Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Stuck In Reverse

So I get an answer that Star Wars is about the wars of the stars. I guess it did not occur to me that there is life in other planets, how much more armies and fighting. I know its fiction, its just farther than the truth than say The Song of Ice and Fire cause the medieval times happened, the ice ages is widely accepted that it has happened. I am not belittling the big franchise of Star Wars okay?

Is the first world war based on War of the Worlds? Why not? I mean what the media writes has an influence on people so be responsible about it.

Wouldn't you guys think that both Benjamin Button and Forrest Gump are autistic? What I want to know is that people mistaken shyness from being autistic? I mean autistic people have sickness from I have seen, they like to spin standing or rolling on the floor. So there is a distinction from being an autistic and an introvert. Introverts are just scared to express themselves, this is not autism right?

So I would think that Benjamin Button has an excellent mind which deteriorated, harmful drugs and drinking alcohol in excess do that to you that your brain is fried. You become a baby. Meanwhile Forrest Gump is sick because he has the symptoms of being an autistic. He remained naive even as he stumbled into riches and lovelife.

1. a naive girl or young woman
2. the stage role of an ingenue; also : an actress playing such a role

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