Friday, October 16, 2015


Hey what is up guys? What is happening to Lamar Odom is unfortunate. I feel for him but in cases like this, no one is to be blamed because love is supposed to be unconditional. What you have to do is survive and get over painful experiences. Who am I to tell you this? It is I, the Voltman. Kidding aside, I may not have the experience but I know how it is to love somebody.

I tell you what happened to me in Palau in Micronesia. Its an island republic just east of the Philippines and is supported by the USA. My work there is fine but the trouble was about politics and rumors. I am not the best politician so to make the story short, I was terminated at work. There was relief. There was also resentment to my boss cause we are in good terms but there are things out of his hands. Incidentally I saw him here in the PH recently in the malls and I walked up to him, shook his hands and we talked. I'm cool with it.

Thing is I fell in love with a local girl that time. Hard. I wouldn't be thinking about it then if I thought I had no chance. I asked for time so that I can search for other work and obviously the main reason I wanted to stay was the girl. So my departure was postponed to two weeks later. I went to companies there and applied for work. But as bad luck would have it, there is a law there that you cannot transfer to private companies. As my employer is a senator, the things get magnified.

I learned the only way I circumvent the law was if I work in the government so I called up co-workers and acquaintances if they can assist me. Nothing concrete. I drived to all the states there and inquired for opportunities. I talked to mayors and engineering officials and pleaded my case. Of course I did not say anything about the girl. Why would I? I applied for land surveying work but it takes time to process things. There was not enough time for me. I was heartbroken and I had to go home. It was a double-whammy.

Times like this, you get a juicy. You just have to survive. Because time flies. I remember the girl but I don't remember the feelings anymore.

How do you survive? Its to amuse and entertain yourself that you be transported to different worlds. Not with harmful drugs okay? Do not get drunk as well because wine is for celebrations. If you get drunk in misery, you might do things you regret later on. Since I am a movie guy I went to the theaters and watched a lot of films. I dunno something to do with the energy and reaction of the crowd that I like. And of course I love the big screen. So theaters and television works for me. That is why you connect your internet to the big screen.

From same line of thinking, I think it would do you good if you study in groups because of the collective knowledge and energy. But no playing okay?

You are an actor, rather than stay stagnant, you accept even the supporting and bit roles cause that keeps you active. Active is better than not doing anything at all. Why not take the advice myself? Geeez mind your own business. Because when you are active, it means you are moving. In billiards, you start the rack by breaking the balls which make them move around the table. Sometimes you get lucky to pocket the 9ball so early in the game. Sometimes you have a dry break that you have no choice but to wait for your turn. Oftentimes you have to be patient and connect the dots. That is how you win the match okay?

And have pets, they are great companions.

"Would you choose water over wine? Hold the wheel and drive." Give the wheels to the sober guy cause accidents happen when you drive under the influence of alcohol.

“Surviving is important. Thriving is elegant.” Maya Angelou

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