Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Money Laundering

What does it mean to launder money? Money earned from illegal activities can be traced through the serial numbers so the need to wash it clean to avoid being caught. Criminals go to prison to serve their sentences. Its why you flush your toilets so that the bowls be clean.

We do not condemn people without knowing their back story so when you realize that you are a criminal, you have to come up with a legitimate business and you go all the way. Look, I am not a judge so you judge yourself because you know yourself the best. Before the police sniffs around and gets you as a fall guy. Halfway doesn't cut it because there is a bridge that links you to your old life. You decide whether you go legit or not. Now is a good time to burn bridges.

"The Bridges of Madison County is a 1992 best-selling novel by Robert James Waller that tells the story of a married but lonely Italian woman living in 1960s Madison County, Iowa. She engages in an affair with a National Geographic photographer from Bellingham, Washington, who is visiting Madison County to create a photographic essay on the covered bridges in the area."

Of course we can easily say that the woman is to blame but unless we have experienced the same situation, we cannot know what really happened or why things happened. I cannot say that I would have done this or that because I have not experienced that I have to choose.

In relationships, monogamy is the best. However in business deals and commerce, the more options is the best for you because you can choose based on your criteria. Why the double standard? I have to think about it.

Its because one woman is already a big headache. How much more two or more women? The law of supply and demand. When you have many women, your resources dwindle that you cannot choose whatever you want. Whereas when you have only one woman, you will be comfortable, happy and contented.

My father married my mother on his second marriage so there its like a wall between us. I never asked him about it but he was often lost in his thoughts. I also wonder that he has left a daughter, my step-sister that I have not met. Do not complicate your lives guys, its best the man sticks to one woman.

I am not saying that divorced people are bad people because there are times it is necessary to separate so in this case, for the peace of mind of all concerned is that you explained it to them. Okay?

"I don't love you but I'll always will. I don't have a choice but I'll still choose you." This can be confusing you know. Instead of being direct about it, the person goes dramatic. Its because romantic people loves drama. Say the police, they wouldn't chase for every crook there is but you give the police a sensational story whether it be big or petty, they gonna go at it like a cat chasing the laser point light.

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