Sunday, October 18, 2015

Hear The Wind Sing

Hullo! I am here to talk about responsibility. I have reservations in writing because I feel have a responsibility that is why I edit, delete and re-edit. I do that when I think my writing creates more harm than good. This said, persons of influence should be responsible in communicating. You have to evaluate if it is for the greater good or not because you have different kind of followers and there are uneducated and narrow-minded people that can mis-understand and be misled. Talk about responsible broadcasting.

I love Japanese writing and music but seems to me that the most famous ones are about loneliness. It takes more muscles to frown than in smiling. So smile. And laugh. Because it is free.

Let's take The Beatles for example, in their teenage years they write about fun, fun and more fun. But as they age, it also shows in their music because they write more serious, more socially conscious and philosophical songs. Because there is growth and maturity.

I would like to hear them Japanese write more happy tunes. Look what happened to Kurt Cobain when he was enveloped in all that angst. Dave Grohl, also from Nirvana, formed Foo Fighters which still has the grunge feel to it but is more fun and progressive.

I know artists are just expressing themselves because painful experiences inspire them to write literature. Its well and good cause expressing it in literature is better than indulging in harmful addiction. But like in Monster Inc., happiness brings infinitely greater inspiration. So strive to be happy okay?

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