Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Star System

Hi guys the solar system is a star system. How the sun works and how it attracts the planets is I do not know because I am not an astrophysicist. I'm just here to have fun. What I do is imagine myself as the center of a star system so I imagine myself as a star and moving around me are the planets or women to be clear about it. Women that I know that we have attraction for each other. I do not know what you can learn from this except that attraction is natural.

So I write my initials at the center and write the initials of the women and put them into orbits with varying degree of closeness. What I notice is that my diagram changes from day to day. Say one woman is here, next day she's there.

: caused by mental or emotional problems rather than by physical illness

I think psychosomatic is like overthinking which is negative because it consumes time and its not productive because there is nothing you can do about the truth. So when you think positive is that you are driven by adrenaline which is under thinking for lack of better word because this is reflex action. Reflex is fueled by muscle memory that you memorize through practice.

Say you are passing by a wall and the wall collapses is you instinctively raise your hands to protect yourself.

Sorry for the roids rage is because I take steroids. Not a joke.

Its medical steroids you dork when I was hospitalized eons ago. Around the same time I was drawing star systems. I have moved on to more productive models. This is a binary star system. Binary means a husband and wife pair.

Again, I am not claiming to be an astrophysicist because I am not. I just think that a binary star system means they are co-dependent with each other and of course the neighboring planets. Why is a binary star system more productive than a lone star system? Its because 1+1 = infinity, its also called as synergy.

1 the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions,etc.; synergism.
2 Physiology, Medicine/Medical. the cooperative action of two or more muscles, nerves, or the like.
3 Biochemistry, Pharmacology. the cooperative action of two or more stimuli or drugs.

You also find good music through movie soundtracks.

The Golden Ratio [The Golden Race Yo]

So if a star does not have planets revolving around it, they burn out much faster, explodes in a supernova and becomes a black hole. When explosions go off, it needs oxygen to explode. So it is logical that supernovas draws in the "dark matter" and the black holes are just the after effects. We feel vibrations in explosions, what is the "vibration" in supernovas? Okay dorks, your turn.

The dark matter is what fuels the stars, in our solar system is in a slow burn. Hey guys, just throwing in ideas. Or to sound more expert, I throw in "theories". It does make sense that the planets help distribute the dark matter to the star.

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