Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Life of a Coach

Where do they go? That is what Coach Doc Rivers 'cried' talking about the players he cut. This was from the pre-season training camp. I think they go to a diner. But seriously, coaches have to be strong you know cause they are decision-makers. Mentally strong more than the physical cause they dealing with every kind of pressure.

Pressure from the management. Hey you gotta give this kid minutes okay? Pressure from his own coaching staff, players, media, fans and owner. How to manage egos and mint them all in your philosophy. There is also pressure from opposing teams, coaches and players. Losing gets to you you know. Because there is expectations. Know what, just block off the pressure cause it makes you strong. Without pressure you be soft. So welcome the pressure okay?

Where do they go? I say you need not worry about it because God will provide for them because life is a rollercoaster. Be focused instead.


What to do with these guys? These are people allowed to file their candidacy for president. Your blood pressure will surge up with a system like this.

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