Monday, December 21, 2015

Happy Holidays

Hey all, I am going to have a short vacation. People needs the time to recharge and be energized for the new year. Its the same for devices that you do not leave the battery to be fully drained, it causes fatal damage to your devices and gadgets. So before you feel burned out with work, relax, see a movie, have a kitkat. In the meantime, see me on instagram name is voltcastillo.

I'm not saying this is the same for government projects, because you can hire a different crew so that they are fresh. Urgent is urgent. Rain delays are the only delays you tolerate cause it is inevitable. Okay, have your holiday vacation as well.

Who am I?

Its the question you ask yourself when you are in a vacation. You reflect on the past years and years. And look forward to the future. That is why you make Christmas lists and New Years' resolutions.

You do not have to be a Christian to reflect on your life. Its because all people have minds to reflect on their lives. Call it what you want. Bucket list, cosiness and so on.

Friluftsliv translates directly from Norwegian as "free air life," which doesn't quite do it justice. Coined relatively recently, in 1859, it is the concept that being outside is good for human beings' mind and spirit. "It is a term in Norway that is used often to describe a way of life that is spent exploring and appreciating nature," Anna Stoltenberg, culture coordinator for Sons of Norway, a U.S.-based Norwegian heritage group, told MNN. Other than that, it's not a strict definition: it can include sleeping outside, hiking, taking photographs or meditating, playing or dancing outside, for adults or kids. It doesn't require any special equipment, includes all four seasons, and needn't cost much money. Practicing friluftsliv could be as simple as making a commitment to walking in a natural area five days a week, or doing a day-long hike once a month.

Shinrin-yoku is a Japanese term that means "forest bathing" and unlike the Norwegian translation above, this one seems a perfect language fit (though a pretty similar idea). The idea being that spending time in the forest and natural areas is good preventative medicine, since it lowers stress, which causes or exacerbates some of our most intractable health issues. As MNN's Catie Leary details, this isn't just a nice idea — there's science behind it: "The "magic" behind forest bathing boils down to the naturally produced allelochemic substances known as phytoncides, which are kind of like pheromones for plants. Their job is to help ward off pesky insects and slow the growth of fungi and bacteria. When humans are exposed to phytoncides, these chemicals are scientifically proven to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and boost the growth of cancer-fighting white blood cells. Some common examples of plants that give off phytoncides include garlic, onion, pine, tea tree and oak, which makes sense considering their potent aromas."

Hygge is the idea that helps Denmark regularly rate as one of the happiest countries in the world — Danes have regularly been some of the most joyful in the world for over 40 years that the U.S. has been studying them — despite long, dark winters. Loosely translated at "togetherness," and "coziness," though it's not a physical state, it's a mental one. According to VisitDenmark (the country's official tourism site): "The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Friends and family — that’s hygge too. And let’s not forget the eating and drinking — preferably sitting around the table for hours on end discussing the big and small things in life." Hygge's high season is winter, and Christmas lights, candles galore, and other manifestations of warmth and light, including warm alcoholic beverages, are key to the concept.

Wabi-sabi is the Japanese idea of embracing the imperfect, of celebrating the worn, the cracked, the patinaed, both as a decorative concept and a spiritual one — it's an acceptance of the toll that life takes on us all. As I wrote about it earlier this year, "If we can learn to love the things that already exist, for all their chips and cracks, their patinas, their crooked lines or tactile evidence of being made by someone's hands instead of a machine, from being made from natural materials that vary rather than perfect plastic, we wouldn't need to make new stuff, reducing our consumption (and its concurrent energy use and inevitable waste), cutting our budgets, and saving some great stories for future generations." We might also be less stressed, and more attentive to the details, which are the keys to mindfulness.

Kaizen is another Japanese concept, one that means "continuous improvement," and could be taken to mean the opposite of wabi-sabi (though as you'll see, it depends on the interpretation). It's a very new idea, only coined in 1986, and generally used in business circumstances. As this tutorial details, "Kaizen is a system that involves every employee, from upper management to the cleaning crew. Everyone is encouraged to come up with small improvement suggestions on a regular basis. This is not a once a month or once a year activity. It is continuous. Japanese companies, such as Toyota and Canon, a total of 60 to 70 suggestions per employee per year are written down, shared and implemented." These are regular, small improvements, not major changes. Applied to your own life, it could mean daily or weekly check-ins about goals, as opposed to making New Year's resolutions, or a more organized path based on small changes toward weight loss, a personal project or a hobby.

Gemütlichkeit is a German word that means almost the same thing as hygge, and also has its peak usage during the winter. In fact, some linguists posit that the word (and concept) of hygge likely came from the German idea. Blogger Constanze's entry on the German Language Blog for "Untranslatable German Words" describes how the word means more than just cozy: "A soft chair in a coffee shop might be considered ‘cosy’. But sit in that chair surrounded by close friends and a hot cup of tea, while soft music plays in the background, and that sort of scene is what you’d call gemütlich."

Jugaad is a Hindi word that means "an innovative fix" or a "repair derived from ingenuity," — think a jury-rigged sled for snowy fun, or a bicycle chain repaired with some duct tape. It's a frequently used word in India where frugal fixes are revered. But the idea has further merit beyond figuring out solutions to get by with less. It also encapsulates the spirit of doing something innovative. As the authors of Jugaad Innovation write in Forbes, they see jugaad in many other places than the repair shop: "In Kenya, for instance, entrepreneurs have invented a device that enables bicycle riders to charge their cellphones while pedaling. In the Philippines, Illac Diaz has deployed A Litre of Light — a recycled plastic bottle containing bleach-processed water that refracts sunlight, producing the equivalent of a 55-watt light bulb — in thousands of makeshift houses in off-the-grid shantytowns. And in Lima, Peru (with high humidity and only 1 inch of rain per year), an engineering college has designed advertising billboards that can convert humid air into potable water."

Sunday, December 20, 2015


We need places of worship because it is somewhere we belong. There is peace inside the churches, mosques, temples and other places of worship. Why is that? Its because these people wants peace. Have you been inside the churches, mosques, temples and other places of worship? I have. You go inside these places to have peace of mind.

How come we have violence outside? Its because they do feel not welcome outside so they become violent. There are peaceful and violent Christians. There are peaceful and violent Muslims. There are peaceful and violent Buddhists. There are peaceful and violent Jews. There are peaceful and violent Hindus. And so on. In short, there are peaceful and violent people.

So the peaceful people evaluate their laws and search their hearts for answers. Its because amendments are necessary when the constitution is incomplete. What peaceful people did is amended the constitution although it is disorganized.

To organize the constitution is to list the laws in order of importance. The most important is the evaluation of laws so its the Senate and the Congress which makes laws are the most important people in the government. Why?

"The wisdom of the crowd or the collective opinion of a group of individuals is often better than that of a single expert." - Aristotle

As one man, you are limited in planning and legwork. And there are experiences that are unique to each member of the crowd thus an expert cannot experience all of it nor possibly know all about it.

Next would be the Judiciary who decides which law is to be adapted, maintained and discarded. These are different sets of individuals because can you be the Judge, Jury and Executioner? You cannot live like that because we have to delegate duties and responsibilities. Don't be a know-it-all.

And finely, the Executive who executes what is written in the constitution. This Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches of government is a proven formula since the olden times.

Fine, you do not have to call it on those terms. Call it what you like as long as it has the same function.

No one is above the law so what the Executives do, including the police and the military, is implement the laws strictly whether they are the constituents or their fellows in the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches.

Its like the Triangle offense where Tex Winter is the Legislator, Phil Jackson the Judge and the players are the Executives. Don't ask me about how the triangle offense works, I do not know. What I know is they have rings to prove it.

If you do not know the Triangle offense, you can try the Princeton offense. And so on.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Hey guys I am curious on the amendments on the US constitution and why are they still called as amendments until now is I do not know. Its like a book that you revise so the original book have a second edition. And the revisions are incorporated in the new chapters. What I mean is that when amendments are approved, it becomes a part of the amended constitution. So they call it in their article numbers. Am I making sense?

Its because when you read it by articles, you get a better perspective of the whole. I'm just talking bullshit. Both are good perspectives to have so be sure you memorize the amended constitution.

So what I do is download the file and read the articles and sections one by one. Hey I'm not an expert at this, truth is I barely passed the political science subject. When I read is I think of which is a fine law or not.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Its best that you say that you form a perfect union. Why compare and who are you comparing with? Is defense supposed to be spelt as defence? Are you trying to be cute?

There are seven articles divided into sections and there are 27 amendments. The details are passed into each state, thus there is a different constitution for every state. How this makes the perfect union when the states do not agree. Is the preamble just for posterity? How come you cannot fit in the amendments in the articles and sections. Why not make the amendments into articles? Its because the book has an organized summary - prologue, chapters, epilogue.

I know that we should not micro-manage but at the major issues, they supposed to have the same laws. What is major? They legalized same sex marriage so they are united in this. It is now enticing for homosexuals who are qualified immigrants to migrate in the states because they are free. As a whole, the US will have more homosexuals.

They compare who has the more perfect union versus the United Kingdom. I would say that the USA implying the Union Jack in their preamble smells of bitterness. I could be wrong though but that is written by the forefathers when the civil war was fresh. To steer clear of the past is stop comparing and move on with your new life. Am I saying to replace the preamble? Why? Why not? Just saying to remove the word more in a more perfect Union.

Its because children grow out of the shadows of their olds. Parents do not stagnate their children but rather you support them to be better than you. Especially if the olds are famous that it makes it more difficult for children to develop. When parents know that the children can live on their own is you let them go.

Cats and Dogs

Its raining cats and dogs here and there a drainage construction going on along our street. The rains means delays cause it makes rain pools and you got to dry the area to be concreted. Makes a lot of hassle. Its a sunday so they have no work and it coincides that it is raining. If its an urgent project is that you work non-stop on it. The supervisor of this project is doing a lousy job. The steel bars for the road slab are noticeably bent and you do not get the desired concrete strength from this.

When you allow workers to work on their own is that they work as little and sloppy as possible so that is why there is a supervisor.

This is a campaign strategy for candidates because you never know the people you can reach through social media. Time zones and sleeping habits make a difference. If you want to advertise your candidates is that you do it 24/7.

It also helps if you have a website. Do you know how many platforms in social media?

Campaigning is important but the most important is intelligence content. 

Hey guys when you a candidate, you should not be shy or if you are shy you try to speak up. I have a classmate who has terrible speech fright so his report he passed to me to pass to the instructor then the coward went home. What you expect is he failed the subject. When you want to be a better speaker is you practice through cue cards and join the clubs TED talks and toast masters.

YAY! Who's your bet? I don't care.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Fine City

Okay when you go to Singapore is there are fines. Fine, I never get fined there. When you planning to go there is you keep an address of the place you gonna stay there. One way or the other, you got to find an address because they will not let you enter. You can look up the internet for hotel addresses and write it down.

No smoking. Why would you smoke? Its because you like cigars or cigarettes. It causes lung cancer and the smoke produced also causes harm to bystanders.

Not flushing. Its a heinous crime that you open the cover of the toilet bowl and you find the anti-matter there. It ruins your day.

No spitting. You can spit in the tissue to prevent the release of virus in the air especially when you have diseases like colds, flu and the like.

No littering. Put your garbage in your bags and pocket until you find a thrash can.

No bird feeding. When you feed the birds is they gonna be dependent and multiply so they gonna overrun the place and reduce visibility which is dangerous, annoying and messy.

No importation of chewing gum. Have candies and gummies instead.

No unnatural sex. Scandalous homosexuals are fined, I wish we can have this as a law to discipline the aggressive gays in public.


Hey guys, I am not presenting myself as a godly and religious person because I am not. I wish I am a better person. I sin. I am a Catholic and I studied in a Catholic school in my primary and secondary education. I go to church to hear fine stories, listen to fine music and check out fine women. That's all.

If you ask me who is my God is I do not know. I look up at the stars at night and search for Orion which is distinguishable with the three stars closely lined up in a row.

You know we have here a morning mass leading up to Christmas eve, which started yesterday and its a hassle when the nearby chapel has the loudspeaker like as early as now, they preparing for the mass with the mic test. I mean come on, not all people want to hear the mass at this time of the day.

Inspector Javert is a lonely man, devoted his life to search for Valjean, and when he finely finds him, he commits suicide cause he doesn't know what to do with Valjean. What is a cowboy who draws a gun but wouldn't fire? Is from the broke-back mountain.

What I mean is your religion should be family. For a man, his God is his wife. And for a woman, her God is her husband. What is said about Javert's family life? When you are a married man, you must be responsible for your wife which means you work doubly hard to provide your family a good future. Even triple as hard. So exhaust all ways to find work, you lazy fag. I mean that Javert is a fag, because not all fags are lazy.

This is the problem when fags get married because they are not man enough to take care of the wife and children. The fault of the woman is that she sees red flags and decided to go with the marriage.

For faggots, marriage is not for you. Why is because you never be satisfied with each other. You have your family as your religion to take care of.

I hear church music.

Javert is a good policeman but he cannot wait. Valjean promised him that he gives himself up when he is finished helping the man who needed help. Javert has a confused understanding of the rule of law, he cannot accept change. As it is, he killed himself.

Okay I concede that there are people who draws guns that they wouldn't fire and they are not from the broke-back mountain. They are peace-makers and peace-keepers.

You say you are a tough guy, prove it inside the ring. Its where fighters meet their match. I am not a tough guy, not this kind. The security guards, the police and the military have their own fights. We all have different kinds of fights. Understand? Understand.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Island of Kong

The King of Kong island is China and the woman the gorilla had a crush on is Hong Kong, a crown colony and under british territory from 1841 to 1997.

Its just my interpretation of a fictional story thus this is a point of view from a person with different culture in a different time period. Regimes change and people change. What does Mark Twain think about China?

A humorous account of Twain’s fictional candidacy in the 1870 New York gubernatorial election, “Running for Governor” was taught alongside the writings by Mao Zedong and other prominent Chinese thinkers and literary figures in middle schools across China for more than 40 years. In this time, it was read by several generations and millions of Chinese, making Mark Twain one of the best-known foreign writers in China and “Running for Governor” one of his best-known works.

“Just about anyone who has had a middle-school education in China knows Mark Twain and ‘Running for Governor,’ ” Su Wenjing, a comparative literature professor at Fuzhou University, said in a telephone interview. “And everyone remembers the specific cultural moment and social critique represented in the story, this is certain.”

“Twain understood the happiness and unhappiness of the people, their pains and difficulties,” Mr. Wang said by telephone from his home in Shicao, a village about a one-hour drive from the city of Xi’an. “He lived in that environment. He was at that level.”

Oops, its the reverse. You can google the opinion of Twain about China if you want.

Taiwan and China

The Politics of Aristotle

"The wisdom of the crowd or the collective opinion of a group of individuals is often better than that of a single expert."

I read this from a media woman about a year ago and it has stuck to me eversince. As one man, you are limited in planning and legwork. And there are experiences that are unique to each member of the crowd thus an expert cannot experience all of it nor possibly know all about it. I would say I work with the crowd because most of my blog posts are influenced by the crowd. Some blog posts I borrow their words and I add into it. We have constant communication and deliberation about things in general.

As I research further, this crowd wisdom is a lesson in politics as defined by Aristotle.

1289a: 26-28: As was established previously in the first book of the Politics, there are three “straight” or “upright” [and therefore correct and good] systems of government (orthai politeiai): kingship, aristocracy, and polity.

1265b: 26-28: The system of government called polity is midway between democracy and oligarchy.

1293b: 33-37: Polity is, to put it simply, a mixture of oligarchy and democracy. The kinds of polities that tend towards democracy are customarily referred to by the name of polity, while those that tend towards oligarchy are called aristocracies.

1307a: 15-16: The systems of government inclining more toward oligarchy are called aristocracies, while those inclining more toward the multitude (plethos) [which can also mean “democracy”] are called polities.

1279b: 4-10: There are three systems of government diverging from the three “straight” systems: tyranny diverging from kingship, oligarchy diverging from aristocracy, and democracy diverging from polity. Each diverging system (parekbasis) is structured to operate to the advantage of the ruler(s); for example, democracy is rule to the advantage of the poor. None of the diverging systems aims at the profit of every type of citizen in common.

1289a: 28-1289b5: Of these three diverging systems of government, tyranny is the worst (which is to say the furthest from polity), oligarchy the next worst, and democracy the most moderate.
1279a: 17-21: While straight systems of government are concerned with the common advantage according to what is quite simply just, diverging forms of government are those that in error serve the interest of the ruler(s). Diverging forms of government tend to have an element of despotism, because a city-state is a partnership of the free.

1259a: 39-1259b10: The rule that a husband has over his wife, a free person, is the same sort of rule that exists over free persons in a polity. Since the male is more fit to rule by nature, he will rule continuously in the household, unless he is somehow unnatural. In contrast, when citizens are equals and do not differ, then the roles of ruler and ruled will alternate.

1309b: 19-35: Diverging types of government fail to pay attention to the middle. Institutions suitable to a certain type of government can be the downfall of that type of government if they become too extreme. Just as a nose [on a statue] can still be appealing to look at if it diverges from the straightness that is beautiful but can become not even a nose if an artist pushes it too far in the direction of the extremes, so, too, a system of government such as democracy that diverges from the best system can still be adequate if it is not pushed to an extreme.

1287b: 39-41: There is no such thing as a person being naturally fitted for any of the diverging systems of governments, for they have come into being contrary to nature (physis).

So its not the crowd in itself that we must communicate with. Its the middle class people we must empower because they have the knowledge and they have humble careers that will have pride that they will hold on to their beliefs. The poor which are the uneducated are babies so you have to take care of them and raise them up. So if it were me, I would exclude these babies in voting because they are babies. What do they know about governance? As there are qualifications for leaders, they should also be qualifications for voters. Like they must pass the Civil Service Sub-professional Exam to be able to vote.


Change is inevitable. We received a relocation notice. Its not that we are squatters but we are allowed to stay legally here cause we bought the apartment. So when the government owner decides to take this place is we have no choice but to relocate. Its called the long arm of the law. Jeeeez man, this notice has been in effect ten years ago but the government is the undecided. Its okay that they have an elevated railway to be constructed here.

I understand because we are here in borrowed time. And besides the countryside is a welcome change of surroundings. I desire no ill feelings for people with good intentions.

If your law is ineffective and lame, that means your arm is short.

Love-making is the gift of love and it is private so when you watch a couple making love is porn. This is unhealthy attitude that gets you hung up. When marriage is not given unto you, do not feel bad because you can develop your talent instead. Who are people not given marriage is the eunuchs because their thing should be castrated. I mean marriage is for the bolt and nut only okay?

So you ask about the topless people in sports and entertainment. This is not porn because they are not love making. If you feel lust then something is wrong with you or something is not wrong with you.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Candy Crush

Hey guys my work is temporarily suspended so you have no choice that you stuck with me. I was wondering whether I can suggest this suggestion. Okay because I am thinking of my project so naturally I think of previous projects.

Let me get to it, concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel. Sand and gravel are coarse aggregates, its also stone but these are of different densities and sizes. I do not know which of sand and gravel has greater density but the cement acts as a binder. Cement is a powder. Sand is not a powder.

Now I work with heavy machines to compact the subsoil and the crusher run is the layer supporting the asphalt. I know you bored with this technical terms but trust me. When you compact the crushed gravel is to make passes of the drum roller and rubber tired roller. Too soft means weak support. While too many passes makes a powder of the crushed gravel. The powder is grinded underground and you only see it when it rains which makes the powder surface.

So powder plus powder equals a tighter bond. Isn't it?

I know that the sand are quarried and also the gravel is crushed into the desired sizes.

Beautiful Creatures

Hello people! Today we learn about proper internet etiquette so you can have cyber friends and if necessary, you become friends in the real world.

My friends in facebook contains my family, friends and acquaintances amounting to about 100 people. There was a Mafia Wars rage in Facebook before so some of them add up to it. It was so time-consuming and addicting that I have to make another account so as not to disturb the peace in my first account.

And so, I have a gaming account and I have about a thousand friends who have varying addiction to the game. Some of these people are beautiful so as a friendly guy, I have to make acquaintance. My usual line is "Hi. Care for a chat?". But I am unlucky in friendship because women does not usually respond to online friendship.

So my opinion is that to be friends is to be in a natural situation. Because when you message the woman is you made known your interest already. So you cannot be stealth. The best thing you can learn from this is to meet an attractive woman in person. You have no choice.

Twitter and Instagram has same effect evidently because it has the same spirit. So another thing you learn is to not make social media your life okay? Like in all things, things should be balanced and organized and in moderation.

Another thing you look at is your profile photo and description is because it says a lot about who you are and people you are comfortable with. Like I teached you last time, have a smiling picture or a hint of smile as symbol of goodwill. You do not want a duo or a group picture in your profile because people be confused who are you in the picture. Also when you use picture of other people, hide in masks or animals and places is not favorable. Be confident with your face okay?

So we can also conclude that these people smiling in photos tend to flirt while those hiding their faces are stealth about it.

I'm not discriminating romance in social media okay? You send the person a message and tell the person you want to know more about the person. Whether the person respond or not is do not obsess. Life goes on. If the person responds, ask the person for a date. Whether the person agree or not is do not obsess. Move on.


Like I told you, the best time to meet a woman is in a natural situation. I remember when it was enrollment time in college is I was in a queue line to pay my tuition. Next to me was a quite attractive girl so I have to talk to her. It was lunchtime so we went to lunch. I see her few times but nothing progressed because she has a different course so we just forget about each other.

I'm not saying I am an expert in this okay? Truth is I just dated several girls but no luck so I just listen to the experts so that I can learn. Hey guys remember that self-pity is a no-no. Self-pity is a major turn-off to women so avoid this like a plague. I'm not lonely okay? You can be alone but happy. Just as you can feel lonely with company.

I love Beautiful Creatures! I understand this is a book series but I have not read it. Who here loves this film?

If you wandering why there is no black witch is its your fault that movie producers aren't producing black fairy tales. If Star Wars is a fairy tale then we have the Dark Vader.

Let's Go

What I know about North Korea is that the average height of North Koreans is 5'5" which is shorter than the 5'8" of South Korea which is not surprising because the latter is among the leading economies in the world. Economy means food. What impedes North Korea's growth?

I would say human rights violations and corruption. So they got to review their government system and find support from East Asian nations which are wealthy than most regions.

Now we know North Korea has nuclear weapons and as stated by them, they have possession of hydrogen bombs. Is that necessary to contain insurgency? Cause that is an overkill. If you say to protect from foreign invasion then do we have world war at the present? No. You can start it if you want. What is a cowboy who draws his gun and never opens fire? Is from the broke-back mountain.

Tell you what, target the Philippines and we be off to smithereens. And you are immediately next. After that, there might be second wave of battles involving sympathetic nations but as a whole, the fights stop and there will be survivors. And we no longer here to see that.

We looking here for solutions so that the country can grow. We do not want to see people suffering in a slow burn so the quickening is the war of the world.

Okay, if we do not want war, we can have peace. Who wants to go in-between? I mean when you half-cook rice in a rice cooker is that it can feed more people. But they will not like half-cooked rice and they will spit it out. Thus the cooked rice is cooked when the rice is fully risen.

So you do not want war and you want the country to develop. Kim Jong Un, their leader, should evaluate if this is the right job for him because you can pass the reigns to somebody and enjoy life. The young gun can go around the world, which is a better, funner idea. You can buy an NBA team and subject it to your rule, with Dennis Rodman by your side.

You think you can take the heat, then learn from your subordinates, delegate duties and responsibilities. You do not want fake allegiance because you cannot learn from it. Fake allegiance is that the people cannot speak their ideas and opinions. Be prepared to be schooled and you will be schooled. That is if you want to learn seriously. Being a leader is a duty and responsibility. Not an instant gratification. I bet politicians were schooled and being schooled as well.

For Gianna

They tell of homeless people. The life of a fugitive is stressful. Its because your friend can be your enemy, that you be double crossed. If I am a fugitive, my only plan is the getaway. You also had a nightmare that you are shot by the sheriff with a double barreled shotgun.

Fugitives from the USA cross the border into Mexico or Canada. Why do they always go to Mexico?

Its the sound of the Mariachi band.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Picking a Leader

Hey guys let us review the universal criteria for picking a leader. Every corporation have this as a guide. First is the person should not be a criminal so if the person is being investigated for crimes is you disqualify and send the person to prison. However if the issue is awkwardness is you do not take it seriously because it is not serious.

Next would be family life which means the person is taking care of the family and is not into adulterous affairs because it reflects the leadership style. The attitude is being able to teach people meaning you get substance when you hear the person speak.

And then we talk of experience, a leader should not be a novice.

Say I constructing a five-story building and I am looking at resumes for Project Manager. No Project Managers and Deputy Project Managers applied. The applicants are superintendents from the main contractor and there are the owners of subcontractors in plumbing and electrical works.

Naturally I will interview the superintendents first before the specialty trades. I'll be honest, it would be difficult for me to pick specialty trade owners as my Project Manager. If it comes to that, my questions would be what do you know about concreting, form works and steel bars?

Travel Guide to Malaysia

The train is your best guide here cause it goes interstate. From the airport, there are buses going to the KLCC Mall where you can go interstate or roam around KL or see the Petronas Twin Towers nearby. You can also take the bus route because they have a central terminal. Take this as an alternative to train cause this might be a hassle.

Now you choose which destination you wanna go. Ask people around when necessary. I am sure there are many tourist spots there but I know the Ipoh city best. As I said, you can board the train to go there. Once at the Ipoh station, you can take taxis but you can walk around the block and find an old bus terminal which would take you to the heart of the city.

What to do in Ipoh? I guess the weather is good there cause its a suburb and the food, I miss it. There are many to choose from but mostly Malay, Chinese and Indian. There are many restaurants there especially at night where they mushroom. They put the monobloc tables and chairs on the middle of road so you eat under the moon and stars and sky. Which is romantic if you have someone special with you. Otherwise its a bummer.

Yep that is funny, just trying to make you laugh. So now the sights, they have a theme park known as the Sunway Lost World of Tambun where there are rides but there is the stunning view of the mountains. I think there are more places to visit there so just ask around and enjoy the variety of food.

Going back to the old terminal, you find directly opposite is a nondescript bus terminal to Pangkor Island. Then you have to take the ferry to the island which is an experience in itself because the saltwater sprays in your face and seeing the sea and the blurry images of the skyline. I went there at the time when two days of heavy rain spoiled the fun so I did not get to see what the beach is like. I just went eating there. What a bummer again.

Another place I know pretty well is Penang Island, you go around with their bus system. What to do there, there are many beaches like the Batu Ferringhi and other resorts. By the way, I went there with a car so the best way to travel there is by a car. I think for foreigners you can get a temporary Malaysian driving license within two days if you have a driving license from your country. So now you drive North of Penang and its like the roads are carved around the mountain side and below are the beaches the forms the perimeter of the island. When you see cars parked at one side, there you stop and see if it is a free beach spot.

Always wanted to make this blog. So there you go, Happy Trip.

Baguio Travel Guide

This is the time I went to Baguio. A change of surroundings is always healthy when you are stressed. However you check out the food carefully when you travel. Trust me you don't want diarrhea in an unfamiliar place. With the up and down roads of the Baguio mountains, you can really lose weight. Maybe this the reason I never seen an obese person there.

1. Travel light. Okay this I think you should bring - three shirts, three underwear, 1 pair of socks, a shorts and a long pants. Your shirts and underwear you can wash them everyday. Don't be lazy. I actually brought 5 shirts which is irritating because of the weight and have to purchase underwear cause I forgot to bring some. The point and shoot camera or your mobile phone is okay unless you shoot photos for a living, you bring the dslr.

2. Book early. So I went to Victory liner in Cubao which is nearest my place so I was in there before six a.m. Little did I know that buses were full already because of bookings. I was able to take the 8am ride to Baguio. I admit I am afraid of heights so looking at the ravines and not knowing if the driver is capable enough I was uncomfortable. I was like no, no, no when the driver overtakes a couple of slow-moving trucks. I mean the rule for overtaking is do it on a straight road and you have visibility of vehicles going on the two directions. Not a good idea on a dangerous curves or bends.

3. Taxi is for lazy people. Having boarded out of the bus, this guy gave me a brochure for a hotel costing Php 2,200/day which is way beyond my budget. So I asked where Sessions road is and asked for the jeepneys going there. I saw people scampering for taxis. On second thought, they might not be lazy but rather they can afford it and wanted their children to be comfortable.

3. Renting a lodge. I know from the internet that Sessions road is the place to be so that must be the center area of the Baguio. As is my guide, you have to go away from the center to find inexpensive hotels. About three to four blocks away after several inquiries, I found the Diamond Inn. I could have taken the 500-single room but I prefer to have a bathroom inside my room so I have to pay 800 pesos a day.

4. Reconnaissance. The first 2 days is like feeling out the place so when you have estimate of what to do and where to go, you also now know when to go home. So knowing this on the second day I reserved a bus ride for Cubao. Turns out this is unnecessary cause the bus ride back home has plenty of seats and so I went home earlier than booked. Nonetheless do this for precaution.

5. Buy fruits. These are like your snacks so you don't have to overspend. I end up overspending nonetheless having bought more fruits than I can consume. And the inconvenience of bringing it home.

6. Burnham park. This gets old in no time but what is important is the jeepneys around Burnham park which gets you to many places. So in the third day, I saw this Camp John Hay signboard and said to myself why not. Its a mountain trek maybe 45 degrees in steepness. Go at your own pace and take selfies if you want. Okay I am be boasting a little here but I actually drived up and down on a 75 degree inclined hill. Hahaha okay maybe 65 degress but it is really steep and going up you have to move on excruciating slow pace on the first gear.

7. Cemetery of Negativism. This is a parody of burying negativity so they have provided tombs for negative thinking. There are so many pictures so I will have to upload them in photobucket for those interested. And other pictures for that matter.

8. The bell house. Named after Major General James Franklin bell who designed the structures in Camp John Hay. As customary I snapped photos into the rooms and toilets and closets and cabinets. When I look into the mirror, I felt a hair-raising presence and ran back towards people. I still have goosebumps from the place. That is the price of acting cool and all.

9. Malls. You went up the Sessions road and you can find SM Baguio on the summit. I have been inside there maybe 3 or 4 times in the past days. There's also Robinson's Mall somewhere on the ascent and you can ride the escalators there on to the top to enter the Baguio cathedral.

10. Mines view park. I was there around 8am. the next day and I met a two-year old St. Bernard there. His name is Moshu. Man if you can see his size, only two years old and already about one meter in length. I passed a wishing well and flicked a five-peso coin. On to the main attraction, the mountains and clouds and trees and the miniature houses are something to behold. Add the cool weather and the sun to recharge the body. According to what I read, the rays of the sun are beneficial to the body but up to only 10a.m. when the harmful rays will be intense.

11. Luisa's cafe. Its a chinese restaurant somewhere along the base of Session's road and you can easily miss or dismiss it cause of nondescript signage and appearance. But you want to have a hearty meal in Baguio, you go there and eat anything with chinese tea. The vegetables are cooked fresh, the meat tastes good and the tea cleanses your body. Had I known this place earlier, I would not have gone to the diners and eateries there.

There you go. I may have forgotten to write some places I went to and of course, there are more places to explore there cause of time constraints like the Botanical garden, the Baguio museum and the strawberry farms for a start.

Baguio is I think the center of education in the North part of the country because people from neighboring provinces go to the universities like UP Baguio, University of the Cordilleras, St. Louis University and University of Baguio to name a few. I also think the government must give special support to this area cause its like the university belt in Manila. This place suffered so much in the earthquake before and having rebuilt to today they have diamonds in the rough there.

But I guess I was looking for more authenticity and it can't be helped. Roads are needed for development and trade and commerce. Commercialization reigned in the cities and I have been to many cities and they look sound and feel the same. Nah not being negative here, just telling the reality. We need this centers of education, learning and development in every region. I guess there has to be a balance between the old and the new culture. There's twelve regions so I hope the Department of Education is up to the challenge. Of course the main problem is in the Mindanao region. Education, sports and entertainment are the weapons we needed in order for people to have unity there.


Hey guys, how to overcome shyness? Its to think of yourself bigger than what you really are.

Thinking in reverse,

Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, commonly known as Gulliver's Travels (1726, amended 1735), is a prosesatire[1][2] by Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, that is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the "travellers' tales" literary subgenre. It is Swift's best known full-length work, and a classic of English literature.

The book became popular as soon as it was published. John Gay wrote in a 1726 letter to Swift that "It is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery."[3] Since then, it has never been out of print.

Its because when we meet all kinds of people, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller than ourselves. I respect and listen to people when they are authority on the subject.

Aristotle teaches that you empower the middle class. He is not in favor of democracy because the poor are ignorant and uneducated, you cannot have mob rule in your country. He teaches about polity, the combination of oligarchy and democracy, as the ideal system of government. I think this is a modified democracy where the middle class and the rich is the ruling parties are much much better because they are educated, independent and have careers therefore they can think on their own, decide on their own and more intolerant to corruption.


Menopause is the term we use to describe when women are incapable of reproduction. It is signalled by the absence of menstruation. The accepted truth is women are menopaused in their fortys. But we have many cases of "menopause babies". It is technically not correct because that means women are still fertile in their fortys. Thus it depends on the woman and her hormones whether they can reproduce or not.

My niece is born when my Aunt was well into her fortys and from a glance on her works is I can tell she is better than average like I have heard of similar occurrences. Thing is menopause does not determine a bright child. It just means an educated woman of marrying age will improve the bloodline.

So I encourage attractive and educated women in their fortys to find love and pass their good genes. You have to be in love to marry because let's face it, when you in your fortys, the chances for women having children diminishes so when you have love to bond you, having no children does not matter. And in love, it does not matter if you have child/children from previous relationships.

Thing is when you marry, woman should pick men who are in the same wavelength or else the formula does not work.

Independent women tend to focus on their career so they like to be alone but when you bear a child/children is the more satisfying legacy you can contribute.

In reverse, andropause is when the men are impotent. Is it?

Hey guys have you been in a veteran's hospital? Its true that soldiers are traumatized that they think its still the war, one particular veteran I saw is hiding behind the wall, throwing occasional glances at me then moving in and out of sight. If you do not take care of your health, they will attach the catheter thing into your thing. Its to make you pee.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Respecting Women

We respect women because we respect our mothers. Our mother is our own blood. Can you say that about your father? Where did you come from? Isn't it from the womb and blood of your mother? Therefore your bloodline is in your mother.

I know you say I am putting my best foot forward in saying all the righteous shit. I am a sinner. If I tell you about my worst, will you still listen? I guess not. What I mean is that I will not write what is not necessary.

I like to stare at women with short hair cause I think they are lesbians so I wanna change them into real women. I almost get beaten by thug looking lesbian. I mean she was huge, I am 5'6" and she was taller and bigger, her arms and legs the size of tree trunks. And I was doing nothing except I was idling in front of a mall waiting for the rain to stop. She says Why you standing like that. Huh? Are you tough? Her face was close and her arms ready. I am a chicken so I said No. I am not tough.

I had a horrible lady boss that keeps us her subordinates always on our toes. She keeps track of our routine. In that office, we have no gym so I would go to the toilet and do some push-ups and pull-up a couple on the door jamb. Once is I get carried away so I was out for about 30 minutes. The boss accused me of sleeping in the toilet. There was a time she get really sick but she went to work anyway because we have a deadline to beat.

What I am trying to say is that women are similar to us because men and women are supposed to help each other. There are things that men cannot do that women can, like giving birth so the men contribute their genes. While there are extremely physical activities that women cannot participate in because they are naturally weaker in physique. They can give inputs to the men instead.

To improve the bloodline is to educate the women. The more the educated the women, the more the bloodline improves.

Daily Routine

They are talking of an office person, the boring 8am to 5pm routine, you always look forward to stamping your time card with a 501. However when the weekends come is you miss the workplace.

I have not been to Fridays restaurant but you get the idea. The cure for depression is be busy at work, be with family and friends, go to the malls, watch entertainment shows and eat.

Its a good idea that you befriend the secretary or the timekeeper because they can adjust the time record for you. Its less hassle when you forget to time in and time out, you have many late arrivals and absences.

I like to search for the origin of things. Like for aikido and jiujitsu, the parent is judo. But from the documentaries, there are similar styles in the crude ancient Indian martial arts of wrestling and the greco-roman. You ask me whether who influenced who is I do not know.

So for boxers whose technique is they are huggers, hit and run boring style, they ought to try wrestling. They hug because they punch like powder puff.

Do you know that in Saudi Arabia the women are not allowed to drive? Why should they be allowed to drive? Its because they can. And some of them are better drivers. Wanna bet? Then settle it in a race.


We all have dealed with deaths. With losses. To tell the truth I have cried long before my father passed away because I know it was imminent. He was in and out of the hospital and he was old. Still when he died is I had a difficult time dealing with it. I wanna be with him. I watched his body being cut by the embalmer until they told me to go away.

I understand that is much more painful to deal with accidents. The picture tells of the five stages of grief but it comes natural so no need to consult the picture. You deny but you cannot deny it cause he's not there anymore. You get angry at yourself for things you did, things you didn't do. You get angry at other people for mistreating him.

Whatever it is, you have to accept it because life goes on for us who were left behind. You got to be well because you have your family to take care of.

So you think about what were your earlier goals in life. When you are in a dangerous business, you have to accept that accidents happen. Then you have closure.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Hey guys, as you can see, I make it a point to cite my sources so I am not plagiarizing anything. Lately is I am borrowing words and ideas from a teammate but I am waiting for permission to give the name. The colleague is reluctant so its not my fault to not include the link.

The musical's inspiration was reportedly a photograph, which Schönberg found inadvertently in a magazine. The photograph showed a Vietnamese mother leaving her child at a departure gate at Tan Son Nhut Air Base to board an airplane headed for the United States where her father, an ex-GI, would be in a position to provide a much better life for the child. Schönberg considered this mother's actions for her child to be "The Ultimate Sacrifice," an idea central to the plot of Miss Saigon.[4]

Highlights of the show include the evacuation of the last Americans in Saigon from the Embassy roof by helicopter while a crowd of abandoned Vietnamese screams in despair, the victory parade of the new communist régime and the frenzied night club scene at the time of defeat.Wiki

Hi guys, this is your Love Doctor. You do not run away from responsibilities and duties. Do you know what happened to women you left behind? The lives of the children you fathered?

What to learn from this? Is that asians can have main billing if the production's main character is asian. However that is few and far between so you do not judge whether the whites and blacks are racists. They are business people so they looking for profits. So if the asians and other ethnicity are to be represented in the mainstream is to slowly bring them in like what they did for blacks and latinos. Cameos, bit roles, support, co-billing is how you build up celebrities.

New Clothes

A vain Emperor who cares about nothing except wearing and displaying clothes hires two weavers who promise him the finest, best suit of clothes from a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or "hopelessly stupid". The Emperor's ministers cannot see the clothes themselves, but pretend that they can for fear of appearing unfit for their positions and the Emperor does the same. Finally the weavers report that the suit is finished, they mime dressing him and the Emperor marches in procession before his subjects. The townsfolk play along with the pretense, not wanting to appear unfit for their positions or stupid. Then a child in the crowd, too young to understand the desirability of keeping up the pretense, blurts out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all and the cry is taken up by others. The Emperor suspects the assertion is true, but continues the procession.

Let's talk about clothes. An emperor with absolute power hostages people. So they play along, anything to please the emperor. I tole you absolute power corrupts and is not healthy for the kingdom because they stagnate each other with the bullshit to please the emperor.

There is nothing wrong with being confident but there is fine line between confidence and arrogance. I guess you are arrogant for me if you do not make sense.

Its nice to see cat fights in wrestling but have you seen a man and a woman fight in wrestling? That is why we have the girls and boys division.

I am not saying you should not date, attraction is normal for people but when you are in a relationship you do not flirt around because how many future HOFers in fighting retire undefeated?

I mighty pissed off okay? I haven't had any sex in five years!

Why I am a big fight fan is because murder is different from homicide. In martial arts fighting, you plan to knock out the opponent, the kills are accidental so the referee and the paramedics should always be ready to stop the fight. I mean its better to release the violence inside the ring than in indiscriminate firing of guns.

What's wrong with being confident? I have no new clothes. Its because I am not an emperor. With great power comes great responsibility. That is why the need for transparency and opposition in governments that there is checks and balances to make sure the leaders stay disciplined.

Truth is I can wait because I wouldn't have waited this long if not for you.

Sorry I disappoint you guys. I'm a copycat.

Z Nation [Update]

I get stuck on episode number three. But if you think about it is that television shows are non living things. Therefore you can leave them anytime or you can have marathon-viewing. Its because shows do not feel anything. I have to marathon one these days.

Okay just saw this randomly in the net so I give it a go. My plan is to break the jalousie windows in my third floor room, get out and climb to the roof. Zombies cannot climb as a general rule so no way they get me up there. I know I can get more than four items but to obey the rules, I will not complain.

I will get the machete first because you need to defend yourself at all times and the thick blade is for durability. Flashlight is next cause you need to find your way in the dark. For my getaway I go for the jeep because it is a box. Hopefully the car is a manual type because the automatic is for girly girls and girly boys.

And finely I get the respirator mask because when you go to a secluded place, you never know the air up there that is protection from farts.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Saving Lives

I read the news about the suicide of a young actress and you get saddened with this though you didn't know the person. When I clicked on the link, I get scared with the paranormal artwork she has been making that I went out of my room and watch some television.

Guys when you see people with these kind of artwork, go out of your way and befriend these people. They might not tell you their problems but they will appreciate that someone appreciates their presence in this world.

Cold weather, silence and the night will make you extra scary so you turn on lights, listen to loud music and talk to people. The best thing to do is to pray to send the negative thoughts away. When you afraid of ghosts is you call the ghostbusters.

You have ghost stories guys? Do you wanna hear my stories again? 

In the hospital, a nurse is going around in her usual rounds and entered the elevator where she finds two passengers, a man and a woman. The man went out and the nurse noticed the woman shaking in fear. Why she said. Didn't you notice? There is a tag in his foot. The nurse took it well and she reassured the woman all is well. Let us pray. The women joined their hands in prayer. The tag means that whatever it is came from the morgue.

The bell chimes for B2 and the door opens to the basement floor where the woman is gonna go. She looked at the nurse who nodded at her. As the woman walked away, the nurse froze and let out a low guttural sound when she saw something dangling on the woman's foot. It is a tag.

To save lives is to hold inter-religious dialogues, that religions can co-exist peacefully and develop each other. Communication is the key to understanding people. Have you actually talked to a person belonging to a different religion than yours? In a peaceful manner I mean. If you have not, let us begin.


1. produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product).
2. give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.
3. the full amount of an agricultural or industrial product.

synonyms: surrender, capitulate, submit, relent, admit defeat, back down, climb down, give in, give up the struggle, lay down one's arms, raise/show the white flag;

Steel like sword, knives and bullets should not be used on human flesh. Wars are decisions of the select few so we should not blame the whole nation for it. Of course we cannot fully erase the memories and we should treat it as learning experiences. Like the Philippines has colonizers in Spain, USA and Japan. However those bad memories of colonization were replaced/ are being replaced with goodwill from those countries. People should make new memories. Happy memories. That is why entertainers, politicians and persons of influence should realize their moral obligations. They can amuse, inspire, make people laugh, cry, sing and dance. Most of all, they can teach good manners.

Yielding is noble when you are noble. Because if you commit suicide, how can you influence others with your nobleness? Just uphold your morals and influence people in secrecy when under a corrupt government cause it will bear fruit in the future. Thus a noble person is not defined with yielding. And success does not define a corrupt person.

What of the security guards, police, military and civilians who have killed? Noble persons unite to defend themselves, their family, their country, the world.


Okay so I have watched a talent competition so the contestants show their talents. Dancing. Singing. Playing the piano. Drawing. Enters a young man with a model on his side. What the hell. The man pulls out his make-up kit and applies make-up to the girl. For the men, who here knows how to apply make-up? This is mind-boggling for me. I will not tell where but if you insist, I will whisper it to you.

What I mean is I know that some men, especially actors, knows this talent but in competitions, you have no chance. So my suggestion is when you want to develop your make-up skills is you join a make-up application contest. You can also be in the parlor business.

I am not bullying you guys. But if you think I am talking about you, then that is your fault for thinking that way.

Talking about the freedom of speech. In Thailand, there is currently violations of the right to speak when students are imprisoned for saying something nasty I guess about their King. They are sent to prison cause of facebook commenting. How lame is this? I mean what the military should be focusing on are the capital crimes - raping, murdering and drug trafficking. If Americans are to be jailed for saying libelous comments about their leaders is they are all guilty.

I'm saying if really this is the case in Thailand is like they are living in the middle ages.

I say the gentleman walks. The gentleman also runs. Why? Because he can.

I run to beat the red light. I run when I am rushing for appointments. I run one hundred meter sprints cause its good for the body.

You can run physically but you do not run away from responsibilities and duties. You can walk away when you retire.

In debates you can yield when you are lost for words, you shake hands with gentlemen and walk away. So you brush it off and come better prepared the next time.

Avoid arguing with people who love to hear themselves so no matter what you say, they will not listen. When people do not make sense to you, nothing good comes out of this, no learning, no conclusion, no agreement, no nothing. Run away from this.

Manners make the person.


Thousands of years before the events of the novel, the Dark Lord Sauron had forged the One Ring to rule the other Rings of Power and corrupt those who wear them: the leaders of Men, Elves and Dwarves. He was later vanquished in battle by an alliance of Elves and Men led by Elendil and Gil-galad. Isildur, a ruler of Men, cut the One Ring from Sauron's finger, claiming it as an heirloom for his line, and Sauron lost his physical form. When Isildur was later ambushed and killed byOrcs, the Ring was lost in the River Anduin at Gladden Fields.

Over two thousand years later, the Ring was found by one of the river-folk called Déagol. His friend[11] Sméagol immediately fell under the Ring's influence and strangled Déagol to acquire it. Sméagol was banished and hid under the Misty Mountains, where the Ring extended his lifespan and transformed him over the course of hundreds of years into a twisted, corrupted creature called Gollum. He lost the Ring, his "precious", and, as recounted in The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins found it. Meanwhile, Sauron re-assumed physical form and took back his old realm of Mordor. Gollum set out in search of the Ring, but was captured by Sauron, who learnt from him that "Baggins" in the Shire had taken it. Gollum was set loose, and Sauron, who needed the Ring to regain his full power, sent forth his powerful servants, the Nazgûl, to seize it.

Absolute power will corrupt people so the One Ring has to be buried somewhere it cannot be found again. I know because with my limited power is I was corrupted myself, what more with absolute power. I extorted 2000 pesos or about 45 USD from a subcontractor. I watched him squirm. Bullies make people squirm. Not that I need the money, but it was there for me to take. I did not extorted money again.

When you are a bully is there comes a time you will be bullied. Because bullies find each other. Birds of the same feather are the same birds.

Any government who wants peace and order should not have a president with absolute power because people are influenced by fear, convenience and ignorance.

In the family, the husband and wife are co-dependent with each other so they make laws for their family.

In business, the owners circumvent monopoly by introducing new brands so the quality is decreased or increased but the owner is the same. These are puppet politicians who are in position but they are controlled by higher powers. Thus the need for more dialogues and transparency in which the leaders and the media walk side by side.

Thing is we have to elect a new president by May next year and the politicians and media are lackluster about debates. What is the kind of leaders we are breeding? If they cannot debate here, how can they debate with international leaders? When you debate well is you earn respect. With respect comes trust. With trust comes investments and support. You need support and investments for your policies.

I would say the candidates are chickens. The media is chicken. BOK BOK BOK!

In the same way that the marriage is between a man and a woman only. This law should be absolutely obeyed. Why?

Its because we do not want to be extinct. Absolute inter-marriage of species have corrupted people and is corrupting people. Same sex relationships are infections because they do not fit. Why people can even watch sex between humans and animals is beyond me. Alarming. The Black Death in the 14th century is estimated to have killed 70 to 200 million people in about one decade. I say it has something to do with Sexually Transmitted Infection.