Monday, November 30, 2015

Musical Monday

Hey Guys, this is what I do when I hear a new song that I like. I try and make sure I write words or phrases about it if I cannot recognize the artist. The hook goes Uh huh huh It's Christmas and the speakers are not that good so I listened in intently until I heard the rest of the song. So I write So much love to share and It's Christmas. You then google or yahoo it up, whatever works for you, and you will find the title of the song.

The moral of the story is that you buy the full album because you never know what catches your ear until you hear it. You do not underestimate Christmas albums either.

Life is a box of chocolates...

Appeared in the 1994 film Forrest Gump, when the lead character Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks) says "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

The book Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami, first published in Japanese in 1987, and in English in 1989, has the following: "Just remember, life is like a box of chocolates." ... "You know, they've got these chocolate assortments, and you like some but you don't like others? And you eat all the ones you like, and the only ones left are the ones you don't like as much? I always think about that when something painful comes up. "Now I just have to polish these off, and everything'll be OK.' Life is a box of chocolates."

This is what you get when you buy a box of assorted chocolates. I don't like guessing. The chocolates I like are choco mallows, chocolates with almonds, milk chocolates and dark chocolates. I buy a box of chocolates when I feel like it. Like right now, I have a box of choco mallows, its chocolate covered marsmallow biscuits.

So for people who are wondering, why so many nominations for chocolates yet they do not win major awards, wonder no more, its because you are not fully free.

When you can see yourself regardless of age, weight, sexuality, height, gender, skin color, country and religion is the time you are finally free.

To be clear, I do not hate homosexuals in general because they are also entertaining, smart and talented. What I hate is bad people. I do not believe in same sex relationships because they do not fit. Simple as that. The law is fair but firm.

You know guys I think that the cause of the ebola virus is homosexuality among the monkeys.

Why Ebola is so dangerous

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the world's deadliest to date and the World Health Organization has declared an international health emergency as more than 3,850 people have died of the virus in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria this year.

What is Ebola?

Ebola is a viral illness of which the initial symptoms can include a sudden fever, intense weakness, muscle pain and a sore throat, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). And that is just the beginning: subsequent stages are vomiting, diarrhoea and - in some cases - both internal and external bleeding.

The disease infects humans through close contact with infected animals, including chimpanzees, fruit bats and forest antelope.

It then spreads between humans by direct contact with infected blood, bodily fluids or organs, or indirectly through contact with contaminated environments. Even funerals of Ebola victims can be a risk, if mourners have direct contact with the body of the deceased.

When you lost a twin tower is you build a new twin tower.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Price Tag

I have a price tag. Everybody has a price. I sleep on my left side hugging a pillow or a stuffed toy. I also sleep with my eyes closed.

What I mean is that you invest time, resources and effort in everything that you do. You pay to be where you are. To be with someone. When you get there, you also pay the price of success. Some do not have the peace of mind because they feel bad being successful when there are so many people struggling. Some get injured. Your privacy is then invaded by the paparazzi. So you look for role-models and learn what they have done to deal with success.

When you doing things you love for the right reasons, then its worth your time, resources and effort even if it means that there are things you do not want.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Underdog Stories

You know guys, in reality, the chances of an underdog making it to the top is one out of fifty, like in boxing. Its inspiring and all but its not rare to see this because underdog stories are everywhere around you. There is a shrimp vendor here who had success selling spicy shrimp that enabled the vendor to go to the states. There's the geeky four-eyes in your high school class who makes a million dollars. And so on. What I am saying is that, as much as possible, do not let yourself be an underdog because it is difficult to be one. So learn as much as you can, equip and train as much as you can. If you are parents, you discipline and encourage your children to be top dawgs. In basketball, a good tall team will beat a good small team. In Formula One, whoever has the pole position has the big advantage especially in Monaco Grand Prix where there is minute chances to overtake. And so on, to each his own. May the odds be in your favor.

Hey do not misunderstand that I am calling you guys shrimp. I am just stating a true story. If it makes you happy, I look more like a shrimp cause I have a flat nose.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Back Fracture

"One in five women and one in twelve men over the age of fifty in the UK already suffer from osteoporosis, and every three minutes has a fracture due to osteoporosis. In the USA it is predicted that one in two women and one in eight men over fifty will have an osteoporosis-related fracture at some time in their lives. In Canada, more women die each year as a result of osteoporosis fractures than from breast and ovarian cancer combined."

From what I read, osteoporosis is an inevitable part of aging. I think it has to do with posture that if you walk, stand and sit like a model then it helps to avoid hurting the back. Because models they move straight. Also has something to do with your weight and your type of job. Is there a survey between obese and petite women? Because logically obese women will be carrying more weight so if their bones are not that strong to support it then they have back injuries. So we are talking about your weight should be distributed that its unnatural that you have big upper body and small lower body to support it.

If you are petite and weightless, then correct your posture, be a model. Its nice to look at models. To strengthen the bones is you do not stop drinking milk. Drink milk before sleeping at night okay?

Also an added weight to women is if they are pregnant, they carry the big knapsacks and backpacks in hiking and mountaineering so make the necessary precautions to protect your back. Why do you need that many clothes in traveling? You can wash and wear. There are careers also that is exposed to back injuries like sports with physical contact and work that requires you to bend or stoop down for long periods of time like farmers. For athletes and hobbyists who lifts weights, its best that you wear the weightlifting belt that help absorbs the stress in the spinal cord. You cannot underestimate weightlifting.

Why is women are more prone to osteoporis? Let us compare the bone density of people at varying ages.

Girls have the growth spurt earlier than boys. Their bones grow to full size earlier which means their bones are older.

Girls are also homebodies. They become couch potatoes so they eat junkfood and watch romcoms and drama which makes them fat, obese and unhealthy because sitting at the couch makes for awkward posture and I would not recommend it if you want to sit for long periods of time. The office swivel chair and the monoblock is good for you because it provides resistance that keeps your back straight.

What else they do in the sofa? Crocheting, cross-stitching, reading a book and daydreaming. Even the most outgoing of the girls is grounded when they have menstruation and I read it comes with abdominal pains so they would stay inside. If you want to be a couch potato, select one with the tough and hard cushion.

Hey Guys, to have progress we have to challenge age-old traditions that are accepted, conventional thinking. In theory and the actual is that soft cushion is soft that your body digs in it that gives you bad posture.

Just do not debate with me on same-sex relationships cause I will never change my position is negative. You can go somewhere else if you want. Bolt and nut, they fit.

Living Independently

The first time I lived alone is when I went to Penang in Malaysia. I cried cause I was home alone at Christmas day. Come on, give me a break, its like a marine fish being placed in the aquarium tank that you have to adjust. It was rather a short stay cause my destination was in Ipoh City in the state of Selangor.

Among the projects I worked in is a natural hotspring that is developed into a resort with spa, villas, landscaping and gardens of medicinal plants. Its called the Banjaran Hotsprings Resort and Spa. I particularly love the cat's whiskers plant in the garden because I am a cat man. And I am missing my cat. Its very refreshing to go inside the steam cave where the hotspring is because its a sweating place. The usual jungle trekking also made me physically fitter and healthier. Its made a big impact to me that it influences my life goals.

I stayed in a villa with two chinese-malaysians and an indian-malaysian couple. We all ate together during occasions and usually after meetings. My room has a toilet that has a connecting door to the next room so the rule is you keep it clean that there is no complaints from the toilet-mate. Across my room is my project manager, Mr. Chang Fuok Kwek. Its better that he is called Mr. Chang. He knocks on my door at night and we eat out. Sometimes we just buy take-home dinner. This guy gets me to drink beer cause he is a heavy drinker with five bottles the norm. I think I have reached that as my max. He taught me how to play golf with the condition that I buy him and his mates some beer. This guy is all about the beer. So I did buy them and I learned how to swing in the driving range.

The couple is of Indian descent so their food is very spicy, I have shared food with them several times. Actually to wash my underwear daily is a tip I get from them and the mixture of cinnamon, olive oil and honey for my face and hair.

People you have communicated with and the places and work molds you in the person you are now. So be careful of the influences, just pick the good ones from the bad.

My interaction with the Malay people is at work because I have malay co-workers and on the owner side, there is lady supervisor that I report to and she is a looker. She drives a pick-up car and several times she drives me to the site area where we discuss and monitor the work progress. We even went to the farthest state there so we drive for hours.

I've been in Thailand and Singapore but only for a short while. I went to the UAE where I stayed with my brother and his wife. I sent around 200 emails in a span of 2 months cause I searched for a job there. I called less times. I had several interviews but its not to be, either I did not qualify or I do not like the salary and terms. The thing I learned from this is how to wear a suit because its not uncommon for people there to be in formal wear.

The second time I have to live alone for a long time is when I worked in Palau. East asians, people from the west and the rest of the world come here by the boatloads cause this is a tourist destination famous for its diving spots. The locals are skilled swimmers that its like art when you see their arms cutting the water. The Japanese and the Germans have a connection with the island from the 1900s so I guess this was an axis stronghold.

The internet connection here is so iffy even in the coffee shops. My tip is that you keep your car clean and the seats available because you never know when strangers need to hitch a ride and its a hassle when you have to turn them down because your car is messy and full of boxes with things and stuff.


Hey Guys, the sunshine is beneficial up to 10 in the morning. After that you stay cover and use caps and umbrellas that is when the harmful rays are at the highest. So if your work requires you to be under the sun, you must protect your skin. I wear the sleeves for my arms when I worked in the airport road construction. In sports and activities, you use sleeves, jackets and you apply sun block lotion and creams, just ask around for those that contains safe chemicals. Its not being vain for women and its not girly for men to use sun block because its for your protection.

The ozone layer is composed of ozones (O3) which means its a compound that contains three molecules of oxygen. Oxygen is the air we breathe so the main consumers of oxygen are people. The more the population, the more it consumes oxygen. I have the basic knowledge in chemistry but I would think that this also causes the thinning of the ozone layer because O3 breaks down into oxygen. 

So the need to produce more oxygen. The trees, plants and the greens manufacture carbon dioxide into oxygen. Carbon dioxide is what we exhale so what the greens produce should be proportional to the population. This is not a new idea, we just have to intensify the green revolution.

France decrees new rooftops must be covered in plants or solar panels.

All new buildings in commercial zones across the country must comply with new environmental legislation.

Rooftops on new buildings built in commercial zones in France must either be partially covered in plants or solar panels, under a law approved on Thursday.

Green roofs have an isolating effect, helping reduce the amount of energy needed to heat a building in winter and cool it in summer.

They also retain rainwater, thus helping reduce problems with runoff, while favouring biodiversity and giving birds a place to nest in the urban jungle, ecologists say.

The law approved by parliament was more limited in scope than initial calls by French environmental activists to make green roofs that cover the entire surface mandatory on all new buildings.

The Socialist government convinced activists to limit the scope of the law to commercial buildings.

The law was also made less onerous for businesses by requiring only part of the roof to be covered with plants, and giving them the choice of installing solar panels to generate electricity instead.

Green roofs are popular in Germany and Australia, and Canada’s city of Toronto adopted a by-law in 2009 mandating them in industrial and residential buildings.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is giving thanks. Damn we need holidays like this in the PH because we have a lot to be thankful for. From me to you, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

From what I get from social media, Thanksgiving is a time for reflection, like Christmas, Easter and New Year's Day. You guys are overthinking. This is your day-off that is why you have time with your family. Imagine Thanksgiving is a working holiday, chances are you will not enjoy it that much because you will be tired from work and will have no time to rest and to be together with family.

So be thankful that you have a family to share the holidays with. If you do not have a family, you're nuts. Okay you are an orphan. Celebrate with friends and neighbors because they are closer than relatives who lives in far off places. Strive to have a family of your own by being independent and have a stable career and finances.

Its because when you have the finances then you can enjoy the holidays or else you are working overtime to make ends meet. You buy gifts and presents with the money. Guys what the hell is going that everyone seems to be on hover board. Amazing.

Hey guys, when you carpool, think of safety first because there are hitchhikers who are serial killers. Car pooling is advised because according to a PH survey, the average number of people inside the car is said to be less than 2 persons so there are seats available for friends.

I wanna thank myself because I do not carpool.

As you know detectives are human beings who are limited in capacity and resources so they do not know what all of the clues are all about. What a detective does in this case is to bully the suspect endlessly.

Thank you detectives.

Breaking Bad is trending again at number one for no reason that its Thanksgiving. Give thanks that you do not lose a tight brother like Combo because of drug dealing. His death haunted Jesse, Skinny Pete and Badger up to the end.

I have a lost a friend like Combo but we are not into harmful drugs. You just remember the good times you have shared, like I never beat this guy in NBA Live, that kind of thing.

Give thanks that you are not like Jesse who lost his girlfriend because of drug overdose and a user-friendly Walter Sr. who could have called for 911 to save the girl.

Why is it that we have no Thanksgiving holiday in the PH when we copy everything from abroad? Its a nice tradition to emulate aside from Christmas, New Year's Day and Easter. I cannot celebrate it on my own because I need to celebrate it with people. Am I that crazy to celebrate on my own? No. Its because holidays unite people.

Today I had my butt kicked. Like shit. I am thankful for tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Money Laundering

What does it mean to launder money? Money earned from illegal activities can be traced through the serial numbers so the need to wash it clean to avoid being caught. Criminals go to prison to serve their sentences. Its why you flush your toilets so that the bowls be clean.

We do not condemn people without knowing their back story so when you realize that you are a criminal, you have to come up with a legitimate business and you go all the way. Look, I am not a judge so you judge yourself because you know yourself the best. Before the police sniffs around and gets you as a fall guy. Halfway doesn't cut it because there is a bridge that links you to your old life. You decide whether you go legit or not. Now is a good time to burn bridges.

"The Bridges of Madison County is a 1992 best-selling novel by Robert James Waller that tells the story of a married but lonely Italian woman living in 1960s Madison County, Iowa. She engages in an affair with a National Geographic photographer from Bellingham, Washington, who is visiting Madison County to create a photographic essay on the covered bridges in the area."

Of course we can easily say that the woman is to blame but unless we have experienced the same situation, we cannot know what really happened or why things happened. I cannot say that I would have done this or that because I have not experienced that I have to choose.

In relationships, monogamy is the best. However in business deals and commerce, the more options is the best for you because you can choose based on your criteria. Why the double standard? I have to think about it.

Its because one woman is already a big headache. How much more two or more women? The law of supply and demand. When you have many women, your resources dwindle that you cannot choose whatever you want. Whereas when you have only one woman, you will be comfortable, happy and contented.

My father married my mother on his second marriage so there its like a wall between us. I never asked him about it but he was often lost in his thoughts. I also wonder that he has left a daughter, my step-sister that I have not met. Do not complicate your lives guys, its best the man sticks to one woman.

I am not saying that divorced people are bad people because there are times it is necessary to separate so in this case, for the peace of mind of all concerned is that you explained it to them. Okay?

"I don't love you but I'll always will. I don't have a choice but I'll still choose you." This can be confusing you know. Instead of being direct about it, the person goes dramatic. Its because romantic people loves drama. Say the police, they wouldn't chase for every crook there is but you give the police a sensational story whether it be big or petty, they gonna go at it like a cat chasing the laser point light.

Friendly Fire

Friendly fires are criticisms from a friend, not necessarily constructive. I tell you why. Friendly fire is you attack friends because they are paralyzed, confused and poisoned. They are paralyzed because they are stagnating so you want them to progress. They are confused because there is mixed signals on which way they wanna go so you make the signals very clear that this is the way. Follow me. They are poisoned because they could have ingested poison or from snake attacks. Attacks can be intentional or not because you could be attacking people unaware so we the people should avoid knee-jerk reactions. And you attack friends to sue for time, make yourself stronger if you know what I mean. You do not. Unless you're a gamer.

A knee-jerk reaction is when the doctor taps the ball hammer to your knee that there is involuntary knee movement. Believe it or not, the Friendly Fire attack is from Digimon World. Thing is you do not attack people unless you are a registered and/or qualified medical doctor. A doctor who cuts and heals.

So earlier today I purchased a book titled Friendly Fire and arranged it in a board game. I learned this from the kid Aimee who shows the process of photographing books in an artsy fartsy way. I mean who does this? The cube letters you can get from the Papemelroti shop.

Q: What does the fart say to the shit?
A: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

It reads in the back cover:

Alaa Al Aswany (author) has won resounding critical acclaim for his deft and moving portrayals of the lives of contemporary Egyptians who constantly examine their relationship with Egypt's history, religion, class, and gender distinctions. In Friendly Fire he once again demonstrates an extraordinary empathy for lost and searching souls as he focuses on the exquisite emotions of everyday life.


Responsible citizens should report anomalies in your communities to the authorities so that they can investigate. Like in the video, the girl is lying immobile in the ground. Her eyes are wide open and not moving. This is an anomaly so you quickly report to the police. Do not judge a book by its cover cause appearances can deceive. In this case, the girl is an anomaly but there are documented cases like this, of people thought dead and already in their coffins but suddenly they come alive.

Its an anomaly that a baby cries so you check if the baby is hungry or the baby needs to change diapers. Its an anomaly that a child works in hard labor instead of playing. Its an anomaly that an adolescent is out of school instead of studying. Its an anomaly that an adult is not working instead of having a career. Its an anomaly that the elderly is still working to support the family instead of being comfortably retired.

There is a hardware company here that changes its name every three months or so. What could be the reason? Tax evasion? In this case there employees are not charged the income tax and they agree to it, they are ignorant of the law, they do not care or they are helpless against it. The company gets away so the government agency should take action.

Its an anomaly that a civilian in civilian clothing, shorts and slippers is directing the traffic instead of the traffic police. Are they mandated by the law?

Its an anomaly that a person get drunk because why do you want to be dazed and confused? One of the symptoms of a drunkard is the skin on the lower extremities gets dark. I mean from the feet to the calf area. Its what I observed from a drunkard who drinks from dusk til dawn.

You have no choice but to feed the baby and change the diapers.

Child stars in the show business is an anomaly but if its not detrimental to the health of the child and the child enjoys it is why not?

There are celebrities who are considered out of school youths because they are working instead of studying. Its fine but you should study because a diploma opens up more options for you. There is an equivalence test that you take to determine your school level so you can start school where they have open university courses that is home-based.

Its well and good that women can be housewives especially when they have responsible and trustworthy husbands.

And its okay for retirees to unretire especially when they enjoy working, they have the unique skills to help the government and its not detrimental to their health.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


This my commentary on the seminar I attended in 2006. Think its worth sharing.

What I learned in Total Quality Management

Quality is a never-ending improvement and stagnation hinders it. If you just sit around, you will be run over. Successful people take more risks. TQM basically identifies the main problem - its causes and effects for possible solutions using different methods or diagrams. TQM can be applied to any field. It can also be applied to an individual. Its just a matter of identifying the main problem and the corresponding solution like what psychologists do.

Something I have noticed in the generation today. They are always on the go. The effect of mass media. They have learned many things in life at such a young age. Sometimes you be surprised listening to a ten-year old speak. Thinking equally the same as you. Quality is never-ending so go, run with the flow. Do not let yourself be run over. But as they say, there are people who run first but finish last. And there are people who run late but gets to the finish line first.

That's what I wrote then and certainly not to be taken at face value. I think what it simply means is it is fine for people to have a go, go and go mentality in terms of accomplishing things. However quality must always be in check. I think that applies to what is happening to the world today - in striving for progress, we leave behind stagnating beliefs.

This is how I write:

Final Fantasy 8 is the story of Squall and Rinoa. They are students in Galbadia and their teacher is Quistis who is quite striking. I know I gone nuts over this game in my 20s. Squall's gang is composed of Selphie who has the nunchaku weapon, Irvine the sniper and Zell the boxer. Rinoa is quite the outsider, I do not remember where she came from but she is also a student. You know how it is in RPG games, you get attached to the characters so that I envisioned myself as Squall. He gets the scar in the forehead from his rival in a gunblade fight who also has his troop. All these guys become good people at the end.

Rinoa is an angel because she has wings and a dog lover because her dog helps her in fights. I actually get jealous cause the punk Zell has faked the wedding ring with Rinoa. The final boss in this fight is a powerful witch, the would-be wife of Professor Cid. Squall is reluctant but he has to lead the young guns to battle the evil and defeat them. That is all.

Stuck In Reverse

So I get an answer that Star Wars is about the wars of the stars. I guess it did not occur to me that there is life in other planets, how much more armies and fighting. I know its fiction, its just farther than the truth than say The Song of Ice and Fire cause the medieval times happened, the ice ages is widely accepted that it has happened. I am not belittling the big franchise of Star Wars okay?

Is the first world war based on War of the Worlds? Why not? I mean what the media writes has an influence on people so be responsible about it.

Wouldn't you guys think that both Benjamin Button and Forrest Gump are autistic? What I want to know is that people mistaken shyness from being autistic? I mean autistic people have sickness from I have seen, they like to spin standing or rolling on the floor. So there is a distinction from being an autistic and an introvert. Introverts are just scared to express themselves, this is not autism right?

So I would think that Benjamin Button has an excellent mind which deteriorated, harmful drugs and drinking alcohol in excess do that to you that your brain is fried. You become a baby. Meanwhile Forrest Gump is sick because he has the symptoms of being an autistic. He remained naive even as he stumbled into riches and lovelife.

1. a naive girl or young woman
2. the stage role of an ingenue; also : an actress playing such a role

Social Media

Good Morning Guys, I know that this is cliche that you teach a person how to fish, the person will not starve anymore because the person will have to fish for his own food. When we feed the homeless people is a short-term solution because the next day, the homeless gonna beg for food again. So we find a lasting solution for poverty because I know that we can sympathize with them, that we all feel hungriness.

I do not hate homeless people but I am wary of them. Its better to err on the side of caution. In a crowded queue line, I usually transfer my wallet from the back pocket to the front. Sure, I have offended the person behind me and the person is not too happy about it but I do not care. I care for my wallet.

For celebrities, your presence alone on social media is a daily inspiration to us people because you are role-models that we pattern our lives on the tracks you have made.

To teach a person how to fish is also to equip them a fishing rod with a hook, line and sinker. And a bait. So its like a loan to start a business. Let's say the person knows how to fish but he always goes home empty-handed, his businesses was a fail. What to do with this person? Its better you take the person under your wing, as a business partner or a part of your employ so you show him how its done personally.

How about the other homeless people? Obviously you cannot help them all so do not feel guilty about the things you cannot do or you are unable to do because we are all limited. Our resources are limited. Our time is limited. On the physical and in spirit. How? We have physical measurements and emotional quotients.

If we understand one another, it means that we have the same EQ. Birds of the same feather are the same birds.

Calling names.

Take care of our environment.

Wake up.

Message received.

Keeping the faith.

New thinking. I know I have shared this before but for the newcomers.
I write an alternate ending.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Star Wars

Hey, you guys Star Wars fans? I would say its not my generation but I have watched one or two films about it. I also have read the autobiography of George Lucas and how he has written the classic, its an amalgamation of all the scifi comics and films he indulged in. I would watch it another time to have a better understanding.

What I know is that there is the fancy light sabers and lances, the iconic yoda, darth vader, luke skywalker, obi wan kenobi, anakin, queen amidala, the storm troopers, r2d2... I know most of the main characters but I do not know what are they about and what are they fighting for.

Yes I know there is swordfighting, that is how Luke's hand gets cut off although they have the technology to repair it and restore to its original state. Reminds me of Game of Thrones in which Jamie of House Lannister gets his arm chopped off. Its his strong hand so he is rendered helpless because what is a swordsman if he cannot handle a sword. Unless he trains his off-hand to be in fighting form. Or use the crossbow.

George R.R. Martin I would guess did not like what happened to Darth Vader so he writes A Song of Ice and Fire to have an alternate ending. I would say he has the contrarian's mind. As such he punishes all the characters that he did not like in Star Wars. Lord Eddard Stark he had the head severed. The red wedding. The Mountain versus The Viper. Jon Snow. He has favorites too cause "technology" means "magic" here so Bolton has as much lives as a cat.

I would say magic is like voodoo but in the negative so its black magic. Haitians have their "religion" called as Vodou now to differentiate from voodoo.

Who here watches "Dancing with the Stars"?

Making Super Babies

Good Morning Guys, Digimons are Digital Monsters, its my favorite game in the PSP and it can be boring and repetitive but when your digimons transform into more powerful ones makes me happy. The Pokemon is more popular but I only watch it on the television and videos.

What I mean is when you are fully grown, you pass superior characteristics into your children. Both parents should be fully grown or else the characteristics will be lost. So if you are man, you look for a woman who matches your characteristics or in the same level as you so you can make super babies.

Pikachu has evolved from the Pichu but I did not see it evolved into the Raicchu. To be clear, its Ash's Pikachu because there are different wild Raicchus in the show. Its because his Pikachu lacks the experience.

I think if Breaking Bad returns to television is they have evolved to another level. Or else do not bother to make sequels. We are talking about comebacks. So we ask if there is clamor for it? Yes there is huge interest in it. Is the story saturated already? I cannot answer this cause I am not involved in harmful drugs. What do you think?

However I know of drug users around me. I have a co-worker who I am certain is a drug user because I found a small square plastic that I know from television that these contains cocaine. What else could it be? So I studied this guy's movements and behavior. He usually have bulging, suspecting eyes. He is wary of the police that a police siren makes him stand at attention and look outside. Right here in our neighborhood, there was an abandoned house across our house and at night, strangers would come and go. Its said that they hold pot sessions in there. Its encouraging that the house was demolished already.

Harmful drugs is a Clear And Present Danger as Tom Clancy tells us in his novel of Jack Ryan.

In the Godfather, there is war among the Mafia bosses because Don Corleone is the traditional gangster involved in gambling and money laundering while the new ones have the harmful drugs to their arsenal. Don Corleone has the legit business in dealing with the olive oil trade.

Harmful drugs further brings in the prostitution ring because they lure women to have addiction so when they have no money to support the bad habit, they become prostitutes.

Why is harmful drugs harmful? There was a meth lab raided by the police here and the plants and vegetation around the place have decayed. Its unnatural. So imagine the destruction it brings to the body.

So to the authorities and the media, do not be sleeping and incompetent.

Its to have a census of who are the people living in your community and what they do for a living. The Barangay captain should know and discuss problematic areas to the District Councilors. If the Councilor is not powerful enough, he informs the mayor, the governor and so on. I mean, take your house example, you are wary of homeless people near your place cause they are generally dangerous cause they are desperate.

Hey guys, they say the song is about werewolves which are questionable if they really exist, I mean a shape-shifter like the Teen Wolf. I thought it clear that the song is about MOBS. However the infamous legend of Jack the Ripper also fits the bill.

Jack the Ripper is the best known name given to an unidentified serial killer generally believed to have been active in the largely impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of London in 1888. The name "Jack the Ripper" originated in a letter written by someone claiming to be the murderer that was disseminated in the media. The letter is widely believed to have been a hoax, and may have been written by journalists in an attempt to heighten interest in the story and increase their newspapers' circulation. The killer was called "the Whitechapel Murderer" as well as "Leather Apron" within the crime case files, as well as in contemporary journalistic accounts

Yes I would think that the Media intends to profit, its a business after all but I would think that scarying people off the streets is their intention to have curfews same as old folks who will tell stories of werewolves and vampires to the young ones so they do not go out the house at night. Then the olds tell of fairy tales.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Private schools have what you call as "Immersion" when they have field trips, social activities or as simple as riding a jeepney. Its because these students are the rich kids thsheltered from the outside world so to speak. How do I know this? I have read this from social media. So immersion can be physical and in spirit. I think the good practices we have to experience in the spiritual and physical.

Breaking Bad is immersion into the world of harmful drugs. We do not have to experience dealing with it in real life. Its unhealthy and its gets badder and badder. Because of necessity, Walter Sr. entered the drug business. He gets to kill people so that he can stay afloat.

In the same way that we immerse the impoverished people in the world, show them the good things in life through visits, social media, television and videos that they can see hope to better themselves and their family.

These are films about lawyers that I know, the first two are the tweetums romcoms and the Rainmaker is kind of like Erin Brockovich, only more serious.

Guys, if you want to make a difference, study the law. I know lawyering is not for all people but at least know something about the law cause it helps you knowing what are your rights and other people's rights.

Babies have the right to be babies. They cry because they are separated from the mother's umbilical cord from which the baby feels warmth, care and comfort aside from the nutrients they get. So the rights of babies is to be given back food, cloth and shelter. They are to be loved. What babies should realize is that the separation is for their own good. The baby thinks that being inside the womb is forever but it is not. Cause if the baby stays there more than it should, then both the baby and the mother will be in danger for their lives. You have to explain this to the baby okay? How you say? Of course in a way the baby understands the Closing Cycles.

Children have the right to be children. They will still cry because they still wanted to be babied but you should tell them that being a baby is not forever. Because if the children stays to behave like a baby the children's growth and learning will stagnate. The parents will be affected when the children grows up to be lazy, spoiled and dependent adolescents. Children are allowed to play, learn and have small responsibilities like taking care of a pet and helping in light house chores. Parents meanwhile should teach them the values that they can understand and when is the right time to play, learn and help. You encourage them to talk and express themselves. You do not whip them physically but you can scold them for discipline.

Adolescents have the right to be adolescents. They also cry because they wanted to be babies, children and adults. Adolescents should still play but more emphasis on the learning and physical work because their mind and body is conditioned for it. This to prepare them for adulthood who are fully grown in body and soul.

Adults have the right to be adults. Adults are fully grown learned individuals who have careers so they are ready for a serious relationship. If you are not learned and/or you do not have careers, you are not fully grown. You are learned when you know the true meaning of the laws. Grow up people. Men should chase women. And women should wait for the right time to be chased. Homosexuals are not to marry. No complaining guys because you are under the law. Actually when you have malicious thoughts when you get to puberty or adolescence is you are already under the law because you are not innocent anymore.

The elderly has elderly rights. That is why there are laws for senior citizens to have discounts and convenience because their physical body is not the same anymore. So save for old age. Their minds are like adults so they can still learn, teach and discipline people.

Personal Hygiene

Hi Guys, I cut the hair in my armpits and I think its not a good idea cause those are like toilets and garbage bins that collects sweat. And odor. You flush toilets and garbage bins are emptied into garbage trucks because it is smelly. This is why you have to shower before going to sleep and physical activities that made you perspire a lot. Because when you douse perfume and deodorants to your armpits, the pores will be clogged. However, the sweat finds its way out in your chest, forehead and the back. The armpits are natural sweat passage ways so its best also for women to not shave the hair in their armpits. I mean you look so fine but are you smelly?

So do not apply perfume and deodorant in your armpits. You put perfume in places where there are few pores like the place near the ears, on your inside wrists up to the elbow bend and I guess find where there is little or no hair.

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Good Morning, who here watches Suits? Its the main character accidentally meets a protege. Its about the law and the people who works in the firm are graduates from Harvard. The protege is not a Harvard grad but they forged it.

Film photography is basically moving pictures so when you want to learn photography, you can make screencaps of videos to see their technique.

Its nice to have proteges. Makes your work easier cause when you develop people, you develop yourself. You learn from each other. Not the illegal ways because as we know, things ended up badly for Walter White and Jesse , his protege. Why? Because cooking meth is illegal they always hiding and there is distrust between them. Walter's marriage also fell apart and his relationship with Walter Jr. became sour. Its because Walter Sr. has terminal cancer and he wanted to support his family even after he is gone. I know its a very bad predicament especially for a devoted husband but you do not use this as an excuse to be breaking bad. What is wrong with asking for help? You repay their kindness when you are well enough. Skyler is a strong woman and she would be fine raising their children on her own.

Why? Because that is natural female behavior, women take care of their children.

Biopics are 60 to 90% of the true story but you get the idea. They call it cinematic license so that directors can spin the film to entertain the people. They will make you laugh and cry.

Coordination Meetings

Hi Folks, communication is a two-way thing so we do that through coordination meetings. Coordination is the people move as one towards a common goal. Say in driving and swimming, you need the proper eye, body, hand and feet coordination to advance. I want to learn how to swim, I guess its not too late to learn something new.

Meetings are universal so the attendees are the top dawgs. As it should be. In construction, we have the Manager's meeting and Subcontractor's meeting. The Manager's meeting is where the main contractor meets the owners, consultants, designers and architects to discuss the project activities, schedule and revisions. Then the main contractor conducts a separate sub-contractor's meeting. Subcontractors are your tradespeople who are owners and supervisors. You cannot be onion-skinned here because you are working on an important project with your peers. In short, you must deliver when you are being grilled.

The one who presides over these meetings and asks the questions is a chairman or a chairwoman. We are for gender equality. There is a secretary to write the happenings in the meetings. Meetings begin with the chairperson introducing the people. There is annoyance to late-comers so do not be late. After the introductions, we go to business. The chairperson has the topics outlined and proceeds to explain the project details and the questioning. What are the concerns? What are the resources you need? What is your timetable? Give me a date. It depends on the weight of the activity so the subcontractor can either answer right-away or be undecided so you give the subcontractor the time to think about it and agree on when you can give the answer as soon as possible. Because this is serious things we talk about. Do not forget the food and drinks. Then the meeting concludes when the topics and the concerns of subcontractors are discussed and documented. The next week is you are accountable for what you said in this meeting.


Friday, November 20, 2015


No more what ifs. The past is past. Can you do something about it? What can you do? Are you a time-traveler? Why do you pee? Its natural so do not overthink. You just learn from it. Okay?

What I learned is if you cannot take the heat then you should get out of the kitchen, you are not fit to be a master chef. Its because you are in position that is why you are getting the heat.

Calling Names

Hey Guys, have you met people with funny names? I had a boss named Mr. Pee. He is Malaysian and I would think it not so funny to him and the people there because English is his third language, knowing Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia. For me, it makes me chuckle because pee is funny. I would think its funniest to natural english speakers. If not, they have no sense of humor. Then I had a Project Manager named Chang Fok Kwek. Don't you think the Chinese have the funniest names or what?

I am contemplating where park originates, is it English or Korean? What does Ped Xing means to you? Sounds chinese right? Its actually an abbreviation of Pedestrian Crossing. Why are citizens of the USA called Americans while the rest of the countries in North and South America are known from their country names? Christopher Columbus was said to be the discoverer of America but they are named after Amerigo Vespucci. Its a funny name if you ask me. In the same line as a Pokemon. I see the point in not bothering to change the names like the Philippines was colonized by Spain and named it Las Islas Filipinas. We did not bothered to rename the country. Why? I would think its a hassle.

I know that the USA is the United States of America okay? My point is are you also from the North and South Americas? What of Australia is an island country and continent is more united.

Its because good people unite. Homeless people and lack of toilets is not a monopoly of India, we also have that problem here and I would guess in all countries with varying degree. So we not here to diss people, we are here to find a solution.

I've been around the far-flung provinces here in the Luzon island and the urban jungle of Metro Manila. Urinating rarely is a problem for me because I find places and ways to urinate. I would search for gas stations, mini-grocery stores, shopping malls, restaurants, government offices and private compounds and buildings. If you haven't got these structures, its time the government officials, businessmen and entrepreneurs build your countries, towns and communities.

Its healthy for the town to have parks and have public toilets in it. One of the best parks I have seen is there is a lake inside it because its romantic and you can go fishing.