Sunday, December 20, 2015


We need places of worship because it is somewhere we belong. There is peace inside the churches, mosques, temples and other places of worship. Why is that? Its because these people wants peace. Have you been inside the churches, mosques, temples and other places of worship? I have. You go inside these places to have peace of mind.

How come we have violence outside? Its because they do feel not welcome outside so they become violent. There are peaceful and violent Christians. There are peaceful and violent Muslims. There are peaceful and violent Buddhists. There are peaceful and violent Jews. There are peaceful and violent Hindus. And so on. In short, there are peaceful and violent people.

So the peaceful people evaluate their laws and search their hearts for answers. Its because amendments are necessary when the constitution is incomplete. What peaceful people did is amended the constitution although it is disorganized.

To organize the constitution is to list the laws in order of importance. The most important is the evaluation of laws so its the Senate and the Congress which makes laws are the most important people in the government. Why?

"The wisdom of the crowd or the collective opinion of a group of individuals is often better than that of a single expert." - Aristotle

As one man, you are limited in planning and legwork. And there are experiences that are unique to each member of the crowd thus an expert cannot experience all of it nor possibly know all about it.

Next would be the Judiciary who decides which law is to be adapted, maintained and discarded. These are different sets of individuals because can you be the Judge, Jury and Executioner? You cannot live like that because we have to delegate duties and responsibilities. Don't be a know-it-all.

And finely, the Executive who executes what is written in the constitution. This Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches of government is a proven formula since the olden times.

Fine, you do not have to call it on those terms. Call it what you like as long as it has the same function.

No one is above the law so what the Executives do, including the police and the military, is implement the laws strictly whether they are the constituents or their fellows in the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches.

Its like the Triangle offense where Tex Winter is the Legislator, Phil Jackson the Judge and the players are the Executives. Don't ask me about how the triangle offense works, I do not know. What I know is they have rings to prove it.

If you do not know the Triangle offense, you can try the Princeton offense. And so on.

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