Saturday, October 24, 2015

How To Weave A Story

Hi guys. Tonight we talk about how to write an original story. Actually I have not written a story but if I ever write one, I guess I will dissect a TV series or a movie to get a formula. Like in this case, I will talk about Z Nation, my "LSS" show. Its a TV series about the zombie apocalypse and these are the main characters:

1. Leaders - A white male sergeant leads the group although it is more of a co-leadership with a black female in a democratic ruling but the two leaders enforce their authority when necessary. As leaders they supposed to be level-headed and composed at all times.

2. The Indispensable - The white guy has antibodies for the zombie virus thus he cannot die in the story, unless the writer has better ideas. So he has every right to throw tantrums and piss off everybody.

3. Yuppies - The young adults are a tweetums white pair and they give romantic angle to the show.

4. Fire and Ice - The catty latina is indifferent and fierce while the white sniper is mild-mannered and innocent. Here is another developing love angle.

5. The Doctor - The old white doctor is convenient guy to have around.

6. The Intel Officer and His Dog - He is the all-knowing eye who explains whatever it is needed to be explained. He is like the glue guy in the show. The dog is there to do dog things for dog lovers.

As you can see, the writers' intention is to target a wide array of audience with the ethnicity of the characters and their behavior/skills. No asian though. So now you just make changes like put this in university setting and acapella. Yup it would an original cause it is not about the zombies anymore.

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