Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Care, No Matter What

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), usually referred to simply as Planned Parenthood, is a non-profit organization that provides reproductive health services in the United States and internationally. PPFA is an affiliate of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and one of its larger members. PPFA has its roots in Brooklyn, New York, where Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic in the U.S. She founded theAmerican Birth Control League in 1921, which changed its name to "Planned Parenthood" in 1942. Planned Parenthood reports that it consists of approximately 174 affiliates and 700 health clinics in the United States and abroad.[2][3] Planned Parenthood directly provides a variety of reproductive health services, is involved in sexual education efforts, contributes to research in reproductive technology, and engages in legal and political efforts aimed at protecting and expanding reproductive rights.[3]

PPFA is the largest single provider of reproductive health services, including abortion, in the United States.[4][5][6] In 2013, PPFA reported seeing 2.7 million patients in 4.6 million clinical visits and performing a total of 10.6 million discrete services including over 325,000 abortions.[7][8][9] They have a combined revenue of US$1.3 billion, including roughly US$530 million in government funding such as Medicaid reimbursements.[3][9] Throughout its history PPFA has experienced support, controversy, protests,[10] and violent attacks.[11]

Care, no matter what is the motto of Planned Parenthood. I often hear about this on television so I looked it up. I think that if you plan to be responsible parents then you will not abort your child/children. When you draw a plan is you stick to the plan as much is possible because the planned is your ideal thinking. Unplanned pregnancies, and consequently abortion to some people, is the result of people who are not prepared to be parents, of forced marriages and rape.

The obvious solution is you educate and prepare women for pregnancy and for men to man up and take responsibility for it. Are you prepared to stay with each other through good times and bad times? Women should also be protected from criminals and predators. Have the bad guys punished.

For the woman, are you in it only for the good times only? Most men would not refuse sex. If you are sure the man will stay with you even in the bad times, why not get married? If you are not sure then what are you doing? You should be looking for the man who's in it for marriage. Why? I know marriage is a piece of paper but it binds the couple for more discipline and commitment.

The "bad times" for the woman is when she gets fat when they get pregnant and gives birth to child/children and taking care of the household. For the man works in order that his family live comfortably and its a bad time when he struggles to make a living. So for the husband and wife to have a strong bond, there must be things that attracts them to each other more than the beauty and the finances.

Because the twin towers is symbolizes the husband and wife, they complement each other. The absence of monarchy shows the need for more role-models for couples. You guys stay together forever.

I have elementary knowledge about Chess and strategies. I am not good in this at all. But let me talk about what I think the pieces signify. The King moves in one space in all directions. The Queen in all spaces in all directions. The Rook moves laterally and back and forth. The Bishop in diagonals. The Knight in a L-jump. The Pawns move forward in one spaces or can jump 2 spaces at the start of the game.

Which makes me wonder why does the Queen have that omnipotent power? Is she God? I just think women can get through both men and women. Does not necessarily mean that the women is a good leader. I mean when you vote is you look for qualities of a strong leader regardless of gender.

The Rook means a tower or a shield that can go laterally or attack and defend. Meaning the interior and the exterior government.

The Bishop moves in a blind attack meaning the religions.

The Knight moves in irregular ways so could be related to the Night's Watch.

While Pawns are sacrificial lambs, fall guys and underdogs because they can go to the end zone and become the most powerful.

So in A Song Of Ice And Fire, which clan has the most complete pieces? Well I think first of all, the King must be strong otherwise the Kingdom will fail. With Daenerys and the Targaryens, I think she is a strong leader because of the most loyal Unsullied army and the three powerful dragons which means she controls air space. She is loveless though.

You know guys, the junior-senior prom in the states is the source of unwanted pregnancies because high schoolers are not ready for it. Here JS means dancing, while there it means sex, that is my impression. Makes no sense cause our population has ballooned. I would think we are more productive after college graduation.

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