I know I do not believe the soul of my father is there but it is just the way it is. Its the tradition of the family to get-together there.

What people do at the cemetery? They talk, offer flowers, light candles, say a little prayer and talk again.

I have a cautionary tale though. It is necessary that you watch out the water your drink. Its because it can cause you diarrhea. Once we went there on a hot sunny day. I put the water bottle on the hot ground and later I drink it. Soon my stomach is rumbling and I raced for the portalet area. The Men's line is quite long so I looked around. I was surprised one portalet has no line in it. I immediately tried the door. What luck cause it was empty! So imagine all that sauce I relieved there. Then it gets my attention that there was banging on the door. I finished up and opened the door to see an old lady! It was the Women's portalet I was into.

The moral of the story is that you let the water boil first before you drink it because lukewarm water which did not reach the boiling point causes you LBM.

Silverchair is also an offspring of grunge music. I guess rock music is supposed to be melancholic and angry. It is the way it is. We cannot change it. Breakaway is actually written by Avril Lavigne but she thought it did not suit her rockstar persona. So she gave the song to Kelly Clarkson who is into mainstream pop music. 

Sad and angry songs make you cry and sad and angry, but it is well and good to express yourself because we can be inspired by it. Thing is you have to listen to other genres of music so that you grow as a person. You also listen to pop, traditional, hip-hop, trance and techno music okay?

We have family and friends because no man is an island. Thanks Mishma for the idea.

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