Thursday, December 10, 2015

Fair Share

Hey, how are you? I hope you're doing fine. I will tell you how I download internet material illegally so that you come up with counter measures because I do not know computer programming. You can download in youtube because there are apps and extension for it. For songs, I would convert the downloaded video in mp3 format.

The importance of legally purchasing internet material in Itunes, Amazon and the like is that it gives the artists the fruit of their labor, their fair share.

The easiest way to download is I use a google hack. I just type this on the search dialogue box "parent directory" "volt" (3gp) -htm -html -php -shtml So just replace the subject and the format with the file you want. Say "shishio" (mp3) and you find you sites where you download the music. However if the site is protected with authorization password, I cannot get in so this is a good counter measure.

I would go then to and where there is tremendous file sharing - ebooks, videos, music, photos. What to do with websites like this? Is to license or you shut them down. Its also a good idea to develop flash videos because I have not find ways to download them.

Look I know that in sharing this information is that I give you effective ways to download illegally. Its human nature. You take what is free and available. Who do not want free items? I can't lie. My default thinking tells me to download it illegally because it is free. This is why you have to come up with the strictest policies and measures to solve this problem.

Its a one-step backward, two-steps forward approach. When you to the gym is you workout, lift weights and do some exercises. Your body gets sore at the end of the day but with enough rest, healthy food and supplements, you get faster, higher and stronger.

You go shopping for material possessions for clothes and apparel. You invest in lots and structures. You purchase cars and vehicles for convenience. These are not living things because they cannot decide for themselves.

People are not your property because they can think for themselves. Especially women and children. It just and fair that you give them personal space. When you force yourself on women, children and men is rape. Rape is a diabolical crime. Murder is a diabolical crime. Trafficking of harmful substances is a diabolical crime. The works of the devil. Offenders deserve the capital punishment.

However I do not approve of killing because you cut short the suffering of these criminals. You let them live and die a natural death that they suffer the consequences of their action. Hell is the mind torture that affects the body and soul. You imprison the capital crime offenders in an isolated island.

You can have as many material possessions you like, but not in excess. Because materials things do not feel anything. They cannot feel pain when you leave them. They cannot feel pain when you throw them around. Punch it, kick it, batter it, it doesn't feel anything. You like to hit people that is helpless? You are a coward. Find your match and kick his butt.

What happens when a man has more than one wife?

Its that the wives will look for outlets to fill the void. They will find recreation, learning activities and they can be tempted to look for another man or men. When you have four wives is you cannot have their full time. Its because you cannot have full time for them. How can you, when you divide your attention in four. Do you want this lonely life?

If the man wants a successful, happy and contented life is you marry only one woman. Because you can be intimate full time with her that she will be full time to you in return. When the woman is busy working is you do not look for another woman or women but rather you also get busy with work, entertain yourself with material possessions, pets and the social media. Visit family and relatives. When with friends its extremely important that you let the wife understand the big picture because flirting around can cause jealousy, adultery and divorce. The intimacy of the husband and wife is only for themselves alone.

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