Sunday, October 25, 2015


I was wondering what this poem means. Whether we can lose both our brains and our soul. My opinion about using our brains is the acceptance of society. And the soul is our conscience to do what is right and what is wrong. We have an innate standard.

Like say there is a beggar who begs for food or money, what would be your reaction? Your soul would feel pity cause the beggar is hungry, scornful cause the beggar is lazy or anything to do with emotions.

Then using the mind means that you mind the standards of society, the emotions you feel. Like you give because you are in a church and it is normal to give money. However on the streets, it is more complicated to decide cause you might think its not cool to give or there would be people coming and going this way to give the beggar the money.

So I say we have two standards - your own standard and the standards of society. I think standards can be kept or changed, not lost. Does this makes sense?

Like there is a dress code in the NBA because of society standards. There was a time NBA players were criticized cause they dress like thugs that you associate them with harmful drugs and violence. Since then the players come to the games dressed as executives. Cause playing basketball is their business and the court is their office. They have to look the part as role-models because they are role-models.

Tell me who your role-models are and I will tell you mine. Birds of the same feather are the same birds. Love is a many splendoured thing. Actually I do not know what splendoured means.

or (especially British) splendour

- brilliant or gorgeous appearance, coloring, etc.; magnificence: the splendor of the palace.
- an instance or display of imposing pomp or grandeur: the splendor of the coronation.
- grandeur; glory; brilliant distinction: the splendor of ancient Greek architecture.
- great brightness; brilliant light or luster.verb (used with object)
- to make splendid by decorating lavishly; adorn.verb (used without object)
- to move or proceed with splendor, grandeur, or pomp.

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