Friday, December 4, 2015

Brand Names

Do not be promiscuous. AIDS, HIV, Ebola, Cancer... these are the brand names for terminal illnesses. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a general term because all diseases attacks the immune system. Why would you have sex with a person you barely know? Hormones? Hunger? Depravity? Or plain and simple lust?

"So if I decide to waiver my chance to be one of the hive
Will I choose water over wine and hold my own and drive, oh oh"

Make decisions when you are sober because when you are intoxicated, accidents happen. Alcohol also leads to promiscuous sex. You won't have peace of mind thinking of uncertainty whether you had sex with a carrier or not. I know that people use condoms but these diseases are not only contacted through sex.

Sexually transmitted infections (STI), also referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and venereal diseases (VD), are infections that are commonly spread by sex, especially vaginal intercourse, anal sex and oral sex. Most STIs initially do not cause symptoms.[1] This results in a greater risk of passing the disease on to others.

If you are uncertain, take the tests for Sexually Transmitted Infection, not only for yourself but also for your loved ones. Why do we have these diseases?

Its because people deviated from what is fitting. The bolt and nut fit together. When you put the bolt into something that is not fitted for it, the threading slowly deteriorates. Why would you put it in dirty places? In the same way that when you insert something in the nut that is not fitted for it, the threading deteriorates faster because the woman's organ is a container. Because a container collects whatever it can collect. Why would you let dirty things inside it?

See this Durian fruit which has an pungent smell that is popular in Southeast Asia, the fruit is naturally intoxicating because there are vacuum tight compartments in it that ferments it into a "beer". It does taste like beer. The stark contrast of the unsightly and unpleasant smell of fermenting waste collected in the sewers.

Now is the race to install satellites into orbit but is there an agency to watch and control the traffic of these satellites because accidents happen? What are the further effects of it to the environment?

Suicide bombers hate themselves and/or they are ignorant people. The same can be said of people who carry sexually transmitted infections (STI).

So the suicide bombers they look like us, move like us, speak like us... how to detect these people? Its they are robots, thus they be detected through metal detectors. How did the woman in the video evaded detection? Its because the security guards, the detectives and the military relax their laws on "celebrities".

I think if you have guns is that you have to have balls or else you are unfit to be a security guard, a detective or a military man. I have heard of a lone guard getting killed in a gunfight versus five bank robbers, a guard having a fistfight with a celebrity, of guards harassed, intimidated and fired from their posts. This is why you have the hazard pay which means you earn more than the ordinary employees. Like workers in nuclear plants. These guys are brave people. They risk their lives to maintain peace and order.

The Non-destructive Testing is where they fabricate steel structures so they need the welds to be checked if they pass the specifications. Because these people there are subjected to small amounts of radiation, its said that they gonna have problems having children. So the reverse happens that in order to prove themselves capable of reproduction, they have more children than is average.

Fighting for what is right and fighting for the rights of every person; respecting and honoring women; and being a one-woman man... you learn all this in wrestling.

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