Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Desert Rose

To glory and supremacy,
Glorify the Creator of heavens!
And raise the green flag,
Carrying the written light reflecting guidance,
Repeat Allahu: Akbar,
O my country,
My country,
Live as the glory of Muslims,
Long live the King,
For the flag,
And the homeland!

Name the sword as Kindness. Carry Kindness as the guiding light.

Songs are the oldest form of communication that is embedded in us so what the writer is yearning for is the written light reflecting guidance. Its because laws are written in the heart.

Kenshin wields a reverse-edged sword so he doesn't kill the enemy. He teaches and reforms the bad guys. Its because he vowed never to kill again after the civil war. The boss bad guy, Shishio Makoto lived in the dark.

Its because bad guys can reform. There is the CNN Heroes I watched yesterday is that an awardee was a former inmate and drug addict was rehabilitated and founded a charity. Her mission is to help homeless people get off the streets, and make the single parents self-sufficient that they can reunite with their children.

I know that we see violence and crimes everyday but we are limited that we cannot do everything all at once. So if you are angry then be angry. When your anger has subsided, think of what are you going to do about it. Can we do anything about the past? We cannot change it but we can learn from it because we can do something in the present and the future, in limited capacity.

Kindness and discipline goes hand in hand. Because when a wealthy parent gives the child the whole inheritance is that the child will spend it carelessly and immediately because the child did not work for it. This is not kindness. This is a spoiled brat. A spoiled brat is a drama queen. Drama queens make tantrums. When the inheritance is spent, the child asks for more to the dismay of the siblings who did not receive special treatment.

So the parent made the mistake, the spoiled child also made a mistake and the siblings were right. The parent must own up to the mistakes and talk to the children. The siblings must help the parent that the spoiled child is to be not spoiled. The spoiled child will learn because the child is the youngest.

Its because the oil deposits are consummable materials. You must educate the youth and empower the women because this is for your own good. You gotta prepare for your children's children.

Batman and Robin are crusaders and crime fighters but they do not kill people. Police Commissioner James Gordon lights up the bat signal to communicate with the Batman.

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