Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Night Night

Hi Guys I am here to talk about the best conditions for studying is to satisfy the five senses which means a small distraction like there are waves in the sea when the ship crosses. That you need friction so that you can walk, jog and run. I would not suggest the television because it totally takes your attention but rather a indoor water pond with waterfalls so you can see the water flows and ripples in circles and you can add instrumental music. You also wear comfortable clothes in a comfortable feel. Not too hot, not too cold. You can also have a light snack and a drink. And the sweet smell of candles and oil essences.

I would suggest further that women should not wear short shorts outside the house because it is distracting. Let's say for example, the woman has an irritable husband and they go out on a date. The wife wears short shorts and say there fools who would whistle and make catcalls, the woman would be putting her husband in dilemma because he would act macho and stuff because he is with her wife. I mean what's a man to do? Don't you agree?

When men whistle and make catcalls at women is they think of women as trophy wives and girlfriends. So when a sexy, beautiful woman notices that a man is interested at her but is not whistling at her is do no be insecure about it. He does not know how to whistle. How does a woman know that a man is interested to meet her? Women know it.

One day there was frog school where there is a master frog testing his student frogs. The command is the students are to climb non-stop up the 25ft high tree. So off they go, some frogs fell at the slippery trunk and branches. The master shouts, come down its dangerous, so some others climbed down. At the top it becomes swaying and one small frog remained, determined despite the master's command to come down. He reached the summit, climbed down and the master congratulated him. The master told his other students that they should emulate the frog for having courage, obedience and smarts because the first command supersedes the next commands. The small frog student was speechless and has the master puzzled. One of the frog students said, Master, he cannot understand you because he is deaf. This story was told me by my Project Manager in Malaysia.

I beg to disagree though because I often communicate in MY using sign language and gestures.

The moral of the story is when you are looking for directions, you be attentive and understand what it means. Do not just nod and say ya ya as if you know the map.


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