Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Okay you ask why I write. I write because I have a blog. I have a blog because I have connection to the internet. What I mean is you do not argue about my qualifications but rather on my point of view if it is valid or nonsense.

I'm not trying hard to make a point okay?

"I just write what I want to write. I write what amuses me. It's totally for myself." - J.K. Rowling.

I am not that selfish though. I am just kidding, she writes for the people otherwise she doesn't publish Harry Potter. She loves writing that she gets famous and wealthy. Do you know that her real name is Joanne Rowling? Its a beautiful name if you ask me. I guess she gets J.K. Rowling as pen name because it sounds mysterious and for practical purposes that it is unisex that I initially thought the pen name was a man's.

How do we know if a person loves or hates writing? I think you love writing when you raise it like a baby. You love your career when you care for it like a baby. Now the baby is all grown up.

Hey guys what is radical islam? I think radical means extreme. There must be a left and a right extremist islam, right? Because extremes requires range. So there is peaceful islam and violent islam. In the same way there are peaceful christians and violent christians. In short there are peaceful persons and violent persons.

I think that the media should be fair that they also talk about peaceful islam. When we compare the peaceful and the violent, we know where the differences arise. When we know the differences we can come up with solutions. The death penalty for capital crimes is one of the major issues not only in islam but in many countries and religions so this is not a difference.

The Muslim women have long dresses to cover most of the body while their men wear robes. Most Indian women wear traditional clothes that cover their body in five layers. The robes are worn by the Buddhist monks. People wear trench coats and the like when winter has come. Its not uncommon.

Civil wars are caused by greedy and power-hungry gun owners and gangs. They become terror armies which pillages the villages.

Where is peaceful muslims - I lived in Malaysia for more than two years and I have observed in a bank which do not have a security guard. I did not ask but I search for the guard and did not see one. I also stayed in the United Arab Emirates for two months.

To bow is to offer unconditional love and friendship.

Hey guys you ought to visit muslim countries which has stable and peaceful government. So when a Muslim woman wears the burka and she tries to stab you, how to describe her? She's in one piece of black clothing. How to describe a woman in a catwoman suit when she tries to stab you on halloween? I mean let the police do their work.

I admit I do not have all the answers. The police gotta be more strict, the family stricter and send the criminals to prison. The uneducated must be educated.

What is Jihad? I know this is an ideal fantasy but we have to have positivity that good things happen in tomorrows.

Qur'an (61:10-12) "O ye who believe! Shall I lead you to a bargain that will save you from a grievous Penalty? That ye believe in Allah and His Messenger, and that ye strive (your utmost) in the Cause of Allah, with your property and your persons: That will be best for you, if ye but knew! He will forgive you your sins, and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow, and to beautiful mansions in Gardens of Eternity: that is indeed the Supreme Achievement." This verse was given at the battle Uhud and uses the Arabic word, Jihad.

Books can take you as far as your imagination can take you. This means Jihad is to learn knowledge. Films and other media also does that. You must study so you can become successful, contented and happy in life. This is the reward. Come on guys. The war is against ignorance so people must be educated.

To change the world is to be a peacemaker and a peacekeeper. Peacemakers are persons who go to where chaos is to make peace and order. Peacekeepers are persons who maintain the peace and order in a peaceful place. Start at your own home.

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