Saturday, December 12, 2015


Okay so I have watched a talent competition so the contestants show their talents. Dancing. Singing. Playing the piano. Drawing. Enters a young man with a model on his side. What the hell. The man pulls out his make-up kit and applies make-up to the girl. For the men, who here knows how to apply make-up? This is mind-boggling for me. I will not tell where but if you insist, I will whisper it to you.

What I mean is I know that some men, especially actors, knows this talent but in competitions, you have no chance. So my suggestion is when you want to develop your make-up skills is you join a make-up application contest. You can also be in the parlor business.

I am not bullying you guys. But if you think I am talking about you, then that is your fault for thinking that way.

Talking about the freedom of speech. In Thailand, there is currently violations of the right to speak when students are imprisoned for saying something nasty I guess about their King. They are sent to prison cause of facebook commenting. How lame is this? I mean what the military should be focusing on are the capital crimes - raping, murdering and drug trafficking. If Americans are to be jailed for saying libelous comments about their leaders is they are all guilty.

I'm saying if really this is the case in Thailand is like they are living in the middle ages.

I say the gentleman walks. The gentleman also runs. Why? Because he can.

I run to beat the red light. I run when I am rushing for appointments. I run one hundred meter sprints cause its good for the body.

You can run physically but you do not run away from responsibilities and duties. You can walk away when you retire.

In debates you can yield when you are lost for words, you shake hands with gentlemen and walk away. So you brush it off and come better prepared the next time.

Avoid arguing with people who love to hear themselves so no matter what you say, they will not listen. When people do not make sense to you, nothing good comes out of this, no learning, no conclusion, no agreement, no nothing. Run away from this.

Manners make the person.

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