Saturday, December 19, 2015


Hey guys I am curious on the amendments on the US constitution and why are they still called as amendments until now is I do not know. Its like a book that you revise so the original book have a second edition. And the revisions are incorporated in the new chapters. What I mean is that when amendments are approved, it becomes a part of the amended constitution. So they call it in their article numbers. Am I making sense?

Its because when you read it by articles, you get a better perspective of the whole. I'm just talking bullshit. Both are good perspectives to have so be sure you memorize the amended constitution.

So what I do is download the file and read the articles and sections one by one. Hey I'm not an expert at this, truth is I barely passed the political science subject. When I read is I think of which is a fine law or not.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Its best that you say that you form a perfect union. Why compare and who are you comparing with? Is defense supposed to be spelt as defence? Are you trying to be cute?

There are seven articles divided into sections and there are 27 amendments. The details are passed into each state, thus there is a different constitution for every state. How this makes the perfect union when the states do not agree. Is the preamble just for posterity? How come you cannot fit in the amendments in the articles and sections. Why not make the amendments into articles? Its because the book has an organized summary - prologue, chapters, epilogue.

I know that we should not micro-manage but at the major issues, they supposed to have the same laws. What is major? They legalized same sex marriage so they are united in this. It is now enticing for homosexuals who are qualified immigrants to migrate in the states because they are free. As a whole, the US will have more homosexuals.

They compare who has the more perfect union versus the United Kingdom. I would say that the USA implying the Union Jack in their preamble smells of bitterness. I could be wrong though but that is written by the forefathers when the civil war was fresh. To steer clear of the past is stop comparing and move on with your new life. Am I saying to replace the preamble? Why? Why not? Just saying to remove the word more in a more perfect Union.

Its because children grow out of the shadows of their olds. Parents do not stagnate their children but rather you support them to be better than you. Especially if the olds are famous that it makes it more difficult for children to develop. When parents know that the children can live on their own is you let them go.

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