Saturday, October 31, 2015

Bookstore Hunting Mystery #2

Good Evening. It was my first time in this bookstore although it is where I started working. I supervised the pile-driving works in this location as a university trainee. I love the rustic charm of the steel columns and trusses where the green paint peels off. The stainless steel handrail also brings an interesting contrast. As I said, bookstores can have similar design but overall, everyone has distinct characteristic to them.

Pictures were taken from the National Bookstore (NBS) branch in Tutuban Prime Block Shopping Mall. 

Tutuban is the place where most people especially the masses shop because the prices are inexpensive and there are quality products if you know where to search. What they do not know is that the prices only slightly differ from the shopping malls so the inconvenience and hassle of going to Tutuban I think is not worth your time. Hassle because the street vendors have overran the sidewalks and the roads there.

The problem is that the officials know the problem but they are not doing anything about it. If you do not train your cats and dogs, they pee anywhere they want. That is why you provide litter boxes for the cats cause they will be led astray outside the house. While the dogs you train them where to poo. If you cannot discipline your dogs, you ask the advice of dog whisperers.

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