Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Menopause is the term we use to describe when women are incapable of reproduction. It is signalled by the absence of menstruation. The accepted truth is women are menopaused in their fortys. But we have many cases of "menopause babies". It is technically not correct because that means women are still fertile in their fortys. Thus it depends on the woman and her hormones whether they can reproduce or not.

My niece is born when my Aunt was well into her fortys and from a glance on her works is I can tell she is better than average like I have heard of similar occurrences. Thing is menopause does not determine a bright child. It just means an educated woman of marrying age will improve the bloodline.

So I encourage attractive and educated women in their fortys to find love and pass their good genes. You have to be in love to marry because let's face it, when you in your fortys, the chances for women having children diminishes so when you have love to bond you, having no children does not matter. And in love, it does not matter if you have child/children from previous relationships.

Thing is when you marry, woman should pick men who are in the same wavelength or else the formula does not work.

Independent women tend to focus on their career so they like to be alone but when you bear a child/children is the more satisfying legacy you can contribute.

In reverse, andropause is when the men are impotent. Is it?

Hey guys have you been in a veteran's hospital? Its true that soldiers are traumatized that they think its still the war, one particular veteran I saw is hiding behind the wall, throwing occasional glances at me then moving in and out of sight. If you do not take care of your health, they will attach the catheter thing into your thing. Its to make you pee.

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