Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Candy Crush

Hey guys my work is temporarily suspended so you have no choice that you stuck with me. I was wondering whether I can suggest this suggestion. Okay because I am thinking of my project so naturally I think of previous projects.

Let me get to it, concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel. Sand and gravel are coarse aggregates, its also stone but these are of different densities and sizes. I do not know which of sand and gravel has greater density but the cement acts as a binder. Cement is a powder. Sand is not a powder.

Now I work with heavy machines to compact the subsoil and the crusher run is the layer supporting the asphalt. I know you bored with this technical terms but trust me. When you compact the crushed gravel is to make passes of the drum roller and rubber tired roller. Too soft means weak support. While too many passes makes a powder of the crushed gravel. The powder is grinded underground and you only see it when it rains which makes the powder surface.

So powder plus powder equals a tighter bond. Isn't it?

I know that the sand are quarried and also the gravel is crushed into the desired sizes.

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