Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Expat Diaries

So I learned Mishma is working on a book and from the looks if it, it is about an expatriate - a person living in a foreign country. What I observe about Indians is that they sound the same. I dunno, must be the intonation. With regards to writing a book, punch those keys girl okay? You can always edit later. Me, I actually have not written a book. I can make an advice what? The Indian lady I know is fond of Tom and Jerry and watches the Cartoon Network a lot.

You know Indians in the Philippines are called Bombay/s. It is a place in India but that's the way it is known here probably the first Indian settlers here are from Bombay. They ride in motorcycles and can always be seen toting umbrellas. Why are umbrellas so precious to these guys? Can anybody answer me? And they have the 5-6 loan business which means if the Indian loans you 5 pesos, the Indian gets it back at 6 pesos. I think the umbrellas are the influence of the British.

If I am going to write an expat file on what I miss about the Philippines it is about security, comfort and privacy. Like you have privacy in your own room because it is your own, you can sleep without clothes, keep the lights on and clean your room when you want to. Your room, your rules. When you go to the living room and kitchen, it is not your own so there are rules you have to follow.

When you go out the neighborhood, there rules that apply only to the hood. And so on.

That is why a husband and wife share the same bed and same room because God joined them together, let no man separate. You have to endure the snoring and even if the armpits are smelly. Clear?

Babies have the right to be babies. They cry because they are separated from the mother's umbilical cord from which the baby feels warmth, care and comfort aside from the nutrients they get. So the rights of babies is to be given back food, cloth and shelter. They are to be loved. What babies should know is that this is for their own good. The baby thinks that being inside the womb is forever but it is not. Cause if the baby stays there more than it should, then both the baby and the mother will die. You have to explain this to the baby okay? How you say? Of course in a manner the baby understands the Closing Cycles.

So we are all expats because our first home is the mother's womb.

I was an expat in Malaysia where I worked for two years. The first two months as I remember is I space out because it is an adjustment for me. It was my first time being away from my family and also my first time to be out of the country. It was December 18 when I went there and it was a sort of orientation on the first week together with other filipinos. Then on December 23 I was sent to Penang where I assumed my work position. I stayed on a condominium along with Chinese co-workers. They went back to KL on the 24th cause their family is there. I have nowhere to go, I was home alone on Christmas day 2008. I cried.


Thing I learned is you do not overthink. You just go out and explore your new world. Like a baby you have to crawl on all fours, eat Gerber food and learn their language. But seriously you have to grow fast because you are hired by international company to produce results and not sulk around and be emo. You owe it to yourself and your employers.

That is why when you have to embark on a new endeavor, you must be prepared mentally and physically. Why am I sharing this? Do you notice the trend nowadays in films, books, video games and other forms of literature? Its the main characters are teenagers who make incredible achievements in the stories. It is an exponential progression that young people learn from stories of old people. You do not dumb people down nor hold them down but rather you teach, encourage and challenge them to get better than you. Give opportunities to young and old if they are deserving. This is the only way to progress.

For young people, its about doing things right the first time. Okay?

The girl is from the Tron universe unlike Sam who is an expat. The two of them leaves the digital world then materializes into human form. That is why the girl has never seen the sun before. Okay?

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