Monday, October 19, 2015

The Way To Happiness [Review]

Good Morning People! I decided to read and make a review of the booklet entitled The Way To Happiness: A Common Sense Guide To Better Living. This is a primer to the Dianetics philosophy from L. Ron Hubbard. Thanks Rashika for the tip.

My overall view is that this benefits people as they adhere to the Golden Rule. Actually it is explicitly written in the rules. However there are things that I find lacking that should be given major emphasis.

Its the rule that a person should not be promiscuous. Be loyal to the sexual partner. My problem is it is not stated there that sex is between a man and a woman only. Listen guys, you have to be responsible in communicating. We do not want to people to mis-understand and be misled.

No to same sex relationships. Period. A man is made for a woman. A woman is made for a man. Like a bolt and nut, they fit. If it does not fit, then it does not. You force misfits, the threading of the bolt and nut will deteriorate.

No sex before marriage because let us say the man gets the woman pregnant and you are not yet married, what if something happens to the man? Pray it does not happen but who will be there for the woman? This puts her in a terrible disadvantage. Condom means you are irresponsible, impatient, selfish and insecure.

You love the woman, offer yourself in marriage if you are ready emotionally and physically.

Why the insecurity? It is because you do not have a stable career and you do not have a house of your own or the savings for it. In summary, if you are a man, you are not ready for marriage if you take your woman to the squatter's area. You are irresponsible, impatient, selfish and insecure.

If the man is financially insecure, you talk to your woman. That is why a couple make laws with each other. Like what? The man promises that he will find stable work. If the woman is more richer than the man, he must prove that he is not after the riches. The woman meanwhile should have tests that the man is not after the riches. I dunno, just find out the intentions.

If the man is only after the woman's body, more often than not, he wants sex. If the woman consents then more often than not she is also after the sex. But if they can wait until marriage that is something infinitely worth more than sex.

This is the Way to Happiness.

Okay you might be asking Where is the proof that happiness is the greatest source of inspiration?

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