Monday, October 26, 2015


Good Morning Guys. Tagging in social media is the new poking we see on facebook. As we know poking's only purpose is to flirt and tease people. Tags meanwhile has been around forever and is for the general purpose of labeling. We label topics so that it is easier to find similar minds and use it for discussions that are serious or fun like the trending topics you find on twitter.

But be careful on how, why, when, where, what you label because you never know. The devil works in the same line of thinking.

See here in the movie Fallen, the devil moves from people to people through touching. The devil's spirit can also linger in space for a limited time only. Its like tagging. Denzel Washington plays a detective here and is trying to solve the mystery of a good cop gone bad. Thing is the devil possesses people and what this deceased good cop tried to do was lure the devil so that he can kill both of them but he was unsuccessful.

The Detective was able to deduce what the other cop did so he lured the devil in an isolated cabin in the forest. He kills his suspected devil and killed himself. The devil's spirit floats around and the devil thought itself that it would die but at the last second the devil survived. Its because it has found a wild dog I think. Turns out that the devil can possess animals too. How unlucky. 

How to kill the devil in social media? Do not go down to its level because the devil will drag you down to its level and beat you with experience. They are like trolls. Trolls annoy people with their gimmicks. They thrive because of the attention they are getting. 

How about you are in physical danger? You call the police if you cannot defend yourself.

How to know the devil? You hear it in the accent when the devil talks. So observe people carefully okay? You also find good people this way. Do not feed the trolls and the devil dies a natural death.

It is because of the choices we make. In high school we were required to have an elective subject so I chose Environmental Science over Journalism. I could have been a journalist today. The problem with this line of thinking is that it limits people. Why not teach all? Require all students to attend all these subjects because they are still finding their way. STUPID.

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