Sunday, December 13, 2015


Hey guys, as you can see, I make it a point to cite my sources so I am not plagiarizing anything. Lately is I am borrowing words and ideas from a teammate but I am waiting for permission to give the name. The colleague is reluctant so its not my fault to not include the link.

The musical's inspiration was reportedly a photograph, which Schönberg found inadvertently in a magazine. The photograph showed a Vietnamese mother leaving her child at a departure gate at Tan Son Nhut Air Base to board an airplane headed for the United States where her father, an ex-GI, would be in a position to provide a much better life for the child. Schönberg considered this mother's actions for her child to be "The Ultimate Sacrifice," an idea central to the plot of Miss Saigon.[4]

Highlights of the show include the evacuation of the last Americans in Saigon from the Embassy roof by helicopter while a crowd of abandoned Vietnamese screams in despair, the victory parade of the new communist régime and the frenzied night club scene at the time of defeat.Wiki

Hi guys, this is your Love Doctor. You do not run away from responsibilities and duties. Do you know what happened to women you left behind? The lives of the children you fathered?

What to learn from this? Is that asians can have main billing if the production's main character is asian. However that is few and far between so you do not judge whether the whites and blacks are racists. They are business people so they looking for profits. So if the asians and other ethnicity are to be represented in the mainstream is to slowly bring them in like what they did for blacks and latinos. Cameos, bit roles, support, co-billing is how you build up celebrities.

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