Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Giving Tips

Hello! How are you guys? It is me again. We here to talk about giving tips because I love giving tips. Normally tipping is you give 20 percent of the price. Giving tips makes you feel good so I encourage you guys to do so.

I am food adventurer so I am always curious about food. I went to Thai, Malay, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Vietnamese restaurants among others. I think I have tried most of Asian cuisine. It did not occurred to me to try exotic Western food but now it has. Western food that is not mainstream.

I mean I watch the Bizarre Foods show on the food channel which shows exotic food that most locals are not aware of.

Yes giving tips makes you feel good cause it makes you a bigger person. It gives off an aura of bigness that embodies in your everyday life. In your career, personal, everything. It gives you an aura that you are a big shot. And it helps the attendants too.

You know guys if are an attendant you do not ask for tips. You do not make the silly face or you do not directly ask for it okay? What you do is serve with a smile and the customers will see that and give you tips if they are tipsters. Because there are people who gives and people who do not. Nothing you can do about it.

So when you go back to the restaurant, the attendants will be on attention. When customers ask the attendants why you have 'that' kind of attention they ask them 'Who is that guy'. "He is Mr. Bigshot." Now you know why you should tip okay?

So tipping attracts people. This is how you build a network.

Publishing houses and authors give ARCs or Advanced Reading Copies as tips because book bloggers are like attendants. Of course whenever you give ARCs, most of the time the bloggers give positive comments and recommendations that builds to your network of followers.

Personally though, I have not received any ARCs nor have I asked for it.

Also, you do not ask people to donate. Because people are allergic to the word 'donate'. What you can do is to replace it with 'tips'. You can be imaginative in it like 'Give me a coffee' on the link to paypal. I am not asking for tips okay?

Hey guys, please vote for The Social Potato and Staybookish in the PH blogging awards:

To be clear, I am saying that tipping is not for everybody because you can be stingy especially when you have a tight budget. Just tip them when you feel like it okay?

When you love your job, you never have to work a day in your life. How about the ones who do not love their jobs? The answer is learn to love your job because a friendship between a man and a woman can be purely platonic but it also can develop into romantic love.


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