Saturday, December 12, 2015

Saving Lives

I read the news about the suicide of a young actress and you get saddened with this though you didn't know the person. When I clicked on the link, I get scared with the paranormal artwork she has been making that I went out of my room and watch some television.

Guys when you see people with these kind of artwork, go out of your way and befriend these people. They might not tell you their problems but they will appreciate that someone appreciates their presence in this world.

Cold weather, silence and the night will make you extra scary so you turn on lights, listen to loud music and talk to people. The best thing to do is to pray to send the negative thoughts away. When you afraid of ghosts is you call the ghostbusters.

You have ghost stories guys? Do you wanna hear my stories again? 

In the hospital, a nurse is going around in her usual rounds and entered the elevator where she finds two passengers, a man and a woman. The man went out and the nurse noticed the woman shaking in fear. Why she said. Didn't you notice? There is a tag in his foot. The nurse took it well and she reassured the woman all is well. Let us pray. The women joined their hands in prayer. The tag means that whatever it is came from the morgue.

The bell chimes for B2 and the door opens to the basement floor where the woman is gonna go. She looked at the nurse who nodded at her. As the woman walked away, the nurse froze and let out a low guttural sound when she saw something dangling on the woman's foot. It is a tag.

To save lives is to hold inter-religious dialogues, that religions can co-exist peacefully and develop each other. Communication is the key to understanding people. Have you actually talked to a person belonging to a different religion than yours? In a peaceful manner I mean. If you have not, let us begin.

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