Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Fighting The Pirates

Hello Guys, today is my commentary on the articles from Reader's Digest dated April 2002 about how investigators are taking on Asia's counterfeiters - The Fake Busters and The Hidden Cost Of Piracy. Here are some quotes from it:

"You name it, someone in Asia will copy it. Can a new breed of private counterfeit-fighters stem the growing tide? Piracy is carried out by organised syndicates with powerful patrons in government or armed forces. This brand only came out only last month and already they're counterfeiting it."

At the whole China has the most number of counterfeiters and their leaders are losing sleep over it. The big companies are losing 20 percent of profits. The cost of pirated materials in China amounts to 16 billion USD, plus the inflation from 2002. In Southeast Asia, flight is their style to evade the authorities. The fakers fake everything from high-end to bottom end products.

Since the governments in Asia are helpless against it, the big private companies hire international detectives to track down the fakers, have an army of lawyers, ex-police investigators and ex-military men skilled in special operations.

As we see in movies, the fakers are being tipped off by their influential connection so they can escape. The only way for piracy to be contained is to remove the connections in government offices.

How about piracy in the internet? How easy is it for me to download new songs, videos and ebooks for free? One minute to one hour for the songs and ebooks. How? I know Google and Yahoo are search engines so they are indirectly involved with sharing because I find forums and sites through them. I also get digital copies from friends and co-workers.

Thing is I rarely read ebooks because it hurts my eyes. The songs and videos are the usual ones I illegally download. What do you suggest the solution? It is to change your habits. You listen to your favorite radio stations. You watch old movies on the television channels like HBO, Star and the like. You watch new films at the theaters. I know. There has got to be sterner methods.

Its to have a One Republic.

Good governance unites in love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

While illegals distrust each other because of hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.

If there's a will, there's a way. You use their harmful qualities against themselves. Good cops can play good cops and bad cops to get these illegals.

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