Saturday, December 12, 2015


Thousands of years before the events of the novel, the Dark Lord Sauron had forged the One Ring to rule the other Rings of Power and corrupt those who wear them: the leaders of Men, Elves and Dwarves. He was later vanquished in battle by an alliance of Elves and Men led by Elendil and Gil-galad. Isildur, a ruler of Men, cut the One Ring from Sauron's finger, claiming it as an heirloom for his line, and Sauron lost his physical form. When Isildur was later ambushed and killed byOrcs, the Ring was lost in the River Anduin at Gladden Fields.

Over two thousand years later, the Ring was found by one of the river-folk called Déagol. His friend[11] Sméagol immediately fell under the Ring's influence and strangled Déagol to acquire it. Sméagol was banished and hid under the Misty Mountains, where the Ring extended his lifespan and transformed him over the course of hundreds of years into a twisted, corrupted creature called Gollum. He lost the Ring, his "precious", and, as recounted in The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins found it. Meanwhile, Sauron re-assumed physical form and took back his old realm of Mordor. Gollum set out in search of the Ring, but was captured by Sauron, who learnt from him that "Baggins" in the Shire had taken it. Gollum was set loose, and Sauron, who needed the Ring to regain his full power, sent forth his powerful servants, the Nazgûl, to seize it.

Absolute power will corrupt people so the One Ring has to be buried somewhere it cannot be found again. I know because with my limited power is I was corrupted myself, what more with absolute power. I extorted 2000 pesos or about 45 USD from a subcontractor. I watched him squirm. Bullies make people squirm. Not that I need the money, but it was there for me to take. I did not extorted money again.

When you are a bully is there comes a time you will be bullied. Because bullies find each other. Birds of the same feather are the same birds.

Any government who wants peace and order should not have a president with absolute power because people are influenced by fear, convenience and ignorance.

In the family, the husband and wife are co-dependent with each other so they make laws for their family.

In business, the owners circumvent monopoly by introducing new brands so the quality is decreased or increased but the owner is the same. These are puppet politicians who are in position but they are controlled by higher powers. Thus the need for more dialogues and transparency in which the leaders and the media walk side by side.

Thing is we have to elect a new president by May next year and the politicians and media are lackluster about debates. What is the kind of leaders we are breeding? If they cannot debate here, how can they debate with international leaders? When you debate well is you earn respect. With respect comes trust. With trust comes investments and support. You need support and investments for your policies.

I would say the candidates are chickens. The media is chicken. BOK BOK BOK!

In the same way that the marriage is between a man and a woman only. This law should be absolutely obeyed. Why?

Its because we do not want to be extinct. Absolute inter-marriage of species have corrupted people and is corrupting people. Same sex relationships are infections because they do not fit. Why people can even watch sex between humans and animals is beyond me. Alarming. The Black Death in the 14th century is estimated to have killed 70 to 200 million people in about one decade. I say it has something to do with Sexually Transmitted Infection.

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