Monday, November 23, 2015

Star Wars

Hey, you guys Star Wars fans? I would say its not my generation but I have watched one or two films about it. I also have read the autobiography of George Lucas and how he has written the classic, its an amalgamation of all the scifi comics and films he indulged in. I would watch it another time to have a better understanding.

What I know is that there is the fancy light sabers and lances, the iconic yoda, darth vader, luke skywalker, obi wan kenobi, anakin, queen amidala, the storm troopers, r2d2... I know most of the main characters but I do not know what are they about and what are they fighting for.

Yes I know there is swordfighting, that is how Luke's hand gets cut off although they have the technology to repair it and restore to its original state. Reminds me of Game of Thrones in which Jamie of House Lannister gets his arm chopped off. Its his strong hand so he is rendered helpless because what is a swordsman if he cannot handle a sword. Unless he trains his off-hand to be in fighting form. Or use the crossbow.

George R.R. Martin I would guess did not like what happened to Darth Vader so he writes A Song of Ice and Fire to have an alternate ending. I would say he has the contrarian's mind. As such he punishes all the characters that he did not like in Star Wars. Lord Eddard Stark he had the head severed. The red wedding. The Mountain versus The Viper. Jon Snow. He has favorites too cause "technology" means "magic" here so Bolton has as much lives as a cat.

I would say magic is like voodoo but in the negative so its black magic. Haitians have their "religion" called as Vodou now to differentiate from voodoo.

Who here watches "Dancing with the Stars"?

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