Saturday, October 31, 2015

Crowd Control

What's up? I gotta rant guys. You see I get up early today to register in my polling precinct. Yup this is the last day of registration for new voters. I have not registered because I was only allowed to vote is because I was a poll officer the last time I voted. I was in line at around 6:30am and only few people were around. That was a good sign so I was prepared to wait until 10am when the center opens. Thing is there was chaos there because there were lines on other entrances as well. So its like the floodgates opened at 10am and the people ran racing to get to the registration offices. The Comelec (Commission on Elections) personnel and the security guards did not know what they are doing. I kinda relaxed so I let myself farther away from the line cause I do not want to run. This was mighty dangerous you know cause it could have caused a stampede. I asked the officer there if I was the right line. I was. But after 30 minutes there is no movement because so many people are cutting and inserting themselves into the line. I was frustrated cause the officers have no clue. What a pitiful state we in with these kind of officials. I walked away from the line and saw two officers idling around. They are positioned far from where they supposed to be. They are doing nothing. I told them a piece of my mind, pointed the congested portion and went home. Tsk tsk.

Actually I went there yesterday during lunchtime so I went early today cause I know the situation. These Comelec officials should be the ones in-charge and they command the security to assist them. Come on guys grow up. Its better to be called a Know-it-all than become famous that You know nothing.

To strengthen the government in all branches is the challenge to PH. Like the NASA is a government agency and they hire private corporations to launch satellites for them. NASA has more expertise. Although private vs public universities is up for a different discussion. How does the Department of Public Works and Highways compare to private construction companies?

Okay let us make a Critical Path Method. The first critical activity is stability, you strengthen your military so that the military supports you in turn. Respect begets respect. When the military is strong, civil wars will be avoided.  Stability is the requisite to Nation Building, physically and spiritually.

So we check the earth, we survey the construction site and it is lucky if there are natural hard rock formations you built on. Meaning in hiring people, hire the qualified ones not because they are relatives and so on. With the right people in there, they will evaluate if the existing system is progressive and profitable. When you develop others, you develop yourself. Thus if you do not give chances to qualified people, then both of you will stagnate. This is delegating of duties to qualified personnel. Why do you delegate? It is because you may know it all but you cannot do it all.

So if we only have courageous and brave media people who will criticize and challenge leaders, PH can rise to the occasion. What type are you into?

Types of journalism

"Investigative. Investigative journalism aims to uncover the truth about a particular subject, person, or event."

"News. News journalism is straightforward. Facts are relayed without flourishes or interpretation."

"Reviews. Reviews are partly opinion and partly fact based. The review needs to accomplish two things: one, accurately describe or identify the subject being reviewed, and two, provide an intelligent and informed opinion of the subject, based on research and experience."

"Columns. Columns are based primarily on the personality of the author, allowing him or her to write about subjects in a personal style. Column writers can take a humorous approach, or specialise in a particular subject area or topic."

"Feature Writing. Feature writing provides scope, depth, and interpretation of trends, events, topics or people. Features aim not only to thoroughly explore a topic by conducting interviews with numerous experts or the key people involved, but to offer a previously unseen perspective on an event, issue, or person."

"These types of journalism are not limited to print journalists. The internet has provided a medium for people to voice their opinions online. News written for the web is updated minute-by-minute which is referred to as online journalism, but usually takes the form of one of the above topics."

"The great thing about certain types of journalism is that they don't require you to have a degree in journalism to be considered a credentialed journalist. As a writer or reporter without formal education in journalism and mass communications, you can be considered a citizen journalist."

Why did I tried to register only at the last two days? Honestly it is because I have to do things which I think are more important than registering. It is my Critical Path Method. I'ma Citizen Journalist! YAY!

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