Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Let's Go

What I know about North Korea is that the average height of North Koreans is 5'5" which is shorter than the 5'8" of South Korea which is not surprising because the latter is among the leading economies in the world. Economy means food. What impedes North Korea's growth?

I would say human rights violations and corruption. So they got to review their government system and find support from East Asian nations which are wealthy than most regions.

Now we know North Korea has nuclear weapons and as stated by them, they have possession of hydrogen bombs. Is that necessary to contain insurgency? Cause that is an overkill. If you say to protect from foreign invasion then do we have world war at the present? No. You can start it if you want. What is a cowboy who draws his gun and never opens fire? Is from the broke-back mountain.

Tell you what, target the Philippines and we be off to smithereens. And you are immediately next. After that, there might be second wave of battles involving sympathetic nations but as a whole, the fights stop and there will be survivors. And we no longer here to see that.

We looking here for solutions so that the country can grow. We do not want to see people suffering in a slow burn so the quickening is the war of the world.

Okay, if we do not want war, we can have peace. Who wants to go in-between? I mean when you half-cook rice in a rice cooker is that it can feed more people. But they will not like half-cooked rice and they will spit it out. Thus the cooked rice is cooked when the rice is fully risen.

So you do not want war and you want the country to develop. Kim Jong Un, their leader, should evaluate if this is the right job for him because you can pass the reigns to somebody and enjoy life. The young gun can go around the world, which is a better, funner idea. You can buy an NBA team and subject it to your rule, with Dennis Rodman by your side.

You think you can take the heat, then learn from your subordinates, delegate duties and responsibilities. You do not want fake allegiance because you cannot learn from it. Fake allegiance is that the people cannot speak their ideas and opinions. Be prepared to be schooled and you will be schooled. That is if you want to learn seriously. Being a leader is a duty and responsibility. Not an instant gratification. I bet politicians were schooled and being schooled as well.

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