Monday, October 12, 2015

Working Attitude

At work, your work is your priority so if you are married, you delegate the task of running the household to the wife. Work hard, play hard. There is a time for everything so at work, you must have the eye of the tiger. I am not saying you be fierce, focused is the word so be focused at work. Your wife would be proud if you are doing well. Because the primary role of the husband is to provide for the family.

Its like a zone you get into so if you text your wife every once in a while then the momentum stops. Stop idling at work okay? So if you are a policeman, you patrol the streets and maintain peace and order. You have a gun then that means you are the hunter and the hunted so be eagle-eyed as well. Complacency has no place in this kind of work.

You can bring your work at home, why not? Especially if the occasion calls for it. So this is why you trust your wife and make laws with each other. She would understand cause she loves you and you love her. That is why you get married in the first place.

So if you work in media so access in social media is necessary, that is why I would suggest having separate accounts - for personal and business. Business account which means at work, you should block your wife.

However if the couple work together, be professional about it cause the whispering of sweet nothings is a distraction. Just be inspired with each other, you have time to catch up later on.

You guys might be wondering why I put so much expectation on the military. Its because my dad was a soldier in World War 2. He worked as the provincial manager of the National Food Authority. Once I overheard him scolding his employees because all of the timecards have an incoming time of 8am. YOU MEAN ALL OF YOU JUMPED INTO THE OFFICE AT 8AM? He exclaimed.

I guess we have to be angry once in a while when the situation calls for it. Or to be cold. Problem in all kinds of relationship is when both of you are angry or both of you are cold cause it is disastrous. You cannot extinguish fire with fire and coldness does not melt coldness. You quell fire with being indifferent and you gradually melt the ice with warmth. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Its also the reason why there is a game of thrones in A Song of Ice and Fire. The weather is not yet stable comparable to earth's early history so there is chaos in leadership among the clans. And there are unknown creatures like the whitewalkers and wights and the magical powers the humans possess evolved due to the unpredictable and harsh weather.
Westeros's climate shifts from arid and dry desert climate in the furthest south to cold and harsh winters in the north and icy wasteland in the Lands of Always Winter in the farthest north.
Westeros and Essos both experience extremely long seasons of varying length, usually lasting at least a couple of years each. The maesters try to predict the length of the seasons, monitoring the temperature and days length, to advise on when to plant and when to harvest and how much food to store. However, given the random nature of the seasons, this is not something that can be relied on.

That is a siamese cat similar to my cat cause it is a chocolate point which means it has chocolate darkening on the face, legs and tail. Garfield I would think is short hair tabby. British-Short hair cats look like siamese but they have monochromatic color and they have tabbys or stripes. Garfield is your textbook cat cause he is lazy, indifferent and sarcastic. Although he can be unbelievably sweet, I give you that. He is also interminably hungry.

One of the cutest cats I see in cat shows is a Scottish-fold. Their ears seem to be folded thus the name.

So because the ears define the Scottish-fold, they can be tabbys too or have stripes.

Mr. Tinkles is a Persian cat, you know, the top villain in the film Cats and Dogs. But in real life, Persian cats are generally harmless to somewhat snobbish. They warm up on you later on and will bang their heads to your feet to show their affection. 

This is the in-thing nowadays is to breed wild cats most probably from Africa and Asia. They say third generations of these breed are tame already comparable to our household cats.

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