Tuesday, October 27, 2015


"The numbers lead a dance."

If you are a bachelor, the probability of you meeting women becomes higher when you go out. I mean you get out of your comfort zone. When you find the woman, you do not play the cards anymore. If you are a bachelor girl, you do not play the cards at all. Why? Women should not take chances because they have to be sure. To be sure is you test them with tests.

The Christian churches and, as I understand it, the Asian philosophies is that when they marry it is for a lifetime. And the law and tradition makes for more discipline to stay in the marriage. Thing is the law is abused that people stay in unhappy marriages despite fixed marriages devoid of love, domestic violence and negligence.

Meanwhile the problem with most Western countries have the philosophy of marriage with a convenient out for divorce. How easy is it to divorce in the USA? Discuss.

There is divorce because there is a law for it. To be clear the laws are physical and spiritual. When you divorce is that the physical law prevailed and/or the spiritual bond is not enough. For a couple to be spiritually bonded, the man must be everything to the woman and the woman must be everything to the man.

When there is no divorce, then people will up their standards in marriage. Let's say the community has curfew hours, or at home there is a curfew. Even then the teenagers will try to break the law.

But as we know it, even with the temptations of the divorce, there are admirable people (man and woman couple only)  who are lucky enough to find lifetime marriages. Because they get it.

Do you guys believe in One True Love? I would say Yes. Say you can have a first love, second love, third love and so on. But there could only be OTL know what I am saying? Because there is no need for a second love if the first love stuck. 

You know guys I read in Kerygma, its a christian magazine that in finding your One True Love, I know this is like the corniest thing ever but bear with me okay? Is that there are Non-negotiables. The women have standards in a list of qualities they looking for in an ideal man. Like firstly the men should have a stable kind of work. Now non-negotiable simply means if the man is out of work then he is crossed out in the list asap. No ifs and buts. The next qualities would be they must not be womanizer, should be decent, does not deal with illegal activities, responsible and so on.

So even if these women are quite attracted physically to the men who failed the non-negotiables list, then they avoid them cause for them, these men are not their OTL. Do you guys get what I am saying? This is discipline training. 

However for men do not take this as a cheat code cause the women can smell the fraud.

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