Thursday, October 29, 2015

Debating Team

Hello guys. How's the debates going? In the USA, there are about 9 republican candidates are going at it while it is a 3-way race for the democrats. They have a two-party system unlike here in the PH where there is a clutter of loyalties to parties. Right now there are four approved presidential candidates each from different parties. Honestly I do not know what these parties stand for. I mean I do not know their party mission and vision. I just listen to their position on issues.

The advantages of a number of candidates debating is that we hear logical point of views since these guys are filtered by their party system where the cream always rises to the top. The country, and the winning candidate benefits from the debates since they tackle all areas as much as possible.

What to expect of PH presidential debates? Its like the media debating against the candidates since the media feels they are better than the candidates. I am not even sure these candidates are willing to participate in debates cause you have to be mentally prepared and quick-witted, like teachers having lesson plans. Do you know that there are about 200 presidential candidates that were disqualified because they are nuisance candidates? That is how miserable is the current system. How are they continued to apply is a waste of time and resources. In case you do not know, this is red tape because the filtering process takes unnecessary more amount of time. 

Sometime ago in the PH pre-election debates, there was this poor man whose poor life was discussed by the candidates:

Poor Man: I will gladly accept it that someone kills me in exchange for money so that my family can benefit... 

Candidate: Why would you kill?

I think candidates must listen first to understand the question.

If the PH should change into a two-party system then we define the Democrats as factions who believe in Democracy - which is the constitution of the PH. They must know all the laws of the land and that they absolutely agree with it.

Then the Republican party automatically is an Anti-democratic party. These must be factions seeking to amend the constitution in part to whole with the philosophy that it benefits the republic.

Republicans, for lack of better word. Because it is understood that the two parties must be "Republicans" working together to improve the republic.

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